Спасибо u/yadayadayadarv за указание на это! Слушайте звук, начиная с :20 секунд до: 50 секунд в том клипе, который был в кругах. У Груша очень особенная интонация, и он делает паузу с «аааа», за это время он делает это примерно 3 раза. У него особый речевой паттерн, который трудно скрыть даже с помощью модуляции. Теперь послушайте его вступительные заявления [here at the start from :10 to :35](https://youtu.be/lcrCMLVk614) он делает точно такие же перегибы, как и в искаженном звуке! Послушайте их подряд, как только вы узнаете вокальные партии в его голосе, модуляция не скроет, что это он. Почему/как у RegicideAnon могло быть видео, которое озвучивал Груш??? Редактировать: [this is the WW2 Archive Footage I am referring to](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15nslal/ww2_archive_footage_of_flying_saucer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Edit2: u/VeterinarianLegal7 указал, что его T также звучат одинаково. Во вступительных заявлениях на 1:08 вы можете услышать, как он заканчивает «Current», и это заканчивается очень похоже на то, как он заканчивает «It» и «Compensate» на :35 в архивных кадрах. Edit3: Влияют ли голоса вверх/вниз на видимость сообщений? Я только спрашиваю, с тех пор, как я опубликовал это почти час назад, он сидел на 0, что довольно странно, что за него так сильно проголосовали? EDIT4: Хорошо, так что это немного странно, и я признаю, что это очень похоже на фольгу, но я чувствую, что должен указать на это: [Here is David Grusch’s resume](https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf) Обратите внимание, что в то время, когда это видео было выпущено, и примерно в то же время, когда Произошел MH370, Дэвид: июль 2014 г. – декабрь 2016 г., адъюнкт-профессор Школы безопасности и глобальных исследований Американской системы государственных университетов (APUS) • Профессор бакалавриата, разрабатывающий технические курсы и планы программ. Проведенные экспертами курсы по направлению «Исследования разведки», включающие анализ открытых источников/социальных сетей, анализ сигналов и изображений, а также методы исследования. Декабрь 2013 г. – март 2016 г., начальник отдела интеграции разведывательной информации Программы космической безопасности и обороны (SSDP), Рестон, штат Вирджиния (действительная служба ВВС США) • Ведущий офицер военной разведки директора SSDP, член Высшей исполнительной службы (SES), консультирующий заместитель министра обороны (DEPSECDEF), первый заместитель директора национальной разведки (PDDNI) и Совет национальной безопасности (СНБ). Координация конфиденциальной деятельности по сбору данных Multi-INT и моделированию/симуляции для поддержки целей национальной космической безопасности и передовых программ ГЯП. Руководитель разведки SSDP по стендапу Национального центра космической обороны (NSDC). Возможно, во время учебы в университете он анализировал и восстанавливал архивные кадры Второй мировой войны? Чтобы проверить это, нам нужно найти кого-то, кто знал его примерно в то время, чтобы подтвердить или опровергнуть, что он говорил об этом ранее. Второе, что мне запомнилось, это «Координация конфиденциальной деятельности по сбору данных Multi-INT и моделирование/симуляция для поддержки целей национальной космической безопасности и передовых программ ГЯП». Я знаю, что из-за недавнего видео MH370 люди говорят, что если это БЫЛО мистификацией, то это должно было быть создано кем-то с военным доступом и очень дорогим и сложным оборудованием. Возможно, то же самое оборудование используется для моделирования и имитации целей космической безопасности и программ ГЯП? Может быть, это воссоздание события, которое правительство не видело, но которому сказали, что оно возможно? Edit5: Я знаю, что многие спрашивают, откуда мы знаем, что озвучка не была добавлена в последнее время, к сожалению, ссылка на видео на странице RegicideAnon в веб-архиве не работает, однако была найдена другая ссылка на то же видео, которое было размещено в Facebook на Сентябрь 2015 года, включая озвучку: https://www.facebook.com/ufovni/videos/ww2-archive-footage-of-flying-saucer/510648672443495/ Спасибо u/otadiz за перевод описания к видео: «Следующее видео было конфисковано из Военно-исторического музея Кадьяк 7 сентября 1993 года (закадровый голос на видео действительно говорил 7 ноября 1993 года). Первоначально коллекция оценок была подарена без записи даты или источника записи. На видео можно увидеть, как НЛО летит низко над островом вместе с самолетами, приближающимися к взлетно-посадочной полосе. Место и дата съемок неизвестны». Интересно, что информация о музее и коллекциях вообще не упоминается в клипе, что позволяет предположить, что это либо отрывок из более длинного видео, либо плакат «Паранормальное» каким-то образом получил больше информации вместе с клипом. Окончательное редактирование: я знаю, что некоторые люди в настоящее время изучают звук с помощью профессиональных программ, поэтому, надеюсь, скоро у нас будут конкретные доказательства, если голоса совпадают, однако я хочу оставить вас всех и всех, кто наткнется на ветку, с этот последний бит; проверьте следующие два раздела и оцените сами, звучит ли это «но» точно так же. : 42–: 46 архивных кадров Второй мировой войны 27: 44–27: 46 [of the NewsNation Interview](https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/we-are-not-alone-the-ufo-whistleblower-speaks/amp/) Пожалуйста, продолжайте фантастическую дискуссию и, как всегда, не забывайте поддерживать к представителям вашего штата в Конгрессе, чтобы они продолжали оказывать давление на раскрытие информации! Мы все заслуживаем правды на благо человечества.
Thanks for putting my post out in a way that mods would accept. I had two attempts pulled, unsure of why.
Back up everything people
I thought this was going to be a major stretch, but I really do hear it as being him. That’s fucking crazy and a good catch OP.
If it is indeed his voice, it sounds like «he» could have distributed this to some people he was working with so they could view it hence the technical narration. Perhaps leaked by someone else and unbeknownst to «DG».
This is absolutely fucking insane.
Also if this was DG
The theory that MH370 video being recorded in a SCIF makes way too much sense
I mean, everyone said real stuff was dropping soon. If this is Grusch, then the airliner videos likely are too. He would have been in a position to get them out and he has a strong moral compass, I can easily see him not being able to just shut up about it.
Wow. You know what. I actually can’t unhear it now 😳
To everyone that says that we can’t focus on both the mh370 videos and Grusch so move on from the videos…. What if they are both the same subject as this references? Wild wild times if this is the case.
My theory is Elizondo is Regicide and Grusch gave him these videos.
They did say if you knew who reganon was you’d believe the video… crazy
Oh shit yes I can’t unhear it now
This is nuts. The implications are huge
Why so few comments and upvotes on this post? This sounds an awful lot like Grusch narrating this video and that’s coming from a skeptic of the MH370 video.
If grusch has played along with getting the clearances and filled out the papers and done everything right to be taken seriously to air this out in front of congress I don’t think he’d put a lazy filter on his voice and put it out on YouTube. A big problem he had was with the stigma of entertaining the idea of UFOs
I knew I recognized that voice. I thought it was Elizondo at first but I think you’re right that it’s Grusch.
When I brought this idea up last week someone immediately told me the idea of tracking the voice was stupid and it’s just some dumb kid.
Fuckin’ got Elgin’d lol.
Fun fact about autistic people from an autistic person whose hyperfocus is autism:
Autistic speech patterns are like signatures. Autistic people have very unique speech patterns that are dead giveaways. If I were to distort my voice, you would be able to identify me by my «tells» . Our speaking patterns are abrupt and do not flow the same way as allistic people.
They also vastly differ in every autistic person. There’s no homogeneous autistic accent. Each one of us just speaks uniquely, albeit with some similar tendencies. These include: a staccato flow (stop and start rather than smooth and flowing), strange inflections, precise diction.
Grusch is autistic and has an autism accent (sorry if that offends people but I can say it lmao). That is full stop him. Holy shit.
You wouldn’t be able to hide Christopher Walken’s voice using that voice modulator just like you can’t hide Grusch’s specific speaking patterns. Either someone’s impersonating him or it’s him or there’s someone who is his voice doppleganger.
This is absolutely insane if true.
**Regarding the «how we know the voiceover wasn’t added recently» question:**
[This website](https://filmot.com/sidebyside/wDtOArRMAws/auto.en/auto.en/English+%28auto-generated%29/English+%28auto-generated%29/WW2+Archive+Footage+of+Flying+Saucer) archived the metadata from the «WW2 Archive Footage of Flying Saucer» video from RegicideAnon’s account specifically, including the auto-generated transcript. So while we cannot watch RegicideAnon’s WW2 video, we can confirm the transcript of the video uploaded to RegicideAnon’s account matches the audio from the WW2 video circulating now.
*Based on the transcript it appears to be the same audio/narration.*
***However, we also know the video was 95 seconds long from the meta-data***, which you can get from putting into the site at [this link](https://mattw.io/youtube-metadata/). You can also see the video run time listed as «1:36» on the [archived YouTube page of his channel](https://web.archive.org/web/20140827012737/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgFXWVfpQYpOw0lRNGsYbbQ) (even though the video isn’t available). The «WW2 Archive Footage of Flying Saucer» videos linked above are only 75 seconds long (1 minute 15 seconds, or 1 minute 16 seconds), so it would appear 20 seconds are missing, or perhaps the video was sped up when reposted?
This may be important, as some people have said it sounds like Grusch based on the «fast manner in which he speaks» (but if the video is sped up, the speed of speech is not correct. Perhaps someone should slow it back down to 1:36 and see if it still sounds like Grusch?)
**It appears at least the first several seconds of the video uploaded by regicideAnon are missing.** We can determine this because if you read the [archived auto-generated transcript](https://filmot.com/sidebyside/wDtOArRMAws/auto.en/auto.en/English+%28auto-generated%29/English+%28auto-generated%29/WW2+Archive+Footage+of+Flying+Saucer) of the video from fllmot it starts off «according to this country’s intake form it was confiscated from the Korean military History Museum on the 7th of November in 1993» however in the reposted video it starts with «7th of November in 1993». The re-post removed the part saying «according to this country’s intake form it was confiscated from the Korean military History Museum on the.» This may be an attempt to hide the videos origins when re-posted? We also can see, based on the meta-data from the video, that the auto-transcription might contain an error. Per the video description, it’s not the «korean military museum,» it’s the «kodiak military museum», as we can see in the meta-data below… however the date there says September 1993 and the date in the audio transcription is November 1993. Weird. So, not entirely sure which is correct. The «based on this countries intake form» is also a notable statement — does that mean it came through customs?
Meta data below:
«id»: «wDtOArRMAws»,
«uploaddate»: «2014-06-25»,
«duration»: 95,
«title»: «WW2 Archive Footage of Flying Saucer»,
«channelid»: «UCgFXWVfpQYpOw0lRNGsYbbQ»,
«channelname»: «RegicideAnon»,
«description»: «Flying Saucer flies adjacent to aircraft as it approaches landing strip. nnSource: Confiscated from Kodiak Military History Museum 7 Sept 1993. Originally donated with a collection of inconsequential archived footage on an unrecorded date.nPosted: 25 June 2014nRecording date/location: Unknown»
**RegicideAnon’s description says the video was «*****Confiscated from Kodiak Military History Museum 7 Sept 1993*****.»** That museum appears to be [this museum](http://www.kadiak.org/museum/museum.html). They do have a contact page. I wonder if they’d answer questions about if this video was really confiscated from them in 1993, and if so, why, and by whom?
EDIT: Found the full video, complete with the 1:36 duration! Link here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFFCPfb8Nog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFFCPfb8Nog) it does have the part about «confiscated from the Kodiak history museum» at the beginning! This video is better to use when comparing/doing analysis as the other one posted on Reddit is truncated.
David, why oh why didn’t you just use a text to speech program? If this is you, they’re coming after you for the drone footage. Get your dead man switch ready man, we’re behind you.
Certifiably fucking insane. I was telling a friend today I didn’t think it was a coincidence that the jetliner video resurfaced shortly after the congressional hearings.
For the record, we’re 4 hours in on this and it’s at 202 post karma and 204 comments. Guys, spread this to /x/ and such, it needs more push to overcome the glowbots.
I’m a little dramatic and pretty gullible but this sub over the last 4 or 5 days has been one of the most amazing things play out. The plane video and all the investigating has made so many smaller details start to seem to make so much sense. Honestly it’s the feeling I always try to get from scary movies but it doesn’t work. The feeling of your blood running cold. This is frightening in a big “bad news coming” kind of way. Whether anything happens or not, this ride has been worth it!
Huh. Interesting yes, I can hear the parallels as well. Impossible to be sure, but a really astute observation
Hey man, I just want to say thanks for taking the time and making this post. Very interesting! Post like this are why i come back.
If that fucking video is real
Humanity is fucking cooked
Numerous EXTREMELY NEW accounts in this post trying to hand wave this away in the comment section.
Not saying this is confirmed completely to be Grusch but it sure sounds like him, and accounts with less than 50 karma spamming this thread saying IT COULD BE ANYONE. Really think we might be hovering right over it here and they are trying to mass downvote and manipulate people here.
If this is DG then he’s a grandmaster at 4D chess… Wow
I thought this seemed a bit of a reach, but… damn… 😳 This is getting crazy.
This feels like 1999 all over again right before Phantom menace came out…all the theory crafting is wild..I love it
Holy shit. It certainly does sound a lot like his speaking style. He has a very unique way of delivering his sentences and I can hear his voice saying this in my head.
Of course, that doesn’t prove anything, but it is eerie.
For all the people unaware, stylomtry is a real discipline
. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylometry
OP the vocal cadence is uncanny. I’m convinced he is RegicideAnon.
For those unaware, regicide means the action of killing a king. What king? The king of secrets, the military industrial complex, the USG baby.
Bro, if RegicideAnon is David Grush that is a massive bombshell!
What if Grusch was in charge of the disinformation campaign? Perhaps that’s why he was called in to analyze this stuff. Did he work in “modeling and simulation”? His physics background would come in handy for making fakes. Maybe he just finds this disinformation campaign unethical and that’s why he’s coming forward like this.
In any case, this is getting mudddddy
Holy shit I think you’re right. I definitely hear it.
>Do Up/Downvotes affect post visibility? I only ask since from when I posted this almost an hour ago it has sat at 0, which is kinda strange that it’s being downvoted so heavily?
Yes. If your post doesn’t get traction pretty quick, the bots can keep it downvoted to 0 and it won’t show up for most people (all?). This is how they slide posts that have good content. This one seems to be catching on but definitely not as fast as it should (37 votes presently), given that it intersects the two hottest topics on the sub. I suspect heavy downvoting to try to shut it down still. They have no option but to try, this is the info that blows it open I think.
I posted this as a joke the other day, but now it’s a bit more disturbing. David Grusch’s dad name is Regis, the name of the YouTube account associated with that video is Regicide. Only 409 people have the name Regi in America, and 1.3 people in every 100,000 have the name Regis in America.
Did David Grusch create this account and use his dad’s name to create the handle RegicideAnon?
This is getting weirder every day
Just absolutely incredible if true. I’m having trouble going to bed now!!!
Good stuff OP. Great fucking shit. Gonna read through here real quick but I got some details to add if they’re left out
Nah get this shit up there we need someone who knows how to figure this out
I just laughed out loud listening to the WWII footage
A. I’ve never seen that until this week
B. That’s totally his cadence and voice being modulated.
I don’t even know what to think now
This is fucking real. I’m commenting here to be part of what may be the last few years of human history