UAP замечен в Чубуте, Аргентина

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Эль-Эскориал — небольшой живописный городок на севере Чубута, в котором проживает менее 100 человек. Местный житель сфотографировал огромный и странный объект, появившийся в небе, и вскоре он стал вирусным. Источник (на испанском языке): un-ovni-que-impacto-a-todos/%3foutputType=amp

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35 комментарий для “UAP замечен в Чубуте, Аргентина”
  1. I’d have to see this in live action because even a video I feel could be faked and I can’t go by a photo. So basically at this point while the pictures are interesting and videos are very good i wish I could see one in person.

    It leads up back to this point of is it real and how can we prove it?

  2. I have seen this sub go from honest discussion to “I believe every single photo and video posted without exception” over the course of about 2 years.

    Thanks for posting OP, but I wish some other commenters here would take a few seconds to critically think. Pretty sure a lot of y’all didn’t even click the link you’re just convinced from the thumbnail lmao

  3. Wow that is fukin good. There has been a couple shocking captures coming out of south America this past week. There was one right above a tree line and it is right there and the camera tracks it for a while. This is starting to scare me. Someone who wants this and expected it for years is now saying this

  4. El Escorial is a small and picturesque town in the north of Chubut, which has less than 100 inhabitants. A local resident took a photo of a huge and strange object that appeared in the sky and it didn’t take long for it to go viral.

  5. It should be stated clearly. A great way to discredit someone is to get rid of them, hire a bum to be him and give the imposter a sketchy story about what happened and plenty of liquor. Oh, and a clearly bogus “artifact”. So we’re to believe that the government took everything except for a bracelet from the Star Trek convention. No, of course not. Pretty much draws its own conclusion.

  6. What if they are us, from the future. Sometimes, they return to visit and observe us, but they can not interact directly because it can mess with the universes stability, so instead, they do it covertly. The abduction phenomenon is a program to make sure the health of certain people and to preserve the genes of the species that will be very important to future events. Some human sources are aware of the coming cataclysm that will wipe out most of all life on the earth and make the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs look like child’s play. Some of these people are taking measures to go off world before rhe event takes plac and wait out the esrths recovery and this is actually how we were able to do it before. We partially colonized Mars and found a way to live there in our future after the event. Now, we have come back to try to guide ourselves into the future again. Why would we come back? Maybe its because something has gone wrong in their future, and some of them are here to make sure we don’t get off the world and save the species. Maybe there is some conflict of interest among their leaders that has decided to let humanity to its own demise, and this timeline to end. While the others want to preserve our future as they did for theirs.

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