Я думаю, что инопланетяне есть по всей галактике. Я действительно не мог утверждать, что мы — единственная разумная жизнь во Вселенной. Я имею в виду, где это вообще заканчивается? Это стена, в которую ты просто натыкаешься, как купол или что-то в этом роде? НАСА сейчас регулярно находит планеты, которые могут быть пригодны для жизни. Ученые НАСА говорят, что их могут быть триллионы, и они являются экспертами. Основываясь на полученных результатах, команда Кеплера подсчитала, что в Млечном Пути существует «по крайней мере 50 миллиардов планет», из которых «по крайней мере 500 миллионов» находятся в обитаемой зоне. Жизнь находит путь, как мы видим, на земле в самых негостеприимных местах. Мы отправили жизнь в космос, и она выжила. Жизни не нужна такая же луна, как наша, или такая же звезда, как наша. Звезды-карлики лучше подходят для развитой жизни из-за продолжительности жизни. У нас нет даже лучшей звезды для продвижения эволюции. Очень жаль, что мы единственная обитаемая планета в Солнечной системе. Разве наличие соседей не было бы чем-то волшебным? Это кажется мрачным, потому что все, что мы можем наблюдать визуально, кроме планет, находится в нашей Солнечной системе. Это заставляет нас чувствовать себя одинокими. Это всего лишь один из миллиардов триллионов в наблюдаемой Вселенной. Мы можем изучать экзопланеты, но не можем их видеть. Разве это не странная вещь? Я думаю, что именно так восприятие смещается в сторону отсутствия жизни, но думать так нереально. https://science.nasa.gov/missions/hubble/goldilocks-stars-are-best-places-to-look-for-life/#:~:text=Red%20dwarfs%20make%20up%20the,life% 20форм%20являются%20K%20гномами. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/10/world/nasa-tess-earth-size-exoplanet-scn/index.html https://phys.org/news/2023-02-astronomers -rare-earth-mass-rocky-planet.amp https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/05/230529171755.htm
I no longer want to believe, I want to know.
>Its really a shame we are the only habitable planet in the solar system. Wouldn’t having neighbors be some magical stuff?
No. On the contrary, it would be normal and mundane. It’s a shame that isn’t the case, because disclosure (of intelligent life/their proxies visiting Earth) would be so much easier.
Somewhere out there, there is a civilization that believes they are the universe’s single repository of life.
It’s mathematically impossible we are alone in the universe.
I’m convinced the only way to truly visualize the size of the milky way is to fly from the bubble to colonia in Elite Dangerous. I almost died. And that was in my living room!
Me. I haven’t “concluded”, because that would be arrogance, but I’d bet we’ll never encounter life originating from other planets.
— Eukaryotic life seems extremely unlikely, from what we know about its history on Earth.
— Travel among the stars seems energetically impractical for living creatures.
From these, I bet that living interstellar travelers are so rare as to be negligibly frequent. The above, plus:
— The speed limit of the universe is super-slow, compared to the sparsity of stars.
… kills most of my hope of interplanetary encounters happening.
That being said, #IWantToBelieve. I’m more inclined to believe that the apparent non-human intelligence we’re seeing is either:
— from Earth (but not necessarily human); or
— not bound by the laws of physics (spiritual beings — angels, demons)
If we find out it really is from another planet, I’ll have a bunch of follow-up questions.
There are 40 billion earth like planets in our galaxy and an infinite number of other galaxies out there, so us being alone is no different than a faith based belief system that goes directly against current estimates.
I personally think it’s arrogant to think we are the only rock in this universe that has or had life.
I don’t think we’re alone, but we’re very, *very* far away from anybody else 🌌
I lack belief that there is life outside of earth because I haven’t seen convincing evidence in favour of it.
Certainly not a silly idea to think there might be, though I’ve seen some silly claims for why there definitely is.
Great way to reframe the argument
Not me, but some are still of the opinion, if they have not seen it with their own eyes it does not exist.
Where they at and why haven’t they shown themselves
If we were used to having neighbors, it would likely be no different for us than with our fellow animals. We don’t pay them much respect. Chances are we’d try to bomb, farm, or enslave the aliens, or we’d destroy their ecosystem.
How do you know we don’t have neighbors? We’ve been on Venus for like 5 minutes bro
Most of them listen to their religion which is a load off bollocks..
we have at least two autopsies and many alien bodies. why would you even say we are alone?
Are we alone in the universe? Unlikely.
Have intelligent alien civilisations traversed space and visited Earth? Also unlikely in my opinion.
I think that the most likely scenario, sadly, is that we won’t be able to confirm the existence of alien life for centuries, as I think we are the only living beings in our solar system.
I think intelligent civilizations have come and gone. When we’re gone, they’ll be more popping up millions of years from now and never know what other civilizations have accomplished.
There is a fascinating podcast from the Merged channel with Robin Hanson. He speaks about how for intelligent life like us to reach that stage is has to pass through what he calls hard steps. These are very unlikely evolutionary/cultural/technoligical steps in order to become not only intelligent, but space faring. This is his answer as to why we don’t see a universe full of aliens or terraformed planets surrounded by dyson spheres etc. It is insanely hard to get through all the steps. So, even if a planet manages to produce life, and that life then evolves and becomes intelligent, starts using tools and making machines etc the chances it will wipe itself out in the process or be wiped out by some natural disaster/plague etc is high.
The other point he makes I’ve not heard anyone talk about is the age of things. Our universe is 14 billion years old, give or take. Our planet is about 5 and complex life not very old at all. We’ve only been around for what 100k to 250k and if the news is anything to go by we might not be around for much longer. How many other planets had life like or unlike us who just destroyed themselves or were wiped out by an asteroid or some such calamity all the while wondering «are we alone?. He says we as humans are lucky in that we made it through the hard steps quite quickly, it was unlikely life would start and even more unlikely it would evolve and become us. 4.5 billion years. There is a very good chance we are the first or if we are not, the others never made it off planet. They destroyed themselves with their version of nukes or their version of AI.
I beleive there is other life out there but I am really starting to think the ET’s we see are future humanity. If gravity is how they power their crafted and gravity is related to time and they can control gravity…time travel is possible. Sounds wild but it would explain a lot.
This is just the classic strawman. Really nobody is saying that. Most skeptics are just asking for proof or doubt the “aliens on earth being covered up by US government” narrative. Doubting that or raising the standards for proof is never to say “we are alone in the universe”, thats the false dichotomy people in here like to use for that argument. Most people would honestly grant that “we are not alone” meaning there’s probably life on other planets, but that doesnt mean they are here on earth, travel faster than light, are technologically more advanced, genetically modified humans, and a bunch of other claims that are part of the alien lore.
We are not alone and it’s ALL ONE LOVE!!
Realistically, if aliens exist, it won’t affect my life at all. It’ll be an interesting news story for like 3 months, tops. I’ve seen the footage and pictures and I’m not convinced. I spend time trying to do impossible things at work, I’ll let the experts do the searching. If there’s a jackpot moment, I hope to be paying attention enough to catch it, but I’m sure someone will let me know anyway.
Just for clarity, I totally expect life amongst the galaxy, but I’m skeptical of space faring civilizations existing for any significant length of time.
prioritize the well-being and growth of all individuals legacy or other
The argument «well, there’s a lot of planets, so odds are some of them must support life» falls apart when you ask what the odds are of life coming into existence on a planet.
I have never heard any serious calculation that proves that it is statistically probable that other planet supports life. On the other hand, I have seen plenty that say it would be incredibly unlikely. In fact, the odds seem to be so low that it’s a wonder why there is even life on our planet.