Подборка хороших наблюдений за последний месяц
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Большой треугольный НЛО в 2006 году над Рокфордом, штат Иллинойс. Автомагистраль между штатами 90 движется на юг / юго-запад. Есть еще свидетели?
Техас расследует шесть изувеченных коров, которые были найдены мертвыми на разных участках вдоль техасского шоссе, охватывающего три округа.
Кто-нибудь видел шары вместе со шаром, который выглядит как «анимированный пластиковый пакет, который, кажется, движется разумно»?
Документация UAP в Нью-Мексико. Пожалуйста, прочитайте текст.
Дейтона, Флорида, НЛО снято отделом шерифа, март 1991 г.
Новичок в этом подразделе, и у меня есть серьезный вопрос
34,2219° с.ш., 83,9691° з.д. 5-8-2023
НЛО над Замковым куполом?
Каково ваше мнение о том, что у Логана Пола самые убедительные кадры с НЛО?
Флэтвудское чудовище — одно из самых страшных столкновений с инопланетянами всех времен, но есть ли этому реальное объяснение?
UFO: Encounter With Fear — Unsolved Mysteries представляет собой инсценировку встречи двух полицейских с НЛО в 1960-х годах. Взято из журнала UFO & Outer Space Magazine, который, как сообщается, использовал реальные отчеты. Всегда было интересно, как в старых отчетах были такие гигантские корабли, а сегодня мы видим только далекие огни!
man if a craft dropped down into the forest like that in the Columbia video and it’s within my reach to get closer I don’t give a hot damn I’m running in there to get a closer look
What a badass compilation, easy to share with the family that calls me nuts.
this is actually really good, thank you for sharing
Here is a question that has always plagued us. Why hide and be covert? Shutting off nukes, interacting with military assets, or why fly around where people can see you?
The underwater one is incredible
Flight of the navigator
Three compilations in 4 months.. does that make 2023 much more active than usual? I’ve only just recently jumped down this rabbit hole and I don’t have a comparison versus past years.
Edit: 4 months not 5
They also did vids for March and Feb, it’s been a good year
That crown flash would freak my shit out. Its eerie.
A good pile of clips from last month(ish). I usually see most of the noteworthy sightings through reddit and twitter, but seems that there were a few I missed. Aside from what might be a globo ilama at one point, it’s overall a decent vid. Not too keen on the music, had to mute
Any more info on the one from a cockpit around 5:40? I’ve never seen that before
Are the government looking into these?
What is the thought about the spheres showing clear reflection, but no shadow? The fist video in particular looks like a shadow should be visible.
A lot of these are good but sorry to say the Space Shuttle one can almost certainly be confirmed as relating to ablation or debris. Rockets leave tons of stuff behind and there are hundreds of videos and photos that show similar things. Not to mention that the rough, very homogenous appearance of the object makes it look like something torn off something larger. Idk why its here.
Reason I am saying this is because there will be cases that are mundane. Most here aren’t. Airplane. Spheres. Etc. But that one is too obvious
If these vids are legit its absolutely incredible. But…whenever i see a clear UFO video I can’t help but think about Americas Funniest Home Videos from 20 years ago that showed a remote control airplane that looked exactly like a lawnmower. And that was 20 years ago
I am new to this subreddit and I am sure that I am not the first one to bring this up but I just feel so enraged looking at this footage. As much as I really want this to be of Alien origin I am pretty sure there are humans inside of these things for many decades now. This is technology that would change EVERYTHING and I can imagine that this might be very cheap to build and there is oviously no gas needed to fuel these. There are just too many powerful lobbies that dont want this technology out there in thre world for everyone to use because there will be A LOT of money that they will not be able to make. Think about the car manufacturers, oil companies, airlines, manufacturers of stuff like cranes…. this technology would change our way of transportation, construction sights… global travelling and so much more.
These are great! It shows how much consistency we are repeatedly seeing in UFOs. Hard to argue with.
Wow. These are some of the best videos I’ve seen
Military certified, eh? As a veteran who has certified many things, I’m certified to tell you that we shouldn’t be certifying anything.
Thank you for not using creepy X-Files style music.
Just seem like clockwork in a way. Drones of some sort. Like they are following a path. Monitoring. Watching. Reporting. Collecting. Don’t know what for. But now our technology can finally catch up with them and this is why sightings have increased. Surely they know this as well.
Can we just get Elon Musk to offer $1 billion for proof? And he can grant safe haven in a non-extradition county. Problem solved. C’mon Elon!
It was hard to get through with the stupid melancholy music.
I bet that’s the secret aircraft the government has been working on.
Something is going on with the right wing on the UAP at 2:09
I think maybe we are just the Safari option in an intergalactic Disney World.
That jagged one might be a 4d object
this music is cringe af