Биолог Хосе Де Ла К. Риос Лопес говорит, что мумии НАСКА не сделаны из костей людей или животных, потому что: «Кости полые и могут быть ограничены только двумя группами животных: ДИНОЗАВРАМИ-ТЕРОПОДАМИ и птицами, произошедшими от первых, но анализ ДНК обнаружил нет известной связи с видами животных».

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Биолог Хосе Де Ла К. Риос Лопес говорит, что мумии НАСКА не сделаны из костей людей или животных, потому что: «Кости полые и могут быть ограничены только двумя группами животных: ДИНОЗАВРАМИ-ТЕРОПОДАМИ и птицами, произошедшими от первых, но анализ ДНК обнаружил нет известной связи с видами животных».

От admin

34 комментарий для “Биолог Хосе Де Ла К. Риос Лопес говорит, что мумии НАСКА не сделаны из костей людей или животных, потому что: «Кости полые и могут быть ограничены только двумя группами животных: ДИНОЗАВРАМИ-ТЕРОПОДАМИ и птицами, произошедшими от первых, но анализ ДНК обнаружил нет известной связи с видами животных».”
  1. I’m confused. Old animal long bones are _usually_ hollow on the inside. I know this from finding lots of deer bones in the woods growing up. I don’t have any photos of this myself, but [here are some animal bones in a CT scan](https://i.imgur.com/n68TPfd.png), [here are some _human_ bones in a CT scan](https://i.imgur.com/OS7WUWI.png), and [here are is a human femur bisected lengthwise](https://i.imgur.com/wHK4Vdn.png) that I got off of Google Image Search.

    Also, why would aliens have DNA? That seems _exceedingly_ specific to terrestrial forms of life, and I wouldn’t expect that to arise in an entirely different biochemistry. Also, even if it’s a DNA-like structure, how would DNA-specific instruments be able to sequence it?

    edit: Thinking on this further—assuming a panspermia hypothesis (life came to Earth on an asteroid), that would require two panspermia events. One to seed Earth with prokaryotic life (i.e. [LUCA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_universal_common_ancestor)) about 4 billion years ago, and then another to seed earth with some mechanism to induce eukaryotic life about 2.2 billion years ago. That would be the only explanation for relatively similar cell structures between these specimens and all life on earth.

    Or it’s a hoax, which seems much more likely.

    (Was pushed this post by the Reddit algo, apologies if this breaks rules.)

  2. As a biologist i have 2 points I cannot stop scratching my head about this. 1. Full DNA sequencing costs nickels now compared with 20 years ago (you can get your genome fully sequenced for the cost of a moderately priced car) and if Mexico government was confident about legitimity of these specimens they should have already — at least — started this activity and disclosed if this was ongoing. 2. DNA is a solution to genetic information memory, but this solution is the result of evolution on this particular planet. What is the probability another planet ends up with the same solution? If the specimen has DNA at all then it is unlikely it comes from another place.

  3. That’s literally not a bird bone. A bird bone cross-section would be a third as thick. That’s a mammal bone with the spongy soft bone tissue and marrow removed, which is what you would expect from a human corpse hundreds of years old.


    I literally cannot stress this enough. That is not a bird bone. You can go find avian bones online to compare. You would not mistake them for a mammals.


  4. Another mexican that makes the research, who can be connected with ease to the one who revealed everything. Why no third party organizations dont do the research?

  5. Naturally this brings to mind the Silurian Hypothesis, but given the consistency of general skeletal structure in known earth life in the fossil record the mummies would require either genetic manipulation or genetic mutation to get to the skeletons we see today—**assuming** they are both real & from here.

    Given the implants, and the assumption these bodies represent the NHI in old myths, they would have been intelligent & genetic technology isn’t off the table. But it makes me very curious for deep genetic analyses on *all* the bodies to see whatever data there is to find there.

    If they aren’t from Earth originally, that opens up too many possibilities to pick a likely narrative without more information I think.

  6. He is an unqualified hack who doesn’t understand how bones work, if that’s his take on this — hint: marrow. This whole charade is an absolute embarrassment to science.

  7. Maybe you can actually read the paper?

    11 Conclusion
    Our examination, based on produced CT-scan
    images, 3D reproduction and comparison with
    existing literature (e.g. [13], [14], [15]), leads to the
    following conclusions:
    (a) The “archaeological” find with an unknown
    form of “animal” was identified to have a head
    composed of a llama deteriorated braincase. The
    examination of the seemingly new form shows that it
    is made from mummified parts of unidentified
    animals. To this end, a new perception of the lama
    deteriorated braincase physiology is gained through
    the CT-scan examination by producing and studying
    various sections, as presented in the paper. This new
    piece of information could not have been perceived
    without the motivation to identify Josephina’s head
    bones, which are most probably an archaeological
    find. One can point to the supposition that Peru
    cultures used animal body elements to express art or
    religious beliefs (based on the importance that llamas
    played in the Peruvian cosmology — see Introduction)

  8. Here is what I want done

    1. Find the original location where these were obtained and check it with many sensors and equipment. See if it matches the supposed videos that were shown

    2. Respected scientist from top USA or Europe universities to study them

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