Часто задаваемые вопросы: издание Debunker

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Часто задаваемые вопросы: издание Debunker,

Часто задаваемые вопросы: издание Debunker,

**Если вы не верите в НЛО, то почему вы здесь? я не захожу в \[Insert subreddit\] спорить с ними.** Прежде всего, НЛО означает неопознанный летающий объект. Я не верю, что есть хоть один человек, который не верит, что в небе есть объекты, которые нам еще предстоит идентифицировать. Мы, скептики, здесь для того, чтобы беспристрастно следовать свидетельствам и идентифицировать НЛО независимо от того, приводит ли это к обычным или необычным ответам. Мы столь необходимая сила в мире, полном дезинформации. Пилоты-истребители и другие обученные наблюдатели постоянно видят НЛО, знаете ли вы больше, чем они?** Пилоты-истребители и другие так называемые обученные наблюдатели [susceptible](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna38852385) на уловки восприятия, как и все остальные. ** А как насчет наблюдений с участием нескольких свидетелей? Несколько свидетелей не могут ошибаться.** Да, могут. Ниже приведены примеры, связанные с НЛО.

[http://www.jamesoberg.com/ufo/fireball.pdf](http://www.jamesoberg.com/ufo/fireball.pdf) ** Людей осуждают на основании свидетельских показаний. Считаете ли вы, что суды неправы?** Показания свидетелей [problematic](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-the-eyes-have-it/) даже в зале суда. **Вы верите, что все люди, утверждающие, что видели НЛО, сумасшедшие или лгут?** Наблюдения НЛО происходят в основном из-за невежества и обмана восприятия. Я считаю, что очень немногие наблюдения НЛО происходят по вине сумасшедших или лжецов. **Если развитая инопланетная цивилизация, на миллионы лет более развитая, чем мы, хотела остаться скрытой, то почему вы ожидаете, что они оставят доказательства?** И почему я должен верить, что передовая цивилизация посещает нас, когда нет никаких доказательств или доказательств? **Почему вы спорите с военными и правительством США, вы думаете, что знаете лучше, чем они?** Разве верующие не спорят все время с правительством США, обвиняя их в сокрытии и заговоре? Чтобы ответить на ваш вопрос, ни одно правительство не доказало существование необычных НЛО (EUFOS). Период. **Что, по вашему мнению, считается доказательством?** Что-то осязаемое и поддающееся проверке. Знаешь… нечто большее, чем одни и те же старые небылицы, которые мы слышим десятилетиями. **Кто сказал что-нибудь об инопланетянах?** Это чувак из сабреддита об НЛО, люди здесь в основном верят, что НЛО — это пришельцы. **Ты просто боишься инопланетян, поэтому не веришь, не так ли?** Совсем не боюсь, на самом деле я большой поклонник научной фантастики и ОБОЖАЮ идею посещение инопланетянами, но, к сожалению, нет никаких доказательств или доказательств посещения инопланетянами. Дай мне знать, что найдешь. **Сколько они вам платят?** Хотел бы я, чтобы мне платили за развенчание чепухи… но, к сожалению, разоблачение — во многом неблагодарная работа, встречающая сарказм со стороны пылких верующих… тем не менее, это должно быть сделано на благо общества. человеческое знание. **Опровержение — это предвзятое слово, разве вы не знаете?** И верующие, и скептики все время занимаются развенчанием, оно не является исключительным для какой-либо системы или набора убеждений. В этом нет ничего предвзятого. Разоблачение — это просто разоблачение ложности идеи. Вот и все. Период.

By admin

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13 комментарий для “Часто задаваемые вопросы: издание Debunker”
  1. Yes there is zero hard evidence of “alien visitation”.

    However, there exists ample hard evidence (such as radar data backed by visual confirmation) that objects are maneuvering in our airspace that outperform our best aircraft in many respects. There also exists ample hard evidence that the government has held a very serious interest in this subject while maintaining a public campaign of lies and ridicule for many decades.

    I respect a “skeptic” who acknowledges what we know and what we don’t know. However, in my experience very few actually do, they still treat this subject as though there’s a genuine possibility that it may all be nothing but misidentifications and hoaxes, which is absurd. Though the idea of “visiting aliens” has absolutely NOT been proven, debunkers want to keep this subject in basic arithmetic when it has moved beyond. Some premises have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, namely the two mentioned above.

  2. I don’t mind skeptics or debunkers. The UFO field is rife with misidentifications and hoaxes, and we need people with rational and critical thinking skills to wade through all that noise. So I applaud Mick West and Metabunk for getting a lot of things right like Starlink for «race track UFOs,» the Aguadilla» balloon, all the crap put out by Skinwalker ranch, Corbell and Knapp, etc. But there’s a small percentage of cases that aren’t so readily debunked. Some may fit into the category of black military projects, others may not. But the skeptics also have a tendency to force-fit explanations for the more hard to dismiss cases like West and what four pilots observed during the Nimitz case. Oberg certainly has a tendency to force-fit his fireball explanation when I described to him a meteor followed by a reflective metallic vehicle gliding through the atmosphere, followed by lights. What a lot of skeptics see unfortunately, especially if you visit this sub daily, is a lot of the garbage, all the noise, and the moderators do very little to filter it out. People like Corbell have the biggest microphones, how does he get on all the TV networks, when he drops a shitty UFO video as bad as what gets posted here every day? The UFO field is rife with bad actors, if you conclude from all the garbage that pollutes this subject, it therefore must all be garbage, you’ve made an unfortunate error.

  3. “If an advanced alien civilization millions of years more advanced than us wanted to remain hidden then why would you expect them to leave behind proof?

    And why should I believe an advanced civilization is visiting us when there is no proof or evidence?”

    This is the only one that matters—and not surprisingly—the only one you didn’t answer.

  4. What are your thoughts on the following cases confirmed by the following countries or do you limit the topic to just the US?

    1. 1976 Tehran Iran
    2. Colares, Brazil incident
    3. La Joya Incident in Peru
    4. Official UFO Night in Brazil

    All of these cases have been confirmed by Governments.





  5. Well, just for sport, let me throw down this gauntlet: Download this file: [https://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a17/AS17-147-22470HR.jpg](https://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a17/AS17-147-22470HR.jpg) . (Confirm at [https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-147-22470](https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-147-22470), but with poor resolution.) Note that both URLs are in secure https: protocol, the same as used by banks and mafias. Open the NASA photo in a video editor like Photoshop or GIMP. Raise the gamma to 2.8 or 3. Navigate to a point with coordinates x = 92.98% of picture width; y = 73.72% of picture height. Scale the image so as to zoom in. Vary the gamma to get a sense of the shape of the very dim background object, nearly hidden in the digitization noise. Read up on the camera and film used at [https://www.hasselblad.com/about/history/hasselblad-in-space/](https://www.hasselblad.com/about/history/hasselblad-in-space/), where you can also see what genuine lens flares look like. Here’s what you should see in the enlarged and gamma-adjusted moon photo: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nS2q-ea0DflPH40_qlBL0mydE_kLjLB4/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nS2q-ea0DflPH40_qlBL0mydE_kLjLB4/view) . Note that JPEG compresses into squares, not triangles.

    Naive esoterics will think that the three lights against the barely distinguishable triangular object behind them are one of the black triangle UFOs written about by nitwits like David Marler (An Estimate of the Situation). However, as sharp skeptics will be quick to note, it may well be that:

    * The command module (see it in space at [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4df645e70170b5a94ffadf72e4196ac4](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4df645e70170b5a94ffadf72e4196ac4)) occasionally morphed into a triangle with searchlights, easily mistaken for a mythological «black triangle.»
    * Three supernovas coincidentally appeared together (try looking for other stars).
    * The moon photo was faked by NASA and USRA as part of a nefarious, deep-state psy-op.
    * It’s three geese carrying a parachute.
    * Shit happens.

  6. «Fighter pilots and other trained observers see UFOs all the time, do you know more than they do?»

    I just think we need to keep in mind that fighter pilots are NOT ‘trained observers’, they are ‘trained SURVIVORS». They live to retire and get their pensions by interpreting all visual cues in the most hazardous possible form, as embryonic indications of somebody trying to kill you. They ‘don’t think twice’ is such cases, they are better-safe-than-sorry in their immediate instinctive actions. If it turns out the visual cues were NOT dangerous, at worst there is some embarrassment and teasing, but it beats the alternative — funerals. I’ve seen recent cases where they got into dogfight mode over visual stimuli hundreds of miles away — AS THEY SHOULD, if in doubt at all.
    Several years ago, I described the ‘questionable foundation’ of Leslie Kean’s book as the naïve and unverified faith in pilot reports. She has insisted the UFOs show intelligent purpose based on their perception of the nature of their witnesses, since they behave differently when seen by military pilots than when seen by civilian pilots [when the more common-sense explanation is that different pilots report observations in terms of what they expect from their own different experience bases]. The data archives she touts as ‘unexplainable’ pilot sightings [such as the French ‘Weinstein Report’] can easily be shown to contain numerous pilot misinterpretations of unrecognized space and missile activity around the world, so who knows how many other prosaic explanations were never found by the ‘investigators’? See here:

  7. I am going to be very honest here. I don’t care if I get downvoted. This place is teeming with pseduo-skeptics operating with a very clear agenda. I’ll explain exactly why —

    1) I have written in detail about the general behaviour and modus operandi of these ‘skeptics’ before and I will share a link to the same here —


    I stand by every word that I have written in the post above.

    2) Contrary to the impression that I am probably giving out, I have a lot of appreciation for truly skeptical people. If we have a true skeptic in our midst who is familiar with the developments in this field over the past few years, there is one very specific thing that should be alarming them — Ex-military intelligence community members going on podcasts and dropping some really juicy stuff. We know the kind of stuff that Lue Elizondo, Chris Mellon, Jin Semivan etc have said over the past few years. It is quite staggering.

    Now, a true skeptic would be very alarmed at the situation. What we have here is a large group of people online being lead astray by ex-military intelligence community members who are essentially preying upon gullible people who are interested in UFOs. Isn’t this exactly what is happening? Zero real evidence has been provided. It is just hours and hours of people blabbering away on wee podcasts talking about time travel, hybridization, impending cataclysm etc. A true skeptic would be alarmed at what is happening.

    The world has seen many a bullshit-artist. Especially online. It would be one thing if these people restricted themselves to niche UFO communities and peddled their bullshit to gullible UFO nutjobs. Now, not only are these people selling UFO idiots a bridge, they have also managed to make their way to Congress. Blimey! Isn’t this a major issue? How have these people managed to reach Congress and gotten them to pass laws related to UFOs? A true skeptic would be losing sleep over this.

    To give you an alternate example, I don’t believe in Bigfoot. I don’t think Bigfoot exists. All Bigfoot sightings are likely misidentifications. Needless to say, I haven’t spent much time researching Bigfoot (at least not recently), but I absolutely respect the right of any individual who spends time on this topic. I will leave them alone. Now, lets’s say that a Bigfoot equivalent of Lue E came along who claims that the government has bodies of Bigfoot, it has been studying Bigfoot in secret for a long time etc. I would be shocked. I would first fall prostrate at the feet of Bigfoot believers and beg for forgiveness. My next step would be to ask for evidence. I would ask Lue ‘Yeti’ Elizondo for evidence. If Yeti Lue went up to Congress and asked them to pass laws to help study Bigfoot in more detail, I’d be calling bullshit. I’d want to see the collected evidence first.

    3) There is only one thing that will put this issue to bed — Evidence. Proof. Data. You can call it anything you want. We know the US government has it. They have openly admitted it. Somehow, only us UFO nutjobs want to see the real evidence. We want to see pictures. We want to see videos. We want to see a flying saucer in all its glory. We are getting zilch. Somehow, it doesn’t impact the skeptics. Not one bit. What should have happened is that the UFO believers should have been marching to Congress hand-in-hand with the skeptics. The conversation should have been something like this —

    UFO believers: See, we told ya! UFOs are real and the government knows all about it. Let’s pass laws to get them to reveal the data that they have collected over the decades.
    Skeptics: We are not convinced that the photos and videos that are publicly available show anything special, but let’s get the government to reveal some of the data it has collected over the years so that we can put this issue to bed. After all, a lot of government officials seem to think that some of it could be aliens or other non-human intelligence. It is highly unlikely that this is the case, but we want to see the data too.

    This should have been the approach a few years ago. Data. Evidence. Proof. Release it. Only us UFO nutjobs want to see it. We expected it in the two UAP reports. We expected the donkey Kirkpatrick to release something major in the recent hearing. Did we get anything significant? Nada. We got angry and sniped at each other to release the pent up frustration. Did it bother the skeptics that no hard data was released? Ha!

    4) Most of you ‘skeptics’ who infest this space have only one agenda — to disrupt proceedings and to prevent any half-genuine publicly posted video or photo from getting traction. I have seen you berate ordinary people for daring to post a video/photo asking for opinions on whether they have captured a genuine UFO. Many a poster has been bullied out of this sub. These are ordinary people who have never posted here before and don’t even believe in UFOs. If you were genuine skeptics, you would be teaming up with UFO believers and trying to get to the bottom of this mystery. What did the Nimitz crew see? Can we see the entire sequence? Can we see some of the older data? Why are some of your ex-intelligence community members talking about hybridization, time travel, impending cataclysm etc? We would be marching hand-in-hand trying to get the answer to these questions.

    Since very few of you are even arsed about these important things, one thing is eminently clear — most of you lot are not ‘skeptics’, you are fucking wankers! Agents of provocation and disruption. You don’t want the truth. You are not here for the truth. There! I said it. Go on then. Downvote me!

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