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4A1 nf5 tnPE3gQBmDkdwAPyq23zjmGC7NKrMsezfc

Белый дом уклоняется от ответа на вопрос об обнаружении крушения НЛО

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37 комментарий для “Белый дом уклоняется от ответа на вопрос об обнаружении крушения НЛО”
  1. Yeah, back in Feb when the UAPs were intercepted, the White House spokesperson condescendingly said that if there was any information they would share it. And of course, now that there is, they dodge it as expected.

  2. The reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the governments concealment of non-human origin evidence. The press secretary said, “refer that question to the Department of Defense and let them answer it.”

    This is so obviously the most massive coverup in human history unfolding before our eyes. There’s no doubt we will see people in powerful positions trying to dis-credit this by all possible means.

  3. As someone who basically stumbled upon here yesterday, this just seems so much like some sort of sci-fi movie unfolding in real time

    We’re getting no-comment government answers to what was essentially a crackpot conspiracy maybe 2 days ago

    This is now trending to typical bureaucrat not my department answer to cover their ass. Like I don’t even know if I believe this story 100% as is but hard not to pay attention right now

  4. I’m fairly convinced the white house knows.. maybe not all administrations knew, but given all the revelations recently and the decision to put DoD in charge of the group that became AARO, they seem to be aware of what is happening and involved somehow.

  5. God damn it, let’s TURN THE HEAT UP! Put their feet to the fire!


    This is it people!!!

    Bang the drum, FOR REAL call your elected representative to get this ball rolling!

    Do it for future generations, do it for your kids, do it for Coulthart, DO IT FOR THE TRUTH!

  6. So, according to the White House, it is not POTUS’ responsibility to tell us we are not alone in the universe it is the responsibility of some guy from the Pentagon or DOD? This is the biggest buck ever passed in the history of mankind.

  7. EVENING NEWS UPDATE 6:30pm east coast. Neither David Muir and Lester Holt are covering the Grusch. Here are the stories MSM deem more important.

    -Ukraine dam destroyed

    -PGA (golf) announces a merger

    -people getting shot

    -air quality

    🙃🤦‍♂️ this is so fucked up.

  8. Discredit is the name of the game now. Major news outlets are doing it. Discredit because there’s no hard proof, and then let the story die. Same that they did with Roswell. Discredit and let the story fizzle out.

  9. If everybody had to pay all their taxes for every purchase, every paycheck, EVERYTHING, at the end of the year, INSTEAD OF rite away like we do now. There would be a revolution tomorrow. The sheer amount of government waste Idiocracy is just starting. Mofos are paying to fund bullshit trying to make weapons instead of advancing humanity. Cunts

  10. I realize Jean-Pierre is just doing her job but fuck me do I not like her face. She’s so god damn smug and condescending. Am I the only one who can’t wait for these people, who’ve been so complacent in going along with the cover up, to see justice? It’s only humanity that’s been hindered and warped 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I know I know, bigger picture bigger picture 🙄

  11. Dont expect anything from the white house. This is a very weak presidency and Biden is not making any of the decisions, nor is vp harris.

    What you are asking of the WH takes the calibre of a clinton, obama. Hell even trump simply cause he loved stirring shit on twitter. Not an 80 something year old man with dementia. I almost think TPTB want it this way.

  12. I’m more than willing to believe that no president has ever been given this information. Seems bigger than the white house. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were calling around right now trying to figure this out themselves.

  13. Im guessing it is people with more permanent positions that handle this kind of work. Shortsighted to include presidents with term limits and staff that hold their positions for a few years. I would say barking up the wrong three, but then again I have no clue what other three they could bark at.

  14. They arent ‘dodging questions’ they want to let the appropriate department speak for themselves. The more this moves forward the more it sounds like foreign disinformation

  15. I can’t imagine they would share anything even remotely related to UFO/Alien with Grandpa Joe or his staff. He is too much of a liability. They keep him away from cameras and microphones as much as possible as it is.

  16. Lmao yeah, good luck getting a straightforward, substantive answer from the White House. I’d be surprised if you could get a straightforward answer ordering lunch there.

    “Can I get this burger with no onions?”

    Waiter: “Um… I’m going to have to refer you to the chef on that one, sorry.”

    Chef: “I’m going to have to refer you to the grocery store, sorry.”

    Grocery store: “I’m going to have to refer you to the farmer, sorry.”

    Farmer: “I’m going to have to refer you to my realtor, sorry.”

    Realtor: “I’m going to have to refer you to the county Register of Deeds’ office, sorry.”

    Etc, etc, etc

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