UAP проверяет Starlink

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MHozNmU1Y3UwdDdiMUaJkBWkAQaAj5F5C Yiq2iZjQSDD6hV Q5vJo ZNBHf

MHozNmU1Y3UwdDdiMUaJkBWkAQaAj5F5C Yiq2iZjQSDD6hV Q5vJo ZNBHf

Вчера вечером около 21:49 по центральному времени в Нейпервилле, штат Иллинойс, мы собирались на улице. Все видели этот след спутников Starlink, поэтому я достал телефон, чтобы снять видео. В конце концов посмотрел на него сегодня и заметил, что что-то увеличивается с верхней левой стороны. Он огибает вершину спутникового поезда, словно проверяет их. Даже светимость меняется так же, как меняется высота. Когда я впервые увидел это, я подумал, что это жучок с молнией, но в конце видео он полностью исчезает в облаке. Действие начинается примерно через 0:13 секунды. Кто-нибудь еще это видел???

UAP Checking Out Starlink
byu/EddieAdams007 inUFOs

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29 комментарий для “UAP проверяет Starlink”
  1. This is actually really interesting. I see it cross diagonally then down, changing direction instantly.

    I’m processing it like this:

    Satellite? — satellites don’t move like that.
    Plane? — planes don’t move like that.
    Drone? — drones can’t move with that much speed. Let’s just say it’s a drone a mile away. It would have to be moving incredibly fast. No propeller drone can move that fast.

    I think it’s a genuine advanced tech UAP

  2. Very cool. I had similar sighting. The ones I saw were running parallel to starlink then breaking off doing different patterns. Some even looked like they ran into them and would brighten up. Real cool

  3. So to be honest I’m pretty new to the UAP phenomenon but started becoming aware of it when I saw Commander Fravor on a podcast. I’ve always been pretty open minded about things but I’ve seen a lot of people faking videos and posting stuff that seemed absolutely of terrible quality but making grand claims. I never thought I would capture something like this nor was I trying. If you hear the audio you can see that the group has spotted the Starlink satellite train and it has become the focus of everyone’s attention. I’ve never seen one of these in person though I follow SpaceX a lot so I am familiar and my only attention was on the satellites themselves.

    I finally came back to watch the video today and I noticed what looks to be a UAP zoom in from hyperspace… move around the top of frame… then downward and apparently into those clouds.

    I am not saying this is a UAP but I can’t offer any other explanation. It moved so typically of the descriptions we’ve heard about spheres and tic tacs…

    It would be AMAZING if someone in the Midwest took a video of the Starlink satellite train at the same time and caught this from a different angle!

    Anyway cheers and enjoy. If someone wants to debunk it then great. I thought it was a lightning bug when I first watched the video but it really looks like it darts into the cloud at the end.

    Thanks all!

  4. We saw a Starlink last summer — really spooky feeling at first of “OMG what is that?!” before realizing it’s probably starlink, Googling it, and realising we weren’t witnessing an alien invasion 🤣. Very cool thing to see though!

  5. This is very interesting. I’m familiar with starlink and the launch process. that was a very odd thing off to the left. it did appear to have some sort of plume or trail. the change in it’s trajectory makes me think missile.

    some things about the video make me wonder, as the exposure is not what I would expect. like where is that lens flare coming from? could this video just be sped up and what we’re seeing is actually just an airplane at altitude? thanks for sharing

    The conversation is great! I love moments like this

  6. It’s definitely a UAP you got there. I don’t think a bug can fly up that high, let alone iphone flashlights are not that bright either. It looks like it’s propelling/maneuvering like our typical UAP’s good catch. Also those drunk women were hilarious lol

  7. Somewhat unrelated but how can it possibly be safe in low earth orbit with all of those damn starlink satellites flying around. How are they even able to launch rockets without hitting one?

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