Бывший подрядчик по обороне и разведке Майкл Виа рассказывает свою историю о том, как Лу Элизондо объяснил ему, как диск превращается в треугольник. и UAP в форме сигары летают, и почему с ними связаны огни и шары.

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Бывший подрядчик по обороне и разведке Майкл Виа рассказывает свою историю о том, как Лу Элизондо объяснил ему, как диск превращается в треугольник. и UAP в форме сигары летают, и почему с ними связаны огни и шары.

Former defense and intelligence contractor, Michael Via, tells his story of when Lue Elizondo explained to him how disk, triangle. and cigar shaped UAPs fly and why lights and orbs are associated with them.
byu/bmfalbo inUFOs

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43 комментарий для “Бывший подрядчик по обороне и разведке Майкл Виа рассказывает свою историю о том, как Лу Элизондо объяснил ему, как диск превращается в треугольник. и UAP в форме сигары летают, и почему с ними связаны огни и шары.”
  1. Interesting. When I saw my triangle the first thing I saw was a bar/line of super bright white light, like those led light bars that people mount to trucks or boats but *huge*. I always thought it was windows or an engine along the side/rear of the triangle but I guess it could have been the air around the triangle glowing like a lightbulb, it was *really* bright.

    I will say though, when I got closer that light disappeared and the white lights at the corners were small, and the little red light at the center was super dim and slowly flashing. Had it not lit up like a sport stadium for a few seconds I’d never have known it was hovering over the highway.

  2. If I had to guess, they’re straight up manipulating the gravity field , a separate field from the electromagnetic fields. This process could ripple into other fields , giving us detectable-to-human byproducts. Something like x-rays or …light.

    A good example of this is the electromagnetic field. In which the electric field and magnetic field are perpendicular to each other , but also attached.

  3. Wait, this hypothesis claims that the field ionizes air/surrounding elements to generate lift…but then how would it operate in the vacuum of space?

    EDIT: also, if it’s a strong enough EM field to generate lift, such as a RF field or similar, then wouldn’t somebody else have noticed it? I’m imagining something like a massively powerful radio signal that would be picked up by HAM radio enthusiasts and the like.

  4. So a real life inertial dampening field like the ships on Star Trek use in their impulse engines. That is the base mechanism that keeps their ships aloft, allows them to idle in atmospheres etc. This is unbelievably cool if its truly how they work!

  5. Submission Statement:

    Former defense and intelligence contractor, Michael Via, tells his story of when Lue Elizondo explained to him how disk, triangle. and cigar shaped UAPs fly and why lights and orbs are associated with them.

    Thanks to [UfoJoe (Joe Murgia)](https://twitter.com/TheUfoJoe) for the great interview.

    This was from after the last AARO hearing late last month.

    Full interview: https://www.youtube.com/live/nVoDrA2cRNU?feature=share


    *Well, how do they fly, genius!?*

    TL;DR: The propulsion system of the UAPs ionizes the air and all the elements around it. Not unlike a florescent bulb excites the molecules around it to glow, is what makes these UAPs go (anti-grav). Glow also comes from this effect and is why lights and orbs are so commonly associated with UAPs, in fact Lue alleges that based on factors like humidity, air pollution, high static/electrical charge in air all effect color and appearance.

  6. I’m sure some of us have seen the video Lazar made in the late 80’s / early 90’s where he explains the propulsion system of the sport model. If I recall correctly, it was about 35 minutes long. I watched it on YouTube some years ago, but haven’t been able to find it on there since. Whatever your thoughts on Lazar and his story are, it would be interesting to compare this against what he described.

  7. What he is saying is not new. Paul R Hill analysed reports from Bluebook and other cases and came up with a scientific theory on how it works in «unconventional flying objects: a scientific analysis»

    Paul Richard Hill — was a mid–twentieth-century American aerodynamicist. He was a leading research and development engineer and manager for NASA and its predecessor, NACA between 1939 and 1970, retiring as Associate Chief, Applied Materials and Physics Division at the NASA Langley Research Center

  8. If this was correct, I wonder how it explains my sighting when a bright white singular fast moving point that then stopped or idled, suddenly the light expanded into a much larger but less intense light momentarily (like I’m guessing 20x from a starlike point to a large orb or disc in the sky) before it shrank back to a point, then immediately accelerated sharply at at a rediculously faster pace than it was doing previously across the sky? Would that suggest that it was powering up or perhaps some other mechanism in preparing for it to enable it to blast off?

  9. Funny how people hear what they want to hear.

    The video describes some sort of ion or magnetohydrodynamic drive. A technology that humans haven’t perfected but is grounded in known physics.

    But everyone here hears Lazar anti-gravity drives.


  10. He talks about this I think in his first TOE interview. He also talked about the sizes of these things which freaked me out. Said the boomerangs were the size of cities and asked why would anyone need a city sized craft wandering around the planet.

  11. I’ve thought the same exact thing for years. For me, everything clicked when researching Lonnie Zamora’s UFO and how he described the ripping sound of the blue flame below the craft. To me it was dissipating electricity to the ground, and the declassified AWSAP reports from the letter by Harry Reid (I searched the public work of the authors mentioned and found a lot of interesting shit)

    Anyways, I also don’t think the points that seem to emit the high EM energy are individual propulsion devises, rather they’re some kind of atomic targets. I’m not too sure on Lazar’s story (I think he was telling the story from another acquaintance), I like the part about there being a kind of cyclotron device and waveguides. In my mind, the discs would have a central particle accelerator, and the beam would be pulsed around the three targets, and somehow this would create some sort of gravity distortion (high-frequency gravity waves) for the craft to both move around and power its central particle accelerator. Salvatore Pais was on a podcast last year, I think, talking about how his patents would work (Navy UFO patents), and it all sounds similar.

  12. Idea: whoever has the money to build a solid team should try to replicate this on a very small scale.

    If more physical science was being done aside from government funded programs I think we’d make further strides.

  13. This is mostly correct. Folks will be surprised when the details for how this actually works are released. It’s not as “futuristic” as one would assume, nor does it rely on Unobtanium.

  14. I saw a white cigar one i thought was a cruise ship (I live on an island near PR) until i looked st the cruise ships below in the harbor realized it way out to sea

    After investigating the visibility that day and watching it go behind a cloud, with a witness. I came to the conclusion it was apx1 mile long. Solid white.

    When it vanished in to the clouds, both me and my friend became dizzy. Maybe shock?

    This was 20 years ago and i called him the other to confirm i wasn’t dreaming it.

  15. I feel so smart right now.
    As usual, I think about these things.
    I thought about different cases where they cited different colors.
    «Maybe each color is a different model type or civilization and they trait themselves with certain colors to distinguish themselves, like tribally» I thought…»Nah, thats too silly and benign…they wouldnt need to do that»…and then I thought about the area’s…the seasons the sightings were in…the zones, geography and topography…and that made much more sense…

    «Maybe when its hot and dry, it shines a warmer color…maybe when its close to bodies of water, rain or humidity its more bluish…maybe when close to alot of pollution its green…» I pondered…»Hmmmm…allthough my correlations to the colors and their significance might be biased by my human condition, that does makes much more sense…yeah, I think that could be applicable…»

    I should make a list of sightings and figure out what color is for what atmosphere…would be easy enough…hah? Any volunteers?


    Hehe, wow, the entire technology is becoming so apparent to me…
    Its like , If I was a multi millionare I would already be building prototypes on my own…
    Even though I didnt finish high school, I still get the gist of things and would get started on it…not that complicated after all. All about materials and resources…just like anything else that can be manufactured or fabricated…

    Where’s my Sports Model Bitch?!

  16. My theory is manipulation of space. I think they creat a localized temporal distortion bubble. Maybe when space goes back to normal it causes the air around it to ionize like a cavitation effect.

  17. He states he was told the power level of the engine will cause it to glow different colors and then goes on to say the different colors are based on the ambient air purity.

    Personally, I think they glow different colors based on how much bullshit we’re being fed.

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