Я видел это видео, размещенное на Facebook каким-то охотником Тимом Уэллсом, и оно показалось мне интересным… что бы это могло быть?
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by inUFOs
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Знаете ли вы о прямых трансляциях конференций АТЭС, где ученые со всего мира обсуждают последние достижения науки, которые могут объяснить технологию, которую мы наблюдаем в НЛО?
Репост 12-летней давности. Силы обороны Австралии «потеряли» все файлы и записи о наблюдениях НЛО.
Для хорошего смеха. «Похлопайте инопланетянину по щеке»
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Делаю репост, потому что не могу отредактировать исходный пост из-за опечатки. Вот видео, которое затрагивает часть того, что сказал ученый EBO.
В моем родном городе Бунтон сняли новый фильм об инопланетянах «Жюль»
Никогда не видел это видео, пока оно не появилось сегодня в моей ленте на YouTube! Очаровательный!
Очередной пост про УАЗ размером со здание — почитайте ссылку из книги 90-х.
Tim Wells is a guy who drugs bears then kills them with highly unethical methods including blowing darts and throwing javelins at them.
Of course he’s always sure to get videos of himself making the kill with his little blowgun, which he just so happens to sell on his website.
To call Tim Wells a hunter is like calling Ted Bundy a ladies’ man.
I wouldn’t believe anything you see coming from this horrible individual. In Canada we call guys like this goofs.
Looks like a mylar balloon.
Same one banned from Canada for illegally poaching geese ( killing absurd number) ( had to turn over a hundred or so guns)while yelling at the camera man who was undercover DNR to keep filming when he .. the cameraman wanted to quit because of how many they killed. If it’s a ufo. Some will try to bask in the light. Probably a drone more than likely.
Star shaped metallic ballon, its from the side you can see how the light interacts sometimes and you can see the form, there is even a connection in the base.
«Moving fast against the wind» this quote seems BS, tell me how you could judge the wind from a mile from you with naked eye without using any reference to judge that? How is he measuring the wind from a mile high up in the air?
One thing is wind interacting with a bush and trees in your location, other thing is a bush from a mile away below and above your eye level because you know, wind…
«But seems big» its a lot closer than you think. The mountains are really far back, you can perceive it when he zooms out from his face, so zoomed in the thing appears to be bigger than actually is.
The object is in between him and the mountains, add at least another mile from the object to the mountains, the hint? When things are real far in this light setting, far back things like mountains tend to get a shade of blue because of the air density. And i would expect the object to be more «bluish» because of the air density, but its not, that’s why the discrepancy from the mountains.
Take your camera off the UFO to speak to audience in dramatic fashion. Great job sir.
Why is the dude whispering?
“It was tRuCkiN aGainst the WINd so iT coUldNt be tHat”
Brought to you by Carls Jr.
It’s not real he made up a bigfoot video to
I really am all in for any genuine or unexplained videos after some scrutiny. I seen UAPs before , so I know they exist… but this video doesnt smell right.
The one thing I noticed was that the shadowing on the mountain giving us an approximation of the Sun’s position. So with that in mind, even a mile out that object is a substantial size. And as it moves over the mountains there should be multiple points where we should see a large weak shadow when in certain points in the video. It doesnt display any, and yes I’m taking into account shadow angle projections. It still should have a few points where we see something even if not highly prominate.
Again, UAPs and NHIs are most definitely real. But we still need to support healthy skepticism on any video evidence. Because if not, you give the opposing side ammunition to imply that this community just accepts anything without questions.
I’ll be interested if anyone has a better understanding on its authenticity or has evidence to support my disappointing conclusion.
Why are they whispering? Lol
Why do the orbs seem to only go in a straight line? Do they not have the ability to zig zag, or accelerate?
I found this video posted on Facebook by a hunter named Tim Wells of something he saw in the skies while out hunting. I’m not 100% certain of where exactly this was. But I can do some digging and come back with any information I find. I thought it was really interesting footage and potentially legit. It kinda reminds me of the metapod video so I figured I’d post it here and see what you all think. Any thoughts on what it could be? You can see it go across the horizon and is somewhat reflective. According to the audio, it was moving against the wind until it was out of sight. Pretty weird
The coyote hunters
It’s tumbling… Horizontally… Against the wind.
I genuinely can’t believe the guy stopped filming the UFO and filmed his fucking face. He blew 12 seconds of potential evidence. I am suspicious of this one.
Probably a ballon, but it did remind me of this guys videos:
Same guy who said he filmed Bigfoot
People will say it’s a Mylar balloon but to me it looks like one of those fancy spheres just taking a casual cruise through the desert!
Clearly a happy birthday balloon with the shine of Venus reflecting while swamp gas rises to hide the writing on it
My problem with this is that the camera work is amazing,too good to be real zooming in on it and it’s perfectly centered in the shot screams fake too me