Частные убеждения исследователя Джона Киля о явлениях НЛО по состоянию на октябрь 1967 года. Это была записка, написанная для личных друзей и коллег, не предназначенная для публичного обнародования: «Как только силы НЛО полностью осознают, что мы знаем об их планах, они могут счесть необходимым принять немедленные меры».

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Частные убеждения исследователя Джона Киля о явлениях НЛО по состоянию на октябрь 1967 года. Это была записка, написанная для личных друзей и коллег, не предназначенная для публичного обнародования: «Как только силы НЛО полностью осознают, что мы знаем об их планах, они могут счесть необходимым принять немедленные меры».

От admin

32 комментарий для “Частные убеждения исследователя Джона Киля о явлениях НЛО по состоянию на октябрь 1967 года. Это была записка, написанная для личных друзей и коллег, не предназначенная для публичного обнародования: «Как только силы НЛО полностью осознают, что мы знаем об их планах, они могут счесть необходимым принять немедленные меры».”
  1. Submission Statement:

    Researcher and journalist [John Keel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Keel), author of books such as Operation Trojan Horse, The Mothman Prophecies, The Eighth Tower, and Disneyland of the Gods, wrote a memo meant for personal friends and colleagues about his privately held beliefs surrounding the UFO phenomena (as of Oct 1967).


    Shades of Lue Elizondo’s ‘somber’ UFO reality?:

    > Once the UFO powers realize fully that we are aware of their plans they might feel it necessary to take immediate action. Therefore it is important that this knowledge be restricted to a very small group. Belief in the existence of UFOs would be the first step to understanding and believing in the more complicated and panic- provoking general situation. It is thus imperative that the UFOs existence remain discredited for as long as possible and that this knowledge be kept from the general public.
    > The above information is NOT SPECULATIVE. It is based upon personal experience and in-depth investigation. It represents part of the whole truth (there is much more). Please regard this as completely confidential. The record shows that all of those in possession of this information are subjected to harassment, threats and even worse.
    > John A. Keel -Oct. 1967

  2. Very interesting indeed, but I’m trying to understand the objective. Seeding the atmosphere and water with «Angel Hair» -a indetectable chemical- to establish mind control over the entire population? To turn us into mind controlled entities to bring us into the BORG?

    I don’t trust anything I see online, but I will entertain this because it is pretty remarkable, if true.

  3. Most of it “sounds right” but if its saying demi-aliens are being born within 1-2 generation in 1967 and almost 50 years later everyone seems to still be as plain as they were before, that invalidates that specific point

  4. Very interesting. Like others said, I’d like to know what the provenance of this document is.

    If authentic, I’m going to have to re-read some of his works again with this perspective in mind. I do recall (from _Operation Trojan Horse_, I think) how he cautioned parents to discourage their children from pursuing interests in the topic of UFOs, and he generally seems to lean toward the idea that the phenomenon is not extraterrestrial in origin. I would interpret statements like that differently now considering this document, especially the second-to-last paragraph.

  5. It’s obviously just speculation but there’s plenty of “circumstantial testimony” that point to this being the case. I used to want to believe that they were here to help us but the older I get the less that seems to be the case. If true it’s not hard to believe that the gov or the aliens would do everything they can to keep it secret. If there’s even a difference between the two at this point.

    Wouldn’t be to hard for them to guide us to where they want us to go. Just capture the top 5 most lucrative industries and you’d have enough money/power to do whatever you like. Our entire system caters to lobbying. There’s more money in less people’s hands now more then ever and it’s only going to continue.

    Maybe I’m just getting old but the direction we seem to be going in is def negative imo. Less freedom and more propaganda is all we’re going to get going forward. Both parties in America are frauds who stand for nothing imo. There’s a few in each party that seem genuine to me but the majority are just puppets.

  6. The one about advanced phone equipment sounds like it’s an NSA base before the internet. I wouldn’t be surprised if they wiped your memory if you found it too.

    A lot of the rest — I have no doubt this is the kind of stuff that everyone wants when people like Coulthard and Tom say they cannot share what they know, due to it being really shocking and bad. We don’t know what evidence they have seen to state this is the case. If this is true, it may be why every UFO celebrity seems to be captured by disinfo. They likely believe they are doing the right thing for humanity — John keel was a respected investigator who talked and wrote books, but if modern people would go mad be doesn’t share everything he knows — well here it is. This is what we have wanted for a long time from Coulthard etc who do not share all they know.

  7. They take action all the time. The men in black are non human. And they are not confined by space and time. Thus, any time we get close at smoking gun evidence, they swoop it away or manipulate the individuals who can. This is why after over 60 years we have no real smoking gun proof and just countless stories.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they manipulate our timeline whenever the public are aware of their existence.

  8. I am going to share something disturbing with you.
    Wars are smoke screen on what happens underground, due to noise you cannot differentiate between battle noise and underground activity.
    I have observed this in the current war in Israel with Hamas.
    Something major is happening. (I have shared UAP video in Israel daylight before the war)

    Regarding the document.
    My personal opinion is that Israel is bait to make Iran go to war and for the United States to eliminate potential threats that can use current mass destruction technology and future mass destruction tech.
    There are not many hostile countries left in the world and Iran was always part of the plan.
    The United States probably wants to release the knowledge only after it cleansed the world from what it considers dangerous and evil (which might be related to the different factions mentioned in the document).
    Pay attention that it does share UAP knowledge with its allies!

  9. A brilliant pitch for a Netflix series, or in this case if date is correct, a bestseller novel. Aside that, it’s pure science fiction tied with some known facts. (Even in the late 60’s we knew about the psychic component of these sightings.)

  10. Sadly, it sounds legit to me. I think humanity is in the middle of an alien human hybrid time war over a goldilocks planet. The Bible predicts so many events even after being altered by kings, illuminati, politicians, secret societies, and the Vatican, all for selfish gains and power over the masses. The Bible ends with our whole planet being replaced by a new planet like it’s been our job to terriform the planet for extraterrestrials this whole time.

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