Популярная механика: исследователь говорит, что первый НЛО действительно разбился в Италии в 1933 году. И у него есть доказательства.
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Кулхарт: «Мне говорят это [UFO phenomenon] это будущие люди. Есть опасение, что обнародование этого изменит временную шкалу».
I don’t understand the comments here. Popular Mechanics has been a mainstream publication for over a century, reaching the very audience people here complain about not caring.
Popular Mechanics releases an article about the alleged June 13th, 1933 UFO crash retrieval in Italy. It is rumored that later during WWII, the UFO was given to the United States.
Grusch spoke about this alleged incident in his interview with Ross Coulthart. It is interesting to see more information come out about the crash, and to see Popular Mechanics cover it.
[Link to the article](https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a44466099/researcher-says-he-has-evidence-of-1933-ufo-crash-in-italy/)
This has to be the dumbest the quote I’ve ever read:
“Dave [Grusch] claims that the US has ‘quite a few’ alien craft that crashed or landed,” West tweeted. “Why, then, is the evidence of their alienness only ‘isotopic ratios’ and ‘strange heavy atomic metal arrangements?’”
The only evidence is isotopic ratios?!?!
Thats saying that these were constructed from materials not available on Earth. That is absolute proof of alien origin, yet, somehow, this part of his debunking argument.
This is a dang lie. The first Alien Ship Crash happened in 1897 in Aurora Texas smh 🤦
Aliens gave us the technological miracle of the pizza.
So the guy pushing this story «received some documents»
Just as Stanton Friedman got some «Majestic 12» docs
Or the guy who wrote about the grail «got some documents»
And of course grusch says guys are telling him we have UAPs but where did those guys hear it? Maybe the whole thing is eatting it’s own tail
Interesting that the «Book of Alien Races: Secret Russian KGB Book of Aliens» mentions the Italian wreck and the date too. I wonder if that lends it some credibility.
From the KGB Book of Alien Races:
>In 1933, near Vergiate, Italy, an alien ship belonging to the race KALENIA crashed killing all its occupants.
>Inside many ancient Italian artifacts were found, (and alien ones). Benito Mussolini created a secret group to look at that incident and any other future ones related to alien races.
>That group still exists and it’s called GIO-1.
Note: The Daily Mail marks the wreck in Magenta, Italy. This is very close to Vergiate ~ 30 km.
edit; I found this in the Daily Mail article — mentions Vergiate:
>Piecing together the mysterious documents, Pinotti was able to pinpoint SIAI Marchetti in Vergiate, an aircraft facility near the alleged crash site outside Magenta, a satellite town of Milan, as the likely site where the supposed wreckage was stored.
>The site miraculously avoided regular bombing raids by Allied Forces during the Second World War, and 12 years later in 1945 the region was secured by US and UK troops.
* The SIAI-Marchetti is an Italian aircraft company known for its series of light, propeller-driven aircrafts. It was founded in 1915 and produced a range of both military and civilian aircraft.
The article also mentions the secret organization set up to investigate:
>Other documents sent to Pinotti refer to a mysterious government department called ‘Gabinetto RS/33’, or the RS (Special Research) 33 Cabinet, supposedly set up by the Italian dictator to manage the retrieval and study of the alleged saucer wreckage, as well as other UFO incidents.
>Pinotti says RS/33 was headed by Nobel Prize-winning inventor Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the radio.
>To this day, Italian historians and UFO researchers have found no other evidence of this shadowy alleged group or Marconi’s involvement.
I’m not asking this to spark argument or anything, but genuine curiosity: wonder what happened to start them crashing when a lot of us believe they’ve been here a loooong time and apparently didn’t start crashing until modern times.
If a UFO really did crash in Italy I highly doubt it’s the first one, who knows what’s been recovered half buried (or fully) in dirt around the world
I bet the first one crashed millions of years ago lol.
I think the word “evidence” is thrown around way too much.
I have evidence! Of course I’m not telling you what, and of fucking course I’m not actually showing you any.
Per usual.
Whether true or not… David Grusch really didn’t do himself any favors by tying his whistleblower account so heavily into embedded UFO folklore. A lot of mainstream folks tuned him out as soon as he mentioned Mussolini. My wife started laughing and left the room when he brought that up.
There’s another link a few paragraphs in for a related story called The Complete History of UFO sighting. I just read it & enjoyed it. I had no idea Popular Mechanics cover this subject.
So they forgot about Aurora TX 1897?
Show us it then.
The first alien crash, supposedly documented by ancient Egyptians. Probably others before that too who knows. All this other stuff is just noise to try to incorporate it into current religions and the Vatican. Popular Mechanics is not what it once was.
Plus this Italy incident was a lightning strike. Prove that wrong first.
Anyone managed to explain how the crash rate of these UFOs (supposedly from another part of the universe) is so much higher than that of our regular planes (and we’ve barely made it to the Moon with our current tech)?
Ok show the evidence. If not stfu.
For the love god, stop using the Daily mail as the source. They are not worth it.
«Aircraft of unknown purpose and origin» is so vague it could mean almost anything
It’s hilarious to me that aliens are just crashing on earth lmao what is going on
The first sentence is remarkable.
>»Is Italy—not Roswell, New Mexico—the actual site of the first UFO crash on Earth?»
No ‘supposed’ or ‘alleged’. As if the Roswell crash was indisputable fact.
I totally believe Popular Mechanics over, checks notes, the New York Times, who are not reporting this.