Джон Лир подтверждает обнаружение от 12 до 15 инопланетных тарелок в 1987 году!

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Джон Лир – капитан авиакомпании Lockheed L-1011, работавшей в крупной американской авиакомпании, с богатым опытом – он выполнил более 160 различных типов полетов на самолетах в свыше 50 странах. Он также является обладателем 17 мировых рекордов скорости на Lear Jet и уникальным пилотом, обладающим всеми сертификатами пилота, выданными Федеральным авиационным управлением.

На протяжении своей карьеры Джон Лир выполнял миссии для различных правительственных учреждений, включая Центральное разведывательное управление (ЦРУ). Также, он является бывшим кандидатом в сенаторы штата Невада. Его отец, Уильям П. Лир, был известным дизайнером Lear Jet, 8-дорожечной стереосистемы и основателем компании Lear Seigler Corporation.

Интерес к явлениям НЛО возник у Джона Лира летом 1986 года после беседы с персоналом Воздушных сил США, который был свидетелем приземления НЛО на базе ВВС Бентуотерс, расположенной недалеко от Лондона, Англия. По их рассказам, они стали свидетелями трех маленьких инопланетян, которые общались с командиром звена, генералом Гордоном Уильямсом.

John Lear Corroborates 12 to 15 Recovered Alien Saucers in 1987! Goerge Knapp, We knew back then
byu/AgingWisdom inUFOs

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34 комментарий для “Джон Лир подтверждает обнаружение от 12 до 15 инопланетных тарелок в 1987 году!”
  1. Lear also claimed we were holding a being in a electromagnetically shielded room so it couldn’t escape. He went on to say, in reference to cattle mutilations, aliens use the blood drained from the animals for nourishment. According to Lear they would wipe the blood on their skin for absorption, and they would then excrete their body waste also through their skin.

    That made me wonder about the Varginha case. The soldier who touched the being died of a very strong case of sepsis, or blood infection. Coupled with the strong putrid smell of the beings that was reported, could this be the reason? Waste products on the skin of the being??

    Make no mistake, Lear was a genuine no shit pilot and was in a position not to give a shit what anybody thought about what he said and thought. Money has that privilege.

    Going further, this interview happened on a Sunday morning on Knapp’s Las Vegas local weekly morning show. A day after airing, Knapp went on to say he was visited by agents asking about the interview and particulars in the information that was shared. I can’t remember what the video was called but it was in YouTube.

    The videos in question:




  2. My fear is Grusch and all of the known UFO names over the last 5-6 years are all just quoting each other.

    Grusch may have government folks who told him everything he said to congress…what if those sources are Mellon and Elizondo.

    What if Mellon and Elizondo’s sources are military folks with extraordinary claims. What if those folks with extraordinary claims use Mellon and Elizondo as the people who view their claims as credible when speaking to people like Kean and Coulhart.

    What if Mellon and Elizondo have confirmation bias because reputable news sources say they have witness that have government officials who can back up their claims.

    What if Grusch trusts his sources as credible because of their track record of being credible…

    Etc. Etc.

    My point is…it concerns me there’s like a group of 10 people who are mostly confirming and validating themselves based on reports from other people of things they’ve said.

    Purely a devil’s advocate POV but that concerns me about DG.

    Edit: let’s say Lazar tells Lear there’s 12 crafts…then Lear goes on this interview and says there’s 12 crafts…then Knapp says, I’ve got two corroborating witnesses that say there’s 12 crafts…then Kean interviews someone who’s says I know from 2 sources we have 12 crafts….then someone says, WOW…Lazar and Lear were right because a reputable journalist corroborated there were 12 crafts, they were right all along! Then someone from within the government says, I know this seems outlandish but there might actually be something to this. Then someone who’s tasked with investigating asks the people within the government who believe the reports they’re hearing are true but can’t back it up says…I know these reports sound crazy but I’ve spoken with high level government officials who believe this is true.

    I’m not trying to argue that’s what’s happening but more so, me rationalizing in my head what could of happened if this all turns out to be nothing.

  3. Had a buddy point out, that at some point in the interview, John Lear states that he acquired this information from reading books on the newsstand. He doesn’t ever state that he learned this stuff first hand or from his father’s connections. It really kind of soiled me on the credibility. He got his info from basically the same sources as randos like us.

  4. Later in the same interview (different clip of the video though, Lear says something huge will happen in 2 to 5 years, but that never comes to pass.

    Not sure I believe a lot of what Lear says though. hmmm

  5. At this point I feel like nearly all of them that came forward over the years were telling the truth as they knew it. From Wolff to Schneider to Lazar, the rendelsham guys, now Grusch and everyone else.

  6. Does it bother anyone else that literally all of the answers Grusch gave during his interview with Ross are things already said by Lear, Vallee, Lazar, etc?

    You’d think there would have been at least one new piece of information that you couldn’t already find doing a Google search…

    Let’s hope that information provided in his testimony and IG complaint lead to some new truths, or at least confirmation of existing claims. 🤞

  7. John Lear was a fantasist. He was full of crap. Either that or he was a psy-op disinformation agent. Either way, he put out the kind of wild-eyed claims that not even Jeremy Corbell wanted to be associated with.

  8. He had me until he started reading that prepared statement which is what he thinks the President of the US would say. That was totally unnecessary.

    It may not seem like much to you, but to me that clearly indicates a person who is prone to indulging in fantasies and a likely conspiracy-minded person.

    I do not trust Lear and Knapp.

  9. George is consistently the man. I think most people just aren’t very good at math. It is a sheer probability, and at this point in our technological progression it is suffice to say our existence is not isolated. Look at how far we have progressed in such a short time.

    People love to believe they are observers and not participants in this universe.

  10. Pretty sure in the interview with Ross, Grusch said something like (paraphrasing) «we recover one about every 5 years»—how can this be true, if Grusch also says we have about 12, and Lear says we have 12-15 in 1987? At least 1 of these 3 statements must be false

  11. Just a bit of devils advocacy: If I were having a prank about multiple crafts, and they asked me how many, I’d say, «A dozen! At least a dozen!» I wouldn’t say two, or five, because that’s unimpressive, and 10,000 is far too much. A dozen is the exact right amount.

  12. This dude is full of shit. Jesus fuckin Christ. They shit thru their skin??? C’mon that is absurd. What’s a word that is 100 magnitudes more than absurd? If you want to look like fools, count me out on this guy. He’s a mental case, he’s looking for «fame», he’s gas lighting ( although who would do that in this manner and why), this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard regarding ufo. Y’all need to shut this idiot down. He says that an alien is being held in some sort of reverse Faraday cage and the alien goes invisible now and then. That is flat out not possible. Crazy as hell, I expect to read some pretty ignorant shit on this subject but this is pure BS. C’mon
    bring it.

  13. “Full” disclosure isn’t coming anytime soon. For those individuals that have joined the UAP fray post NYT story 2017, you’re in for a long, long wait.
    The US gov’t doesn’t have to debunk as much as they have in the past. Why? They now have their own people (whistleblowers AND ex-gov’t benign-types) to manipulate the narrative one way OR the other. It’s become more complicated not easier into achieving disclosure. The best we can hope for is “partial” disclosure in the coming few years.

  14. I think for years the government has known but only certain departments. These departments don’t even report to officials close to the president let alone the president himself is my theory. For 2 reasons: 1. they have yet to confirm what they’re even dealing or their origin and 2. As you can see from Lear’s mock presidential address, to repeatedly say “We do not know..” is not something the public is ready to hear considering we rely on the government for leadership.

    Im not of the opinion, however, that announcing publicly we have confirmed alien contact and possess crafts and beings will cause mass hysteria but I do think our leaders should know more than we do. Simply telling us “we do not know” wouldn’t be good enough. I think the declassification of UFO reports is the government’s indirect way of saying this without having to say “we don’t know what the hell these are”.

    I believe they’re here, they’ve been visiting throughout human history and we do have physical evidence. Lear, Lazar and now Grusch are all credible whistleblowers (at least in some way shape or form confirmed to work where they say have). There’s too much pointing to the truth and I don’t think I’m alone in feeling like things are currently escalating to a point.

  15. I’m concerned with him saying that 90% of the aliens are “hostile” and don’t have morals or our values which means they are worse than humans…they can stay away bc we’re awful enough😩

  16. It’s almost as if they come forward with wide ranging claims and estimates in hopes some of it will stick and possibly be right enough the secret keeping is unnecessary.

  17. So, there was a cage that had five monkeys in it. In the center was a step ladder up to a banana hanging from the roof. When one of the monkeys noticed the banana and tried to climb the ladder, all the other monkeys were sprayed with freezing water. So now, if any monkey ever tried to get the banana, they would be severly beaten by the other four. When this was established, two monkeys were replaced with two new monkeys. Invariably, one of these new monkeys would notice the banana and attempt to get it. The three remaining original monkeys would beat him, as would the other new monkey, because well why not, everyone is doing it. Eventually the three original monkeys are also replaced. When one of these attempt to get the banana, first the two second-group monkeys will start to beat him and then later, if any monkey tries to get the banana, all the others will beat him. None of these monkeys were every sprayed with water. None of them actually know why they are beating the banana-grabber, it has just always been done. The chain to the original monkeys is broken. You guys are missing a couple of monkeys. There were probably legitimate, misguided, nefarious and unintended reasons for creating self-confirming «evidence» for this rubbish, but, seriously?

  18. Thanks for posting. This is what I’ve been saying for a while now. The Grusch story hasn’t revealed anything new. The same story keeps getting told over and over again. It’s like every few years some new *trusted reputable* source comes out with the same *shocking news*. It all seems like a psyop and it seems to work every time.

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