Турецкие инопланетяне замечены в НЛО, 2009 г. (1) Не было сообщений о круизных лайнерах, на которых это снималось. (2) Было рассчитано, что он находится слишком высоко в воздухе (3) вы не сможете увидеть остальную часть «корабля», что делает теорию еще более смехотворной.

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Турецкие инопланетяне замечены в НЛО, 2009 г. (1) Не было сообщений о круизных лайнерах, на которых это снималось. (2) Было рассчитано, что он находится слишком высоко в воздухе (3) вы не сможете увидеть остальную часть «корабля», что делает теорию еще более смехотворной.

The Turkey Aliens seen in UFO, 2009. (1) There was no reports of cruise ships where this was filmed. (2) It was calculated to be too high in the air (3) you can’t once see the rest of a ‘ship’ which makes the theory even more laughable.
byu/user678990655 inaliens

От admin

36 комментарий для “Турецкие инопланетяне замечены в НЛО, 2009 г. (1) Не было сообщений о круизных лайнерах, на которых это снималось. (2) Было рассчитано, что он находится слишком высоко в воздухе (3) вы не сможете увидеть остальную часть «корабля», что делает теорию еще более смехотворной.”
  1. I live in Turkey. I know the person who took the image of these beings. His name is Murat Yalcin Yalman. A while ago, I heard that he was staying on a street in the Bodrum district of Muğla due to his debts. I couldn’t reach him after that.
    This recording is real. The Turkish scientific board (TÜBİTAK) also proved that it was not fake. It was reported in the national press. Also an interesting point; The region where the image was recorded, namely Kumburgaz, is a region where the fault line is intense. And in Turkey, UFO records are always caught in areas where fault lines are dense. I think Murat may be the first amateur to capture the image of a being.

  2. that’s the best footage I have seen till today. There is also a close up of the Alien figures inside the craft somewhere on the internet. I saw the interview with the guy behind the camera and all kinds of discussion videos. Like this one from a ex fighter jet pilot

    called «Chris Lehto»


  3. Anybody calling this a cruise ship simply cannot deal with the reality of UFOs and therefore aliens.


    If you can look at all the footage of it in different lighting with different shapes, the creatures or whatever in the openings, and find it to be a fucking boat, you don’t have the imagination or critical thought to believe. And the reality of it would terrify and devastate people like this whether they realize it or not.

  4. Idk about this one. It’s a little wild, like the guy claimed to have shot these over 3 days. They were apparently there the whole time not moving right off the coast.

    It just doesn’t make any sense to me

  5. Hard to say anything from this edited down horse shit video version The real footage is amazing and confirmed by the Turkish govt. So very sus to make up a no cruise ship story https://youtu.be/omUdWZf8y2M. Research Turkish government confirms it yourself,I also may post a link. edit,I see OP is one of the most vocal supporters of the Trust Me Bro LV 20 pixel alien. It’s in their comments history.Now I understand ,let me back away slowly. This sub is screwed now.

  6. The mental gymnastics is high hereml ..no ships need to be reported, they go to Turkey weekly. There is literally a ship, probably 3, off the coast of Turkey right now!

    You’re talking out of your ass when it comes to any calculations of height. There’s no way to tell how elevated the person taping it is, the angle at which he’s filming, the distance of the object, etc. If anything, it appears to be nearly parallel to the person filming, which would make sense if it were a cruise ship.

    Laughable is using that logic to call it a UFO. It’s more likely a cruise ship, because you can’t see the whole thing. If it’s a UFO, then why is this the only video of something soooo easy to see, off the coast of Turkey. If it’s a UFO, it’s a convertible and they left the lights on so you can see inside their car? Considering ships, late night, dim their lights and turn off lights on the lower decks, it looks pretty consistent with a cruise ship.

  7. You should all search the old reddit posts on this some have really good slides on close-up footage. These are clearly alien beings peeking out. The craft easily resembles a UFO on the wider-field view. I 100% believe these are real. Youll feel it too when you see the close-up pics of the alien, our intuition on whats real never lies. Chills

  8. No one reports a ship passing. So “No reports” doesn’t mean much.
    Who calculated the height?
    How was the calculation made?

    This is posted with vague information biased toward a particular conclusion.

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