Один комментарий к “Мысли? Я просто смотрел видео об истории АН и наткнулся на это.”
Submission statement.
This is similar to my last submission. I am just a fanatic for Native American antiquities videos. I juuts leave them on in the background sometimes. What he describes is exactly what people describe when they describe UFO’s, the instant acceleration, all that. I would recommend giving the whole video a watch as it is entirely focused around native american stuff & there is some talk of the «skinwalker» as well, but is is not really tangential to the UFO part of the story. I just found this to be a very interesting anecdotal piece of evidence as it is from a completely unbiased individual.
Submission statement.
This is similar to my last submission. I am just a fanatic for Native American antiquities videos. I juuts leave them on in the background sometimes. What he describes is exactly what people describe when they describe UFO’s, the instant acceleration, all that. I would recommend giving the whole video a watch as it is entirely focused around native american stuff & there is some talk of the «skinwalker» as well, but is is not really tangential to the UFO part of the story. I just found this to be a very interesting anecdotal piece of evidence as it is from a completely unbiased individual.