Дистанционный наблюдатель Дик Оллгайр объясняет, что он увидел, когда проводил сеанс на колесах, посвященный «происхождению» разбившегося Розуэллского UAP: «Лучший способ, который я могу придумать, чтобы объяснить это, — это 3D-нанотехнологическая печать металла с помощью нейронных сетей. .»

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Дистанционный наблюдатель Дик Оллгайр объясняет, что он увидел, когда проводил сеанс на автофургоне о «происхождении» разбившегося Розуэллского UAP: «Лучший способ, который я могу придумать, чтобы объяснить это, — это 3D-нанотехнологическая печать металла с помощью нейронных сетей. .»

Remote Viewer, Dick Allgire, explains what he saw when he did a RV session of ‘the origin’ of the crashed Roswell UAP: «The best way I can come up with to explain it is, 3D-Nanotechnology printing of metal with neural networks.»
byu/bmfalbo inaliens

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44 комментарий для “Дистанционный наблюдатель Дик Оллгайр объясняет, что он увидел, когда проводил сеанс на колесах, посвященный «происхождению» разбившегося Розуэллского UAP: «Лучший способ, который я могу придумать, чтобы объяснить это, — это 3D-нанотехнологическая печать металла с помощью нейронных сетей. .»”
  1. Submission Statement:

    Remote Viewer Dick Allgire, with the Farsight Institute in 2017, describes what he saw when he did a remote viewing session of where the Roswell UAP came from, or it’s ‘origin’.

    He describes that he saw an incredibly complicated but sophisticated technology that essentially 3D prints a UAP to specification based on its purpose at the nanoscopic levels. Further more, there is a ‘neural network’ encoded into these UAPs, suggesting some biological element.

    I found this interesting because of the infamous 4chan post that made the rounds a few months ago that talked about similar things on how UAPs are built. An anecdotal connection.

    [Video Source (Warning: Paywall)](https://www.farsightprime.com/roswell-crash-at-corona/videos/roswell-crash-at-corona-farsight)

  2. Have you guys heard of **Plumbus**?

    First, they take the dingle bop and they smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. The schleem is then…repurposed for later batches.
    They take the dingle bop and they push it through the grumbo, where the fleeb is rubbed against it. It’s important that the fleeb is rubbed, becasue the fleeb has all the fleeb juice.

    Then, a schlami shows up, and he rubs it…and spits on it.
    They cut the fleeb. There’s several hizzards in the way.
    The blamfs rub against the chumbles, and the…plubis, and grumbo are shaved away.
    That leaves you with…a regular old **plumbus**.


    This is what this guy sounds like. He’s probably using buzzwords he does not even understand himself.

  3. Not for nothing but many people who’ve claimed to have been in or have seen UAPs have described it in this exact way a biological alloy that was either wax molded or in modern day 3d printed

  4. This kind of reminds of what the Terminal 4chan whistleblower said about how they believe they create ships. He said there was evidence that every ship is made for that specific mission and would come back to be dismantled

  5. Maybe if this guy took a second to hit pause on the Jimmy Buffett tape he’s listening to he would be able to clearly articulate whatever the hell it is he’s trying to describe.

  6. «remote viewer»… um, such a capability has never been proven to exist. If he could really do it, he’d could have the JREF’s million dollar prize and change the face of science forever, maybe even win a Nobel or two.

  7. I’m looking at the rules on the right column.In what sense is this quality content? Or substantive? If some guy tells that he can «see» that somehow and then I’m expected to believe this, then in what way is this **not** a religious matter? And don’t give me that «yeah well you can take this however you like». If it would come to that then hey, someone could as well just video themselves of getting an esoteric connection to the alien phone lines by dabbling a pile of dog doodoo with their hands. «Well, man, take it how you like 🤷 I ain’t saying it’s a proof but…»

    You guys do understand that for some, these buzzwords aren’t peculiar sci-fiesque search terms for youtube, but actual things our careers are about? If you’re about to incorporate the use of those terms in your material or content, at least learn about them, at least a spoonful more than what a typical hollywood-tier netflix documentary explains

  8. didn’t jeremy corbell* recently mention how a lot of military personnel would bring up UFOs having some sort of “skin” — could this be the “neural network” that this gentleman is alluding to?

  9. Hey OP! This was fun to discover! Don’t let comments get you down. IMHO This is how underwater/otherworldly space crafts would work. 3D printing. You are doing great. Keep up the progress… Just remember that reddit will only let you see what you are allowed to see.

  10. Gotta love how all these remote viewers and astral projectors can find alien bases on the moon, view «the origin» of the Roswell UAP crash, visit spaceships and space stations, but if you write down a bunch of numbers and letters on a piece of papers and ask them to come and read them, suddenly «it doesn’t work like that»

  11. Ive seen a lot of low quality garbage posts on this subreddit. It’s to be expected, it’s par for the course with this topic. Idiots come out of the woodwork spouting all kinda of nonsensical garbage. For example, a remote viewing (lol) person said a bunch of technical terms in a garbled volley of gibberish. Mods, why are you allowing shit like this? It detracts from genuine discussion of real events.

  12. Sounds like a bad 90s scifi movie plot. Seriously, this remote viewing thing is like the most laughable scam since fortune telling and for some reason there are people out there believing in that.

    Here, ill remote view the alien base in Andromeda galaxy for you — i see…big shiny metal space ships printed with 3d nano technology.

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