Действительно ли правительство способно на такое масштабное сокрытие?

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Действительно ли правительство способно на такое масштабное сокрытие?

От admin

12 комментарий для “Действительно ли правительство способно на такое масштабное сокрытие?”
  1. Yes. Yes they are. Don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Why? Because, the government isn’t doing a great job of keeping people from talking. Also, the people up on TV aren’t the only ones talking as well.

    There’s no way to eternally keep the lid on something this big… which is why it’s slowly coming off

  2. Yes. But they haven’t. See Bob Lazar. They’ve just done a great job of discrediting whistleblowers and witnesses, and making you feel like it’s ridiculous to believe it’s not all fiction.

  3. I’m a Christian and I have zero problem with this — however I have had many conversations with my fellow believers on this topic and sadly I’m fairly certain that I’m in very small minority. Many Christians are in complete denial believing that anything not specifically mentioned in scripture simply can not exist. Those believers who will accept there are non-human intelligent being among us will immediately declare to be demonic and freak out.

    How to cope? Start by recognizing that this is not a new reality — the only thing new about this reality is that we are becoming aware of it. Nothing has changed. Second, acknowledge that the non-human intelligence that has been here is and has always possessed technological capabilities that so surpass our our own that we could do nothing to defend ourselves if they wanted to wipe us out of existence… thirdly, realize that they haven’t.

  4. I’m sorry but I say No…I look at an insanely egotistical and narcissistic buffoon like Trump who was the goddamn President for 4 fucking years! Who can’t even keep a simple hush money payment secret but SOMEHOW he was more than likely informed of this or got wind of it, what with all his Top Secret documents thievery…

    And he doesn’t blab to his dipshit friends? I don’t buy it.

    And if you tell me “well Trump wasn’t informed” then how the hell is something like this run? Where does the budget come from? Who is in charge?

    Humans are notoriously BAD in keeping secrets!

    Trust me, I WANT to believe but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    I need to see SOMETHING.

  5. I lean 50/50 on these hypothesis.

    1. Scenario 1: Extraterrestrial life is here.
    2. Scenario 2: 40-50 years ago military would test things in the sky and civilians seeing that would be alarmed. U.S. Govt would be incentivized not to get that info out to adversaries how advances they were, so they would lie and say nothing was there and people are crazy.
    Now that technology has advanced spreading fake UAP stories could make the U.S. seem more advance or be used as a tactic to try to hide their ultra-advanced technologies from adversary nations.

  6. One concern i have is that why havent any russian ex mil/int ever come out with any info thats been verified? If you trust 4chan guy, he says russian government is well aware of UFOs as well. Its dead silent here.

  7. To say that public acknowledgment of a technologically superior non-human intelligence is potentially sociologically, religious, and politically destabilizing would be a gross understatement. It would be a admission that the government is powerless to protect the population from said NHI. It’s an admission that they can kill our cattle, kidnap our citizens, and exterminate every last citizen and there’s nothing we can do about it. Additionally there is ample evidence to suggest that huge segments of the population wouldn’t believe it… again, undermining the authority of that regime. There is virtually zero chance that any authoritarian government would risk the potential consequences of such a disclosure. You think China… or Russia would take that risk? What could they possibly gain by doing so? Conversely, if those regimes were successful in reverse engineering recovered non-human technology would it not be far more advantageous to claim your own people came up with the tech based upon your regime’s leadership and your people’s unparalleled brilliance and ingenuity? It’s would appear that’s the path the US has chosen for the past 80 years. Please let me know if there’s an upside to disclosure that I’m failing to recognize.

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