AARO настроен на провал?
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Nine months & the DOD still can’t setup a website link for the AARO Department?
Can someone please find the IT desk phone number and send it to AARO again. Some followup is urgently needed. This could have been done 8 months ago.
We’re back with some followup on the recent UAP hearing. In particular a few red flags have been raised that seem to indicate that the DOD is, at best, dragging their feet, and at worst, actively working to sabotage AARO, the UFO office set up at the behest of Congress. In addition to that, we’re hearing increasingly specific information about whistleblowers testifying to both AARO and Congress, which raises the question of why Dr. Kirkpatrick said there’s no credible evidence. Something doesn’t add up here, and it feels like pressure is building.
AARO is a damn joke. Don’t believe their nonsense. The government is not interested in full and meaningful disclosure. They’re controlling the narrative
Yes appears that way. Probably why DrK sounded like he was at a funeral. Literally
Yes, I think all signs point to AARO being set up to run interference on the UAP disclosure push. No reason the portal/web site for whistleblowers shouldn’t have been well past ready by now. In addition no investigation of well publicized and documented UAP encounters are being done. Seems like the intention is to burn through funding till it gets shut down
The Twitter account is a joke. They put up an initial tweet in July of 22. Not one since.
Its strogly influenced by the USAF, so obviously yes.
Absolutely, it’s called posturing.
They can’t reveal the tech they’ve know for 70 years. Advances in energy, medicine, travel that could have saved the world
I believe so . What exactly about aliens / UAP don’t they want us to know about . Why don’t the aliens just use telepathy to contact the humans on earth that want contact . I’m ready to be beamed up!
Not gonna lie, AARO feels lame as fuck. It just resolution anyway.
When they successfully resolve this or that as being just balloons or Venus, their job is done. Mick West wet dream.
I think it was set up with good intentions, but once the DoD/IC folks exerted their influence and got career guy Fitzpatrick brought in it became a tool to control the narrative (I think this was why Elizondo was skeptical). Specifically, by simply saying ‘well, if it’s not something that can be provoked, measured and analyzed — repeatedly and systematically — then it is not scientific. And, if it is not scientific it is irrelevant. So, eye witness testimony, multi-sensor, multi-platform data capture (like the tic tac) etc are big nothing-burgers because, even if there is copious data, a one time thing isn’t enough to draw a conclusion.’ All you have to do to control this information is set the bar of credulity at a level that the phenomenon cannot meet. At that point it no longer exists. Simple but powerful. This is what seems to be happening IMHO.
Whew! Exciting times!
Damn, that was quick! I didn’t expect this to happen so soon. Ya’all are impatient — give them time. It’s been 70+ years…
Another possibility I never thought of is they are waiting for certain folks who could expose everything to die who are super old currently/close to hospice. hence more delays.
No. From my understanding, his intent—behind closed doors—is to continue to reduce stigma and collect data. If there is an ulterior motive, I don’t believe he is read on to it. Many programs have multiple layers depending on who the information is presented to. Just because the someone runs a program, ostensibly, that does not mean they know the actual purpose of the program. There may be a program manager that has more information regarding the same. There may also be individuals within the program placed there with a dual purpose.
Why thanks for asking, yes, yes it is sir.
It’s setup to distract now. Think Blue Book v2.0