Крис Меллон: Плана нет. Нет «почему сейчас?». Все это разоблачение строится не сверху вниз, а снизу вверх активистами-ренегатами, которые хотели донести правду.

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления
jFYZuFJYX7rtkxhk 2g87InCCBUY3vRwKStRbYn TYc

jFYZuFJYX7rtkxhk 2g87InCCBUY3vRwKStRbYn TYc

Крис Меллон: Плана нет. Нет «почему сейчас?». Все это разоблачение строится не сверху вниз, а снизу вверх активистами-ренегатами, которые хотели донести правду.

Chris Mellon: There is no plan. There is no «why now?». This whole disclosure is built not from top down but from bottom up by renegade activists who wanted to get the truth out.
byu/TommyShelbyPFB inUFOs

От admin

41 комментарий для “Крис Меллон: Плана нет. Нет «почему сейчас?». Все это разоблачение строится не сверху вниз, а снизу вверх активистами-ренегатами, которые хотели донести правду.”
  1. Grusch says in his interview that hes coming forward because he doesnt want to think what he coulda or shoulda done when hes 60-70 years old. Dont think theres some calamity driving disclosure if hes talking about what he’ll be thinking in old age.

  2. I think some people need to hear this because I’m reading a lot of concern about «why now?» and «what do they know?»

    This whole thing was brought to us by a group of renegade former officials who wanted to get the truth out. And it has all culminated in this moment where the dam of secrecy is ready to burst. There’s no larger plan from the government or any specific reason they’re doing this now.

    The host at the end of the video says «let’s see where are in a year».

    This video is a year old. We’ve come a long way. Thanks in large part to people like Chris.

  3. Chris Mellon, Lue Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, Ross Coulthart, Leslie Blumenthal, etc. are all goated in my book. Without their efforts we’d still totally in the dark. Before 2017 I had not given the subject a second thought, but now I’m all in.

  4. I’ve been saying this for so long. This is a grassroots movement that got the attention of congress and the Senate purely because the evidence is credible and bountiful if you have the clearances. So tired of people asking

    > Why is the government doing this

    There’s no such thing as «the government».

  5. Ummm… I have a huge respect for Chris and he is probably No. 1 reason why it happened, but it depends how you look at it.

    It’s not a secret that it’s a bunch of insiders working together in an informal network. They’ve been quite open about it. Tom DeLonge specifically said at the TTSA launch, «a plan has been put in place», and all of them were sitting there nodding along.

    It’s true that it was not initiated by the top of the executive branch, but the informal DC networks are too powerful to categorise them as a grassroot association. Which is why the results are vastly different.

    But if he wants to think he’s an underdog, that’s fine with me.

  6. Thank you for posting this. I think this point bears repeating: this is not a grandiose and choreographed whole-of-government NHI disclosure campaign. This has happened because a few folks in the know, with strong evidence, decided this topic needed direct antiseptic in the form of public awareness, so they took action to make it so.

    If you want something to change, think about a strategy, identify tactics, and take action. That’s it. That’s all.

    I’m still skeptical that the public will learn all of what’s been kept from us, but this momentum is hard to ignore.

  7. I love this. It’s what I have been thinking feeling and saying. To expand, I think the current situation is that the government is trying to figure out how little they can disclose and how to control the narrative. I think if these sightings and evidence are real, it makes sense why all this shit has been hidden for 80 years. It’s dropping and abandoning a bazooka to a bunch of apes, and a few of the apes hiding it from the rest and trying to make sure they don’t all blow themselves or each other up with it because they’ve seen what it’s capable of. They want to understand it first and for themselves. Spies are a real thing, and so are people like hitler who want to watch the world burn. Now some apes are pointing at it and shouting “look everyone”! And the ones hiding it are scrambling and trying to come up with an explanation, before the adversarial apes see it too. Some are already climbing branches and peering in (balloons). I think the ones pointing have given a deadline to come clean. Disclosure from the bottom up, certainly, with uncertainty on just how much or little will be shared with the public.

  8. Nobody has asked if there’s information about UAP in space?

    All of a sudden, I’m questioning the sincerity of the upcoming hearings. How tf do you not ask a simple question like that?

  9. This interview is from a year ago, a lot can change over the course of a year, and it certainly has.

    You can’t deny that there is something about the way Congress is acting since Grush briefed them in private, this has never happened before regarding this topic. There is a sense of urgency going on.

  10. So, if we can’t trust the government in these things, as in, some aspect of the government has been hiding “the truth” about such things for however long…

    What makes anyone believe the government that can’t be trusted wouldn’t lie and say “yes, we have alien technology and are developing it to help us” as a form of new age weapon deterrent or whatever?

    The disclosure act says “within 25 years” or the like, so, they could suggest what they have is recent, and keep it secret anyway

    And if so many people for so long involved in these projects have never come forward as proof, if that conspiracy is so absolute and vast as is must be, then why isn’t it just as likely that current pilot testimonies and vids are not a conspiracy to make people think such things are involved?

  11. Immer noch verrückt das Deutschlands bester Ufologe (Robert Fleischhauer) alles über seine eigene Plattform (Exomagazin) aufzeigen muss , weil Hier die Medien diese Thematik einfach so gut wie gar nicht aufgreifen.

  12. I said exactly this, long ago. There is no disclosure. There is no reason for ‘now.’ This was made possible by careful planning, legislation, and whistleblowers, FOIA, and daring. The government is not disclosing anything based on a plan. The Pentagon sure as hell is not.

  13. I’m willing to have this comment age like milk, but….


    Something / someone is coming and they know.

    The group behind this is allegedly super powerful, murdering MFers with impunity even defense secretaries and presidents, and it also has seemingly unlimited $ to harass the shit out of experiencers, tap phones, etc, fly around fleets of black helicopters, possibly a handful of UFOs.

    But they didn’t see this coming years ago? Or, they saw it coming, repeatedly, and did nothing or next to nothing to stop it? Maybe they suddenly didn’t want to murder and threaten, okay maybe. But now their piggybank is dried up too, so they couldn’t just buy off enough votes to derail the various legislation along the way? Especially not the one allowing people in «the program» to talk to congress with no repercussions. I guess they couldn’t read congress’ publicly public website with the bills giving a literal blue print for how to dismantle the program.

    A faction of the program’s leadership, maybe even all of it, is in agreement that this needs to happen and so they went along with the plan.

  14. Yet despite this, people will still continue to come on here every day with nonsense about how the NHI are pushing for disclosure or the government is aware of some doomsday scenario about to happen that’s forcing disclosure.

  15. Haha. Bullshit, Mellon!

    Someone is keeping this ragtag group of renegade legends together, someone helped and guided them through the dangers of all this stuff. Someone arranged meetings with Elizondo and Kean. Someone helped Grusch and the others blow the whistle in all the right ways using all the right words at all the right times.

    Now sure, this is a team effort. Grusch, Elizondo, Mellon, Podesta and others all working together. But someones the brains in the outfit and I reckon Mellon is just being modest.I don’t think he is being puppeted, I think they are all honest. Doesn’t mean they haven’t got a ‘plan’ — which looks by all accounts to be going well.

  16. Every time I see Mellon i immediately think of his appearance on Rogan’s podcast where Joe called him out on his heavy breathing into the mic. I’ve listened to the podcast a few times. Mellon is a mouth breather for sure.

  17. This is most certainly a lie. There is clearly a plan since literally every single person associated with UFOs keeps hinting that more is to come. They are either making completely baseless statements i.e lying or they are aware of the master plan that all these UFO people are following.

  18. But but but reddit said disclosure is happening because humanity must have recently completed alien reverse engineering and solved infinite clean energy! «It’s the only explanation» I was told!

  19. It’s literally in front of our eyes, global warming. It’s gotten out of hand and nothings changing.

    The Aliens likely don’t care if we can no longer survive here, it won’t change the planets position much. I wonder if nuclear war could change the planets position and orbit. Or tilt.

    There needs to be a serious change to prevent the runaway climate change. We all know it, it’s getting too hot.

  20. Unpopular opinion: This was all planned by the federation and every step has been meticulously calculated.

    This is why Trump pushed January 6th. He was crushed that he would not be president during disclosure

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