Может быть, не случайно именно так выглядели «инопланетяне», приземлившиеся на базе ВВС Холломан. https://preview.redd.it/b3ru3enftsxa1.jpg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=228cbc4285a8c7ee8966a2d77514c7bf5ac5a845 Отколовшаяся древняя цивилизация, которая пережила последнее катастрофическое событие и теперь ответственна за явление UAP/НЛО. Строители пирамид, «элита», выжившая из нашей прошлой цивилизации. Я повторяюсь, так как я подробно объяснял свое мнение в статьях, которые охватывают более месяца или двух. Но это для тех, кто читает мои посты… Я думаю, что они ответственны за летающие металлические сферы и так называемых «Foo Fighters», которые следят за нами с самого начала нашей записанной (новой) истории. Они используют «утерянную технологию», но могут по-прежнему использовать наши ресурсы. Это объяснило бы дизайн тарелок, соответствующий нашей эпохе… Это объяснило бы очевидные древнегреческие письмена или египетские иероглифы в деле Розуэлла, инцидент в лесу Рендлшем и многие другие случаи. Это объяснило бы замешательство путешественников во времени, они не из будущего, они продвинутые люди из прошлого. Я понимаю, что многие борются и, возможно, не захотят рассматривать эту теорию, но на самом деле это сложнее, чем выявление существования пришельцев с других планет. Если бы эта теория была верна, это означало бы, что наш собственный вид держит нас в неведении. Они создатели религий и могут использовать нас для чего-то (хорошего или плохого). Небеса в Ветхом Завете — это физическое место, где живет Бог, и всего в изобилии. Там могут проживать только истинные последователи, подобно мифу о Шамбале в индуизме и буддизме. Кроме того, легенды гласят: «Это место, которое защитит все человеческие знания от разрушения и искажения». Возможно, что они живут на Земле; Я предположил, что их основное местонахождение может быть на Аляске, но это всего лишь предположение. Кроме того, эти люди могут нести ответственность за крушение инопланетных кораблей и действовать как защитники нашей планеты. Возможно даже, что они используют ресурсы Земли для обратного проектирования технологий с других планет. Невозможно знать наверняка, но нас все еще могут использовать как рабов. Мировым правительствам крайне важно раскрыть правду, так как это положит конец всем теориям и позволит нам, наконец, узнать нашу истинную историю. До тех пор мы не будем останавливаться на спекуляциях, потому что очевидно, что существует массовое сокрытие. Я также рассмотрю одну интересную межпространственную теорию, которая связывает все с самого начала. Вы можете найти меня в твиттере @ OMApproach и на YouTube «Непредвзятый подход». Я не считаю заслуживающим доверия развенчанием резьбы по старому искусству. Конечно, египтяне вырезали старые камни при смене династии, но то, что точная штукатурка разрушалась, образуя 4 объекта, напоминающие современные технологии, для меня является натяжкой. Гораздо более вероятно, что они вырезали это специально, тайные общества всегда хотят оставить улики на виду… Я говорю об этом посте.
[https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/136ru1c/these\_ancient\_egyptian\_carvings\_show\_a\_helicopter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/136ru1c/these_ancient_egyptian_carvings_show_a_helicopter/) Кроме того, если вы можете понять, как корчится, это делает его еще более интересным, как этот художник, который рисует один эскиз и смешивает его в новый эскиз. Вы все еще можете видеть разные эскизы, но общая картина складывается в новую. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GfILYAp\_bM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GfILYAp_bM)
I think they’d reside deep in our oceans if your theory is correct, if not in the oceans- IMO it’d be Antarctica. It’s remote, nobody “owns” it, and there’s treaties in place only allowing scientific studies and no nuclear tests. Throw in all the odd ball things there and it makes for the perfect place to entertain this theory.
So…….Stargate was a documentary? I like this theory
In this scenario I’d imagine that they went underground before the last big world catastrophe. Ice age or something.
They’re still underground, and at the bottom of the deepest oceans. They’re interested in nuclear plants/weapons because this is their planet too.
They obfuscate their origin and want us to look outward because really the Earth is a small place really. Might be easier to find them than we think. Especially with the resources of nations.
At least that’s the story I’ve come up with for my future sci fi novel.
This is ignoring all the anecdotal evidence that we’re being visited by beings of different races from all over the galaxy. Not just a single race that could have the same origins as our own. Also very geocentric as it aims to place humans at the center of a phenomenon beyond our understanding
I can digg it
Thanks for this post. I appreciate it.
I follow your videos on YouTube, and sometimes they’re a little far out for me / lack what I would consider the satisfactory evidence, but I like the work you’re doing and you’re getting better at animation in the meantime. You shouldn’t stop, if you ask me, and if you’re discouraged by the trolls in these here comments, that’s a fair way to feel — there’s a lot of doomers up in here.
Keep on your quest for truth. Haters gonna hate.
Why Alaska exactly?
This connects well with the other theory I’m seeing a lot these days that Graham Hancock and Tom Delonge are secretly members of this elite breakaway civilization. Hancock is the most suspicious since he recently cashed in making millions by selling out to achieve mainstream success on corporate media, AND he still refuses to take a blood test which would prove his DNA is ancient. Graham and Tom are both hiding hidden histories about their own past. They aren’t who they say they are! Ancient Hancock Theorists are growing in numbers and word is he knows we’re on to him and is running scared. Same reason why the being currently going by “Tom Delonge” is back with his band Blink 182–really a cover band exploiting ancient artistic masterworks from the pre-disaster civilization’s greatest achievements in music and art (Enema of the State was actually written 40,000 years ago).
Is this the incident that they filmed supposedly? It was supposed to be put in a documentary but was pulled last minute, however we where shown a clip of the video an it’s a ufo flying next to nearby mountains?
I find it unbelievable that we can have a drone on Mars with a live feed but cannot search the oceans? Please.
Looks a lot like Rick James.
If there’s one thing about the UAP/UFO mystery that I am fairly certain of at this point, it’s that the phenomenon does not have just one explanation.
What I mean is:
1) some of it could be an extraterrestrial NHI coming to this planet from another solar systems and/or galaxies.
2) some of it could be an intelligence from another dimension.
3) some of it could be time travel by future humans or someone else.
4) some of it could be an unknown lifeform of some kind from Earth.
5) some of it could be your explanation of an advanced breakaway human civilization, but I really don’t buy the idea of something like that still living here. This is just very simply the most unlikely explanation in my mind. If this is true then I believe this civilization left this planet a long time ago and their descendants are know visiting us.
Why is it assumed that they’re from one place? I think this place is teeming with life, including: extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial, interdimensional, extradimensional, and so forth.
“It’s not an accident that people who believe in ancient astronauts can’t read hieroglyphs”
This is the theory that makes the most sense to me. If thats the case why would it be so secretive. Wouldnt it bring us together over an extraterrestrial ?
My guy looks like he’s about to tell us to hand over all our Balenciaga
People are not hostile but just like you have their own theories. But when you start your theory with a picture that looks like it was taken from 80s comics. Followed by «The ‘Aliens that landed in the Holloman Air Force base looked exactly like this». It’s hard to follow the rest. Even tho some of your ideas are interesting.
So there’s just a bunch of descendants of ancient humans, with no media attention, no public ways of making money for resources and materials to live, full of engineers to continuously keep their living habitats and vehicles functioning over the course of millions of years?
I’m not sure that anyone really believes him now, but William Cooper said basically the same thing about one particular race of ET’s that he claims to have seen at a military meeting. According to him there are something like four different types of aliens that interact with the earth. One of them I do remember was described pretty close to the drawing you have posted.
>However I might stop posting my writings on Reddit (not videos), because people here are very hostile
Always the same reason, they can’t think in novel thought patterns, they hate it. They want the comfort of «knowing» that the community has a cohesive stance on whatever topic and they can repeat the same exact posts with small variations and get their precious validation.
Its a validation chamber, let me speak the language of your people so I can be upvoted.
The Reddit system failed, its a dead cell reliving its fate over and over again.
I’m on bored with you about break away civilizations…. I’m not there with all the ufo’s cause there’s been a lot coming out about them being different from humans …. But totally agree about the Egyptian style hyrogliphes on some crafts …. To be honest at this point there could have been multiple different breakaway civilizations with different agendas
Please don’t stop posting here, I love your content!
Looks like they wasted their time escaping as people just continued to survive and thrive but i can’t wait until they communicate with us and explain so many mysteries. But your theories are very interesting and I hope you don’t leave reddit
In the movie version, they were highly advanced but peaceful and outnumbered by an ancient hostile/mean/vicious/cruel hominid. So they booked it elsewhere. Into space, but close by. Later they were shocked that the hostile hominid from their oldest nightmares slowly started gaining technology. Over thousands of years, these sinister apes had achieved what it took the peaceful refugees mere decades. But they DID achieve it. And now do they dare hope to return to the world of their origin? Tune in to act two and three to find out!
I had two Astral Projection experiences about 10 years ago in which I saw men who looked like this. The headgear freaked me out, as it looked exactly like that of Ancient Egypt. It always confused me, so I mostly kept it to myself. Although I did post a few comments on this subject many years ago.
Basically, I was visiting their realm. They are a civilization that resides in the Astral. On both occasions it became clear they did not want me there, and they were hostile. Because of that my interaction with them was limited.
My belief is; they are who visited and influenced the Pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt long ago.
I love your work man, always intersting to read and watch 🙂
But yeah people here is so toxic, i can understand that you want to stop posting your theorys
>However I might stop posting my writings on Reddit (not videos), because people here are very hostile and try to put me on medications or something, just because in my last post I don’t find credible the debunking of carving over old art.
I’m gonna give you some low effort advice here: your writing is really bad. You sound like you’re delusional because you say things very matter-of-fact and obviously didn’t pay attention in your grade school classes when you had to write argumentative essays. I mean, it’s cool to think about this stuff and all, I enjoy theories like this. But the way you present this information is terrible and needs serious improvement if you’re really interested in being taken seriously in a realm in which it’s already very hard to take things seriously.
Interesting theory. What’s your take on the speculative idea that humans DNA was manipulated from chimps to create modern day humans?
Believing is seeing.
No. Please ditch the Graham Hancock racist pseudo science. There’s engineers who can explain the development of our modern technology without the need for fantasy.
I do believe that visitors from other worlds, other universes, or what have you, exist. I’ve had experiences that are difficult to explain and I don’t want to talk about them. But they aren’t monument builders.
As for governmental disinformation and secrecy, mostly it was about the cold war era intrigues. UAPs exist, they’ve finally disclosed that much. There’s been enough abduction encounters for that to be a real phenomenon worthy of study. But in the absence of legitimate information, people all too often fill in the gaps with fiction.
I don’t know the whys or the hows of all this, and I’m not going to offer explanation without factual evidence. Something has been going on for a very long time and we might never know all of the truth, but avoid mythologizing and maintain healthy skepticism. Scientific methodology is essential.
This is what I believe as well..
cool deep dive
All the movies were right I guess. Stargate?
Why is it that whenever some white folks see monumental ancient works they automatically think «Aliens. No way brown people built that.»
>The builders of the pyramids
You can stop with the pseudo historic BS right there, if you’re actually interested in what we really know, based on evidence, of who built the pyramids (at least the Great Pyramid of Giza — the largest of them all). There are surviving contemporaneous written [records](https://www.livescience.com/55439-ancient-logbook-on-great-pyramid-unveiled.html) left by those very builders.
That record spans a period of several months and was authored by a building inspector called Merer, and contains many details of the final phase of the building (the limestone casing that has since been removed over the centuries for other buildings). It details where the limestone was quarried, how it was transported to the pyramid site and also names the man who was in charge of the entire building works at that phase — a vizier called Ankhaf.
Nowhere does ity mention any of the nonsense that you spout about ancient, technologically advanced, pre-deluvian people lending a hand.
Given that you have failed to research even the most fundamental aspects of your own theory, I feel I can safely ignore the rest of it.
ThankYou for this 💛
I really like ur theory! I always had a feeling we had beings helping us develop. The earth guardian theory makes sense to me.