Сенатор Шумер настаивает на рассекречивании записей об НЛО @nytimes. Кроме того, «дает федеральному правительству право требовать, чтобы любые потерпевшие крушение космические корабли находились в частных или корпоративных руках…»

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

В последний раз я собираюсь сделать репост этого, так как есть 50 миллионов квалификаций, чтобы сделать пост в этой группе, лол. Это кажется довольно большим шагом вперед, верно? Надеюсь, это действительно так!!! Рамбл-рамбл-рамбл, чтобы мой пост больше не удалили 🤗

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26 комментарий для “Сенатор Шумер настаивает на рассекречивании записей об НЛО @nytimes. Кроме того, «дает федеральному правительству право требовать, чтобы любые потерпевшие крушение космические корабли находились в частных или корпоративных руках…»”
  1. So it’s going to be a 50/50 Senate, Kevin McCarthy’s House, the Biden Administration and every weirdo in the country versus the DOD, and MIC writ large, with the Roberts Court adjudicating in the fight for reality. Should be uneventful.

  2. As soon as I read the NYT piece I weren’t oh shit a high ranking Dem senator mean’s bi partisan support which means we are finally going to get some answer’s.

    After over thirty year’s of being interested in the subject I feel part of me is screaming this is some weird psyop. But the other part of me is in shock at whats already been verified like the Navy flight video of the UFO .

  3. Here’s the thing that I’m really hung up on as a skeptic — *why the fuck would something this advanced crash, and not only once — as a fluke — but REPEATEDLY?*

    On the one hand, that is a pretty strong logical argument against the government having *actual* alien technology, let alone multiple examples of it.

    On the other, because I consider myself an open-minded scientist and skeptic, I have thought of several reasons why advanced alien technology could crash repeatedly on our planet, but only one possibility seems likely to me, in the event that NHIs exist on Earth — they’re *deliberately* letting it happen.

    Why would a civilization deliberately crash their hyper advanced ships on earth? That seems stupid as fuck, right? Well, actually I think there’s a pretty logical reason for why they would do this. And I’ll explain with an analogy (it’s a fairly absurd and simplistic example, but you’ll get my gist here):

    Let’s say that you’re a human anthropologist from the modern world today, and you discover a primitive civilization living on a previously unexplored small island in the Pacific Ocean. You’re acutely aware about the danger of making direct contact with them — disease, cargo cults, cultural contamination. And so, you opt to study them from a distance. You study them over decades, and you learn that they have a beautiful culture, beautiful beliefs, truly unique in the world and in human history. It’s a culture worth preserving. Except, they are destroying the natural resources of their island, and for some reason they have not retained or relearned how to make boats to *leave* their island. They don’t even have a word for “boat”. They are a simple people, and perhaps someday they will learn how to make a boat, but you’ve run the numbers and extrapolated that they will likely cause their own extinction before they ever build a boat, let alone enough boats, and sturdy ones, to save enough of their population by transport to nearby islands or the mainland.

    So now you have an ethical dilemma — do you let this beautiful culture die? Do you intervene, saving the people but destroying their culture via contamination with the cultures of the modern world? Or, is there a third option?

    Indeed there is: float a boat to their island, unmanned. Let them wash up on shore. Maybe a few of them will hoard this discovery for their own benefit. If they do, float a handful more to them. Maybe, if they’re smart, they will figure out how to build one on their own. No contact. No contamination other than giving them something that they could have built themselves, eventually. And technically, you didn’t tell them or teach them how to build a boat — you just showed them that the concept of a boat was *possible*.

    So I could see how the ideal means of contact with an extraterrestrial species on a doomed trajectory towards ruining their planet is *not* overt contact, but rather: leave some boats on their island in space. And what they choose to do with them is their own decision. They have the means to avoid extinction now, and if they choose not to utilize it, then they truly deserve to go extinct.

  4. *It might appear that the current government is dictating time tables for disclosure; it is not.*

    *It’s more likely that technology, corporations, aliens even legacy governments are driving the land grab.*

    *Let’s say the problem began WW2 with the various militaries being in a pickle about an overwhelming technological alien force and recovered technology.*

    *The military is ill equipped to keep secrets even necessary ones from its civilian command and decisions are based on one over ridding force; fear.*

    *The world will end, societal collapse, religions going crazy, we have to put a lid on it just like the Manhattan project we can scale secrecy and compartmentalization world wide.*

    *You need corporations to hide the alien from changing governments. You need a shadow government that focuses solely on the threat and isn’t bound by the constitution and has any extrajudicial powers required to contain and maintain.*

    *Now the primary issue with this arrangement is you are unintentionally creating a breakaway civilization, who may initially be beholden to the arrangement through budgeting but eventually ownership of evolved and advanced technology plus ideology is going to become a problem.*

    *Forfeiture via the US Marshals is powerful but, how do you even know what they have if you have asked them to keep it secret from you?*

    *Beyond that legislation will be directed at private citizens that have any kind of material that may or may not have an advanced origin.*

    *You get to shed light on the spending, cement world wide governance on the menace and most importantly control the high ground.*

    *Right now private action from private entities authorized initially by the government to hide, research and advance could have an entirely different agenda than what government now wants.*

    *It’s going to become a problem if they don’t play ball or even have become indoctrinated against humanity itself.*

  5. How does this contribute to the overall situation? The government is the entity that supplied them with the vehicle. I find it hard to envision a circumstance where the government would deliver the vehicle, transfer ownership via a title deed, or instruct them to invoice for the hours used.

    From a legal perspective, the intellectual property component is likely the most compelling argument for mandatory disclosure. Essentially, this is a case where the federal government intervenes and informs a private enterprise that their intellectual property is now under government control. They are prohibited from utilizing any technology or development that has been derived in any manner from this asset.

    What precedent would this establish if it were legally sanctioned? Based on discussions, my understanding is that we aim to liberate subjects or entities from federal government constraints, enabling them to disclose information legally and without facing any charges or loss of their clearance. Doesn’t this appear to contradict our objective?

  6. What’s up with Julian Barnes peppering this report with his own editorializing?

    «The measure offers the possibility of pushing back against the conspiracy theories that surround discussions of U.F.O.s and fears that the government is hiding critical information from the public.»

    » it also gives the federal government the power to claim any crashed spaceships in private or corporate hands, **however unlikely that such things exist**»

    Just report about it broseph. Don’t be a that guy.

  7. I firmly believe the US is the only country that has been able to reverse engineer anything and this sudden surge toward disclosure is due to the deep economic strain the US is seemingly heading toward.

    This is all just so fast suddenly.

  8. Great now our corrupt as fuck government is gonna have spaceship and alien lazers… awesome they won’t need to take Americans guns if they have frickin lazers to maintain control over us. Lol

  9. Just thinking beyond the obvious here as far as after disclosure.


    So this would mean that if you found a piece of «memory metal» like those claimed have found at Roswell (just an example) that it would belong to the US govt? So this would mean by law they could confiscate material even though it may have been 100% on private lands?


    I haven’t actually read the bill so not sure if this is mentioned or not.

  10. Strikes me as cops and internal affairs putting on a show of righteousness for the angry people. You’re telling me it’s this easy to have the so called top leaders in our country completely and utterly in the dark about an issue this important? Either they are total fools or this is a show. Both are bad

  11. To be totally honest, I don’t like the idea of the US Fucking-Invade-Your-Country-Tomorrow-If-It-Makes-Their-Lobbyists-A-Goddamn-Dollar government having the monopoly on this tech (or the future of the human race) any more than some shitheel corporation

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