Плавающие красные огни. 18.06.23

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Кто-нибудь знает, что это могут быть?

Floating Red Lights. 6/18/23
byu/mfd7point5 inUFOs

От admin

7 комментарий для “Плавающие красные огни. 18.06.23”
  1. While I can’t say for certain they are lanterns, the likelihood they are lanterns = quite high. For me the giveaway would be the bright orange glow + flickering. These are characteristics of a lantern. I think there’s been quite a few similar posts here recently, so there must be some kind of festival going on with the community that sees the lanterns being floated. If say, you capture them suddenly disappearing and re-appearing or doing some odd maneuvers, then the possibility of it being a UFO as in the unknown ET kind is greater. But this one, I’m leaning towards lanterns based on the movement and lighting.

  2. I was out walking my dogs last night, looked up and saw the first light. A few seconds later a second light floated in to my view. Odd how they’re moving in different directions relative to each other. Also strange how they both disappear and reappear over the minute and a half I watched them. Video recorded on 6/18/23 in West Jordan, Utah.

    Anyone know what these could be?

  3. I love how everyone always says things like “sky lanterns” or some definitive answer as to what they think it is. Sky lanterns? Really? THAT high in the sky in some random city in Utah… you’re telling me there’s sky lanterns. Come on man

  4. Chinese lanterns. Unfortunately, whenever someone posts another video of Chinese lanterns half of r/ufos will fight tooth and nail that these are indeed aliens and that anyone who says they aren’t are trolls. Then someone posts another lantern video the next day and the cycle repeats.

    Cool Chinese lanterns though.

  5. Hundreds of the same type of ‘UFOs’. Doing nothing, just a light in the sky, sitting there or very slowly moving. I mean, why keep uploading the same things over and over again? In some cases it is even so clear they are balloons, flares, lanterns, etc. It is not interesting and why not only upload if truly interesting like with movement, speed, clearly to be seen odd shape(s), good and focused zoom-in, and such unusual activities.

    Getting these same ones every day so much is making all less interesting to follow imo.

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