I’m reposting my armchair analysis from another thread ~
Is this a hoax or a misidentification? Probably… but it honestly does not look like any owl I have ever seen. I spent the last 45 minutes looking up owl photos to try and identify it’s species. I’ve gone frame by frame on this from 28:16 to 28:22 and this is what a see:
* This creatures eyes basically extend to the sides of it’s head, with very little of it’s auricularis anterior or superior showing * It’s eyes sit disproportionately larger on it’s face than any owl photo (baby or not) I have seen * The camera man is shining a light right into it’s eyes which would have caused pupil restriction, not dilation. Dilated or not, Eurasian Eagle Owl eyes typically reveal a yellow iris which is not present in this video. * I see no evidence of a feather/fur pattern anywhere on or around it’s face * I do not see a clearly visible beak and it has fairly wide set nostrils, closer to the lacrimal caruncle (inner tear duct) than most owls * The last second of movement reveals a mouth slit well below the nostrils, this slit looks to be about the same width as the distance between it’s eyes. Again, something I haven’t found represented in any owl photo I have seen. * It’s growl is around 3 seconds long. I’m having trouble finding a video of an owl growl that sounds anything like this one, let alone one that lasts 3 seconds
I’m not saying it’s an alien, and tbh this footage is too blurry to see any true detail. But I do think people saying that’s «obviously an owl» have really done very little analysis to determine what type of owl. If you can name a specific species I’m more than willing to listen… but using my own methods of deduction I’m not so sure we are looking at an owl here.
It’s pretty interesting, at first I thought it was the back of some kind of animal and we were seeing its camouflage pattern but I’ve changed my mind after looking at it more closely. I’m not sure if it’s cgi, ai or an animal. Certainly looks like a typical alien face. I don’t think it’s a mask as the left eye seems to squint pretty realistically at 28:18:18
“Show me the evidence!” I need to you to spend hours of your time. Detailing why this isn’t an owl with reputable sources and 4k Images. Then I will spend 2 seconds to comment. “It’s an owl”.
Listen, I really want to believe that’s baby owl. From the shine on the skin, I don’t see feathers. The raised feature that has the nostrils on it terminates before you see any kind of beak. I don’t speak their language, but from the tone and a translated transcript, the guys in the video legitimately seem like they were late getting back to town and had to leave their vehicle because of terrain, and just decided to film in his app. It’s a lot more convincing than the Las Vegas video of the backs of a bunch of people pretending to be scared of something in their backyard. If it’s CG, it’s pretty decent — probably practical if it’s fake.
— disinformation agents — suffer from face blindness — are scared — are stupid
It’s not an owl. Especially when it moves its head You can see that. But people with no artistic ability will try to tell you how certain they are a grey thing with totally black eyes that are almond shaped (not circular) and extend to the sides of the head with tiny nostrils are characteristics of an owl. Go figure
The Eurasian Eagle Owl is one of the largest owls in Turkey!
These beautiful owls occupy mountainous and rocky habitats, including coniferous forests, steppes, taiga, and grasslands. They use high, rocky areas for nesting and cover. The Eurasian Eagle Owl is most common in remote areas, but you can occasionally see them in farmlands, parks, and even cities.
Why would a highly intelligent species that can travel across the vast space would be hiding in the rocks? The answer is simple, it’s not what you think.
Time 22:39 = you can hear an owl Time 22:56 = you can hear the owl again
———————————————————- Time 23:34 = you can see the «creature» moving between the splitted rocks (it’s not the rocks because the camera guy doesn’t really move that much)
Time 25:27 = you can hear the «creature» the first time
Time 26:17 = you can hear the «creature» the second time closer
Time 26:52 = you can hear the «creature» the third time pretty close
Time 27:40 = you can hear the «creature» the fourth time
Time 27:53 = you can hear the «creature» the fifth time
Time 28:13 = He follows the sound and searches for the source. You can see the «creature» looking at him and moving his head
So after watching all of the time stamps and videos I mentioned tell me againthat that’s an owl!
Jesus THAT IS NOT AN OWL! Half the people that are adamant that it’s an owl are disinformation agents. Ignore them! I don’t know what it is or if it’s even real but it’s clearly not an owl. Stop responding to these bots and trouble makers.
Another example of people wanting something to be an alien so badly they see aliens in everything. The slightest irrational resemblance and it’s definitely what they want it to be. Nothing else. It’s unhealthy.
All these high tech cameras around. CCTV, phones etc and still no one can get a plain old photo of an alien that is clean and clear. Video is even worse. We can get photos and videos of our friends just fine. Criminals just fine. Aliens, it’s glitchy potato quality images and footage.
If the world is to take this stuff seriously, people have to stop clutching at straws with garbage. It discredits the entire theory before critical analysis even starts.
It’s probably just pareidolia. There isn’t enough in this image to make proper sense of anything. Images are hard to trust anyway, especially in an age of AI and photo manipulation programs.
I think it’s CGI due to how «unnatural» it looks when it moves. Almost like it’s… animated.
But it’s definitely not an owl.
Yes, baby featherless owls can look similar to grey aliens, but you can literally see the nose/nostrils on this thing & the facial proportions don’t look like an owl.
My precious…
*dude, that’s obviously a propane tank*
It looks kinda bird like when I turn my phone upside down.
Pig nose?
I’m reposting my armchair analysis from another thread ~
Is this a hoax or a misidentification? Probably… but it honestly does not look like any owl I have ever seen. I spent the last 45 minutes looking up owl photos to try and identify it’s species. I’ve gone frame by frame on this from 28:16 to 28:22 and this is what a see:
* This creatures eyes basically extend to the sides of it’s head, with very little of it’s auricularis anterior or superior showing
* It’s eyes sit disproportionately larger on it’s face than any owl photo (baby or not) I have seen
* The camera man is shining a light right into it’s eyes which would have caused pupil restriction, not dilation. Dilated or not, Eurasian Eagle Owl eyes typically reveal a yellow iris which is not present in this video.
* I see no evidence of a feather/fur pattern anywhere on or around it’s face
* I do not see a clearly visible beak and it has fairly wide set nostrils, closer to the lacrimal caruncle (inner tear duct) than most owls
* The last second of movement reveals a mouth slit well below the nostrils, this slit looks to be about the same width as the distance between it’s eyes. Again, something I haven’t found represented in any owl photo I have seen.
* It’s growl is around 3 seconds long. I’m having trouble finding a video of an owl growl that sounds anything like this one, let alone one that lasts 3 seconds
I’m not saying it’s an alien, and tbh this footage is too blurry to see any true detail. But I do think people saying that’s «obviously an owl» have really done very little analysis to determine what type of owl. If you can name a specific species I’m more than willing to listen… but using my own methods of deduction I’m not so sure we are looking at an owl here.
It’s pretty interesting, at first I thought it was the back of some kind of animal and we were seeing its camouflage pattern but I’ve changed my mind after looking at it more closely. I’m not sure if it’s cgi, ai or an animal. Certainly looks like a typical alien face. I don’t think it’s a mask as the left eye seems to squint pretty realistically at 28:18:18
Quick and dirty slow motion [https://streamable.com/mzxt8g](https://streamable.com/mzxt8g)
Owls don’t make noises like that
“Show me the evidence!” I need to you to spend hours of your time. Detailing why this isn’t an owl with reputable sources and 4k Images. Then I will spend 2 seconds to comment. “It’s an owl”.
That’s Reddit for you.
Btw. Looks like a Grey with a nose
*Runs into darkness*
It honestly could be an owl, I didn’t see it until it was mentioned but a baby owl could very easily look and sound just like that.
Listen, I really want to believe that’s baby owl. From the shine on the skin, I don’t see feathers. The raised feature that has the nostrils on it terminates before you see any kind of beak. I don’t speak their language, but from the tone and a translated transcript, the guys in the video legitimately seem like they were late getting back to town and had to leave their vehicle because of terrain, and just decided to film in his app. It’s a lot more convincing than the Las Vegas video of the backs of a bunch of people pretending to be scared of something in their backyard. If it’s CG, it’s pretty decent — probably practical if it’s fake.
That thing is ugly as hell whatever it is..
That’s no owl. It’s a space station
That looks like a shitty nighttime still of a bird in a rock crevice.
OP don’t worry. People who say it’s an owl are:
— disinformation agents
— suffer from face blindness
— are scared
— are stupid
It’s not an owl. Especially when it moves its head You can see that. But people with no artistic ability will try to tell you how certain they are a grey thing with totally black eyes that are almond shaped (not circular) and extend to the sides of the head with tiny nostrils are characteristics of an owl. Go figure
Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/146dfhs/holy_moly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
Timestamp 28:19
The Eurasian Eagle Owl is one of the largest owls in Turkey!
These beautiful owls occupy mountainous and rocky habitats, including coniferous forests, steppes, taiga, and grasslands. They use high, rocky areas for nesting and cover. The Eurasian Eagle Owl is most common in remote areas, but you can occasionally see them in farmlands, parks, and even cities.
Why would a highly intelligent species that can travel across the vast space would be hiding in the rocks? The answer is simple, it’s not what you think.
For the record, I believe in aliens 👽
Owl sounds from different types: [https://youtu.be/Z3APDjieGtk](https://youtu.be/Z3APDjieGtk)
SECOND= watch the RELATED video of the creature sighting ====>
«Creature» video related to the picture: [https://youtu.be/AzXK8xh-u_A](https://youtu.be/AzXK8xh-u_A)
Time 22:39 = you can hear an owl
Time 22:56 = you can hear the owl again
Time 23:34 = you can see the «creature» moving between the splitted rocks (it’s not the rocks because the camera guy doesn’t really move that much)
Time 25:27 = you can hear the «creature» the first time
Time 26:17 = you can hear the «creature» the second time closer
Time 26:52 = you can hear the «creature» the third time pretty close
Time 27:40 = you can hear the «creature» the fourth time
Time 27:53 = you can hear the «creature» the fifth time
Time 28:13 = He follows the sound and searches for the source. You can see the «creature» looking at him and moving his head
So after watching all of the time stamps and videos I mentioned tell me againthat that’s an owl!
Jesus THAT IS NOT AN OWL! Half the people that are adamant that it’s an owl are disinformation agents. Ignore them! I don’t know what it is or if it’s even real but it’s clearly not an owl. Stop responding to these bots and trouble makers.
ET lore suggests a connection between the grays and owls. https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/yfzzvc/events_of_high_strangeness_p1_psiesp_and_owls/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1
If this is real footage that’s a GREY alien. Not a fking owl. Let’s be real (if it’s real)
I agree. Must be similar to one of them 3% unexplainable phenomena NASA/USA talk about
What’s the name of this featherless Turkish owl?
Btw if anyone is interested (Mike Clelland stuff about owls and it’s connection to ufo subject):
[The Mysterious Connection between Owls & UFO Contact | Mike Clelland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o9gpIa_qFY) — Video
[The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee](https://www.amazon.com/Messengers-Owls-Synchronicity-UFO-Abductee/dp/0967799570) — Book
Another example of people wanting something to be an alien so badly they see aliens in everything. The slightest irrational resemblance and it’s definitely what they want it to be. Nothing else. It’s unhealthy.
All these high tech cameras around. CCTV, phones etc and still no one can get a plain old photo of an alien that is clean and clear. Video is even worse. We can get photos and videos of our friends just fine. Criminals just fine. Aliens, it’s glitchy potato quality images and footage.
If the world is to take this stuff seriously, people have to stop clutching at straws with garbage. It discredits the entire theory before critical analysis even starts.
… its a bird bro
Exactly! There is no way that’s an owl but that’s the only answer people can come up with, it’s hilarious
it’s an owl.
Lol, yes it is.
It’s probably just pareidolia. There isn’t enough in this image to make proper sense of anything. Images are hard to trust anyway, especially in an age of AI and photo manipulation programs.
Yes it is
This one is probably more mature with more feathers
Baby yoda
that’s no alien
[here is owls without feathers](https://www.google.com/search?q=owl+without+feathera&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiftIXLuLv_AhVroIQIHQ_QApQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=owl+without+feathera&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIICAAQgAQQsQMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgQIABAeOgUIABCiBDoECAAQAzoKCAAQigUQsQMQQzoHCAAQigUQQ1DwEFjFOWDQOmgCcAB4AIABjwGIAfQWkgEEMC4yMpgBAKABAbABAMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=FNyFZJ_aBOvAkvQPj6CLoAk&bih=664&biw=390&client=safari&prmd=ivsn&hl=en-us#imgrc=06yzg_wZEN2N6M)
I don’t know why I read this like Crocodile Dundee in my head haha. «That’s not an Owllll!!!»
I think it’s CGI due to how «unnatural» it looks when it moves. Almost like it’s… animated.
But it’s definitely not an owl.
Yes, baby featherless owls can look similar to grey aliens, but you can literally see the nose/nostrils on this thing & the facial proportions don’t look like an owl.
I’ve also never heard owls make noises like that.
Why would an alien hide under a rock
That’s a forklift
That looks like the Vegas aliens
It’s not an alien, that’s for sure.
Looks like a fledgling