НЛО подкаста NYT Matter of Opinion

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После прослушивания подкаста, я остался расстроен по нескольким причинам. Я полностью понимаю и даже поддерживаю скептическое отношение к явлениям UAP (неидентифицированные аэрокосмические явления) или Grush. Если вы не сталкивались с необъяснимыми явлениями, основанными на известной физике, то у вас есть право быть скептически настроенным. Понимаю, что верить в то, что это может быть просто уловкой правительства, созданной для поддержания страха или удовлетворения потребности людей в сенсационных событиях, чтобы отвлечь от серьезных научных и биологических экспериментов, тоже нормально, если вы не видели доказательств противоположного.

Однако я был потрясен тем, что в некоторых случаях люди просто хохотали до истерики и бросали тень на наших летчиков, чиновников и даже соседей, которые могли столкнуться с такими явлениями. Это несправедливо и ужасно. Например, одна женщина продолжала смеяться, как будто принятие чего-то необычного было бы безумием. Критика также была направлена на Ральфа Блюменталема и Лесли Кин — уважаемых журналистов, связанных с этими темами.

Я полагаю, что важно оставаться открытым к различным мнениям и точкам зрения, но не следует унижать или пренебрежительно относиться к людям, которые искренне делятся своими опытами или исследованиями. Конструктивный диалог и уважение к друг другу способствуют более понимающему и продуктивному обсуждению сложных тем.

9 комментариев для “НЛО подкаста NYT Matter of Opinion

  1. If you are somebody who believes everything that is currently going on is true then I don’t think you can even be mad at them. If everything is true then their reaction is the result of decades of disinformation and manipulation.

  2. Dunno if I agree: i think this podcast is a reality check, and we all may do well to listen to it. The hosts make really valid points that establish the null hypothesis in this situation. A null hypothesis that carries an unbelievably high burden of evidence should our society at large decide to reject it without risking Type I error.

    They are clearly laying out two things:
    1. the very extensive chain of events that needs to be true in order for us to get to “no really, it’s fucking aliens,” and;
    2. The bias in human narrative building toward ascribing meaning to spurious associations.

    That said, I think that we in this community need to keep both of the ideas i mentioned above front and center in our minds. Essentially, we need to check our priors, recognize where our biases can lead us to accept conclusions based on weak evidence, and be fundamentally okay with being wrong.

    Look, I’m coming to this discussion never having had a paranormal experience myself. I do not mean to question anybody’s subjective experiences. For you, i want this whole thing to go down correctly and the outcome be accepted by society at large, so your experiences can be validated. I agree that there is an attitude that underpins this podcast that reinforces the ridicule of belief in the paranormal. That’s unfortunate broadly and must be an order of magnitude more damaging for people who have had unexplainable experiences. It gaslights you and invalidates your experiences, and I’m sorry for that. But, from the perspective of messaging strategy, you know what? For a lot of people… *for the vast majority of people…* this whole idea is fucking wild. They may have bought into the cycle of ridicule and discrediting, they may have difficulties incorporating this information into their worldview, or they may just find some of the claims to be outlandish.

    All due respect to Capt. Grusch, his courage in picking up the mantle of whistleblower cannot be understated, and i applaud him for adhering to the proper, established reporting channels. *However,* his some of his allegations read like a greatest hits of all the shit that got churned out in the 90s and early 2000s.

    For instance, the Vatican/Mussolini stuff is such a deep cut of weirdness that it makes me wonder whether he may not be a bit too credulous. I am not questioning his integrity or intentions, but this whole thing is sensational enough on its own that everything about the events in pre WWII Italy could’ve been held back for the time being. Simply the allegation that the govt possesses and is reverse engineering craft is sufficiently mind boggling on its own. Honestly, until we get through this first wave of investigation, I feel like the really fringe stuff may undermine his credibility and the credibility of the messaging strategy for most people.

    These are heady days, but I call on everyone to remain sober and rational throughout this process, as most are already doing, and not go all yarnboard. (Okay… go yarnboard here in the forum, because we all need an outlet) Because losing our cool will simply push most people away and reinforce stereotypes—even if valid data are identified.

    The data we have indicates that something is up, and that something requires investigation. Either UAP are real, or somebody in the DOD wants Americans to think they are. Either way, it needs to be investigated, and we need to maintain our credibility… and maybe not be all “whoa, this KGB VIDEO IS NUTS!!” Like I did.

    Also, some of the bad dudes from the x-files were the aliens.

    An alternative to the Matter of Opinion podcast referenced here, the Ezra Klein show posted an hour long interview with Leslie Kean a couple days ago. It is a much more even-handed review of the evidence, as filtered through Ms. Lean’s lens.


  3. Leslie Kean says she held the hand of a dead person that was made of ectoplasm.

    When I look around at the people currently representing the topic e.g. Corbell and Knapp, or Travis Taylor at Skinwalker Ranch, or Leslie Kean for that matter, it doesn’t really fill me with confidence.

  4. The mainstream media has a dilemma:

    1. No news content gets more on-line hits than content with “UFO” in the title.

    2. Their success is based on their ”credibility” with their audience.

    3. Until there is verifiable scientific evidence that UFOs originate from Non-Human-Intelligence #1 is in direct conflict with #2.

    Their go-to solution for this conflict is to put out UFO content that doesn’t include — and in most cases undermines — the narrative that UFOs are evidence of Non-Human-Intelligence.

    In all probability the manner in which the mainstream media covers the UFO topic is not evidence a psyop or disinformation campaign (though that possibility can not be ruled out) — rather, it is evidence of the basic business realities of the main stream media.

    Only when their is verifiable evidence that UFOs are built and operated by non-human-intelligence will the main stream media change the manner in which it covers them.

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