НЛО Polaroid 1975 года, с датой на обороте. Мысли по этому поводу? Пришел детектив с места преступления во Флориде. У меня есть полная история об этом, что делает ее более достоверной.

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НЛО Polaroid 1975 года, с датой на обороте. Мысли по этому поводу? Пришел детектив с места преступления во Флориде. У меня есть полная история об этом, что делает ее более достоверной.

От admin

32 комментарий для “НЛО Polaroid 1975 года, с датой на обороте. Мысли по этому поводу? Пришел детектив с места преступления во Флориде. У меня есть полная история об этом, что делает ее более достоверной.”
  1. u/Equipoize all you need to do to prove that this image is not fake is acquire another angle of this polaroid preferably holding it in your hand. It is a start and its certainly easier to get on your side because we all want it to be true. You should already know why people on the internet are untrusting as all of these types pf things are way to easy to fake using AI or even photoshop with the correct skills. So do us all a favour and prove yourself and whoever sent/ took the picture

  2. What cracks me up with craft is that they don’t care about symmetry and proportion 😆 you give a designing task to any engineer and they would use tools and careful measurements, and aliens just give you an irregular shape and you have to deal with it 💁🏻‍♂️

    “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”
    Mark Twain

  3. I believe that’s a picture of a picture of a polaroid. All the skeptics in here I don’t think have really put their hands on that many old pictures and haven’t had their moms send them close up pictures of pictures from their iphones lol. Polaroids have that texture but it’s like inside the envelope. Whether or not it was staged we’ll never know but just want to say it’s clear to me that this is a polaroid or an incredibly impressive fake.
    source: graphics professional

  4. From what I can see it looks very organic. Like a teardrop. And besides the 2 dark circles underneath it looks like a set of windows encircling the bulging upper portion when u zoom in. So maybe it’s a teardrop shaped object that is facing us. And if it has windows then it’s likely human tech back engineered.

  5. totally fake. polaroid lenses mostly are wide angle ones. this one smells like 50mm or longer. then there’s the exposure. polaroid cameras either have very basic meter, or a fullly manual one. this image is high contrast so if u look at the bottom photo, the front of that bush(?) is very dark. that flying saucer should have been very dark too. my bullshit meter is going through the roof right now

  6. 1st this doesn’t look like a polaroid picture.

    2nd this looks like it’s ML generated.

    3rd we used to do this with peanut shells as kids. Polish it with some fine sand paper, use a large enough focusing lense and a collimating one at the camera and bam! You have yourself a UFO. Or very large eggball falling on the city.

  7. The scene is backlit and more exposed for the sky than anything else, the detail of the UFO should have the same detail as the trees/bushes I.E. a shadow should be cast over the side of the UFO facing the photographer making if not all, at least the bottom half of it as dark as the bushes.

    The only way this could be real is if dodge and burn was used during development (which would mean it’s not a directly taken polaroid), or there was another light source behind the camera but higher than the UFO (because the top is brighter than the bottom) illuminating just the UFO and not the bushes, or the UFO is self illuminated.

    To me it looks sus at best.

  8. Sorry, if this is all there is it’s not proof of anything. To me it looks like 2 different shaped bedroom room light dish slapped together and tossed into the air. The common person didn’t have a camera on the spot, and it was very rare did we ever have one at home even, at least with film in it, that was a holiday thing.

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