Кадры Ханчжоу Сяошань, 2010 г.

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2010 Hangzhou Xiaoshan footage
byu/TheDude9737 inUFOs

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40 комментарий для “Кадры Ханчжоу Сяошань, 2010 г.”
  1. Sometimes I read the «this was debunked as xyz» comments and think to myself «ah well, mustn’t be real» without giving it much additional thought.

    But there’s some people claiming it’s CGI, others claiming it’s long exposure of a helicopter, and then other stories in-between. If it’s been definitively debunked, why are there multiple different versions of the debunking narrative? Where is an actual quality source that debunks this? I’m genuinely asking, someone please reply if you actually have answers and not a half-assed comment

  2. As expected, a sea of angry comments from «fake patrol» citing half-baked debunking theories from questionable sources of unknown provenance.

    Okay, I’ll play along… IF it is a «long-exposure» film of a helicopter-type craft as cited in the forgetmori resource (linked below), how come the rapidly orbiting ball of light on the right doesn’t appear on film as a long «string» of light? (As always appears when you photograph a moving light source under long exposure conditions.)

    You guys are either deliberately disingenuous to support your own narrative, or blatantly lazy to even try to apply a lick of critical thinking to what you read online from dubious origins.

  3. The following submission statement was provided by /u/TheDude9737:

    Just stumbled upon this footage and thought it would be a good idea to get you guys involved. Looks like good footage but wtf do I know? I’m just a guy that finds this shit interesting. Just making sure I reach that formidable character count because it’s important to filter out the horseshit

    Please reply to OP’s comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/13s1o6y/2010_hangzhou_xiaoshan_footage/jlnl4is/

  4. Well that’s fake as f*** you can pretty much see the little tiny consumer drone that’s filming everything flying around filming everything. Literally filming the hoax and those are a bunch of lights. Have we not seen bright lights before?. This is so far from alien. It’s not even funny

  5. It’s a very nice video, real or not, it makes no difference because it doesn’t give us any sort of evidence and confirmation about to whom the objects belong. This video just created more doubt and more confusion. Who needs this?

  6. Just stumbled upon this footage and thought it would be a good idea to get you guys involved. Looks like good footage but wtf do I know? I’m just a guy that finds this shit interesting. Just making sure I reach that formidable character count because it’s important to filter out the horseshit

  7. Just FYI, until an expert can either replicate or explain the methods used in the production of this video, this is an alleged UFO video.

    Not balloons, not helicopters, not greys going out for a souvenir, not a real sighting, not a hoax, just al alleged UFO video.

    If you can’t wrap your head around that concept then you shouldn’t be in the comments.

  8. Footage was made by a CGI artist in France. It was dubbed the near Paris footage and was released by Secureteam10 on YouTube, years ago.

    It’s not related to the Chinese Ufo case.

    Google it and you will find more informations regarding this video.

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