Пожалуйста, покажите свою поддержку в огромных количествах. Наше присутствие будет иметь значение. Вы будете иметь значение, даже если думаете: «Я всего лишь один из миллиона». Если мы настроимся на (YouTube, телевидение, потоковое вещание, твиттер, выберем платформу) в больших количествах, я могу вас заверить, представители СМИ это заметят, и этот разговор получит еще большую поддержку в СМИ МСМ, в обеих палатах конгресса и за их пределами. Демонстрация чисел очень эффективна, потому что она показывает высокий уровень интереса. Итак, если вы хотите раскрыть информацию с большой буквой D, вы можете помочь, настроившись. РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Для наших международных коллег, вот ссылка на YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/live/KQ7Dw-739VY?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/live/KQ7Dw-739VY?feature=share). Я рекомендую создать напоминание в календаре и добавить в него эту ссылку.
I was going to watch, but I still am.
Go and like the live stream now, before it even starts.
Imagine that having 1M likes before it even begins…
You said big D.
Great point.
I know Nielson and others measure viewership certain ways. Watching on an OFFICIAL SOURCE is likely the most measurable, and is what will be reported by Nielson to congress.
So that’d be: cable tv, youtube tv, official house youtube channel, etc.
Some random discord streamer’s video is unlikely to end up getting reported by Nielson. Watch from as major of a source as you can!
I’m in the UK and will be tuning in. Youtube I guess. Think I’m right in saying it will be 3pm UK time?
I’m in media / marketing and you are 100% correct. We all hold power here. This sub holds HUGE power and many of the voices we’re seeing, hearing, reading and watching these past months are emboldened by the belief, intelligence and passion in this sub.
Can we continue to post the date/time of the event? My ADHD thanks you in advance!
For those who think they are just one small insignificant person and can’t make a difference… have you ever tried to sleep in a tent with a mosquito?
👍 yep let’s do it
We are gona crash the site I hope yall know that lmao
I will 100% be watching it. If I can find it on TV I’ll watch it there.
Unfortunately got work
You have my eyes!
The ones that are really running the world behind the scenes and in the shadows are stonewalling this hard.
Oh we’ll all be there buddy. All of us wearing our tin foil hats, PROUDLY!
This community should be liking this post a whole lot more. Your involvement can make a difference. And liking the post to show that you have a desire to be involved can help motivate others. <3
I will be either taking off work or going in late to watch this hearing.
Almost 90 years of secrecy and spreading lies are enough. Full disclosure now! If not now, then when? Do they really believe that keeping humanity in the dark is a good thing? All for profit and the preservation of power? Do they really think they can take all their money with them when they die? Do they really believe that evil wins and is better than the good? Do they really believe that it is better to let humanity suffer? I appeal to humanity and goodness. Disclose all secrets so that humanity can evolve and survive.
I want the big D!
🎶🎵Tune in the channel 0 🎶🎵
Lets break the internet. 👽
Holy crap, I can’t believe this sub has 1.1M followers. I remember when it had like 50K. Truly shows the meteoric growth in UFO interest.
I’m going to watch but should we temper our excitement?
2 pilots who have already told their stories and almost certainly have nothing new to say?
Grusch, whom I believe, but certainly didn’t inspire a shit ton of confidence on News Nation. And if Grusch does know more than he’s already told us, he won’t be able to say it in the hearing, right?
Nothing against the 3 men, I applaud them for doing this. But we’re not going to learn anything new. Expecting too much is just setting us up for disappointment.
I told my wife I’m booked on the 26th. Watch with me or be an outsider, I’ve been telling her for the last 3 yrs shit is happening. I won’t miss this!
Bro it’s a day after my birthday. I’m taking off that day and tuning in. It might just be my late birthday present.
I consulted ChatGPT after already deciding to watch. I asked it whether or not to watch. It told me that “As an AI model I don’t have an opinion as to whether or not you should watch.” So I told it to tell me to watch. So it then told me, “My apologies, you should definitely watch.”. So in conclusion, I’m definitely watching.
I humbly request that there is a sticky link to the hearing on the day.
What day is it?
Is it important to watch live or is watching rerun videos in the days hours following still adding to the veiws?
Whaaat tiiime??? I haven’t been able to find this info. Anybody smarter than me able to find it?
I literally took that day off work to watch it.
Il be tuning in from Aus! Hope it’s not a crazy time of day for me
Dude… Of course I am