Том Делонг? Ладно, я немного напуган

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Итак, я пролистал (X) твиттер, как бы вы это сейчас ни называли, и увидел эти сообщения от Тома, по какой-то причине это вызвало тревогу в комментариях…. Это нормальное поведение? Или раздается сигнал тревоги о том, что что-то серьезно пошло не так?

От admin

42 комментарий для “Том Делонг? Ладно, я немного напуган”
  1. Aligns exactly with how I feel, so it doesn’t alarm me. Whatever is going on I don’t think alarm is the correct reaction at this point. It’s exciting tho, it does read like wheels are starting to really turn back stage.

  2. They care about our tax payments and keeping us divided. Telling us the truth will cause chaos OR cause us to come together and the cogs will fall off of the machine that they’ve built and maintained for decades.

  3. I don’t buy the line of “they just want to have a plan to deal with it.” I am effected by forces both beyond and within my comprehension that I cannot influence on a daily basis. Aliens can get in line behind cancer, cosmic gamma ray armageddon, nuclear war, regular war, a guy shooting me during a robbery, disease, car accidents, natural disasters, getting eaten alive by capybaras, and 1000 other things far more relevant to me on daily basis.

    The US coming out and saying “we are not in full control of our airspace” just means that they are in everyone else’s boat. Welcome to the daily reality for pretty much everyone else who isn’t a political and military superpower. This is most of the world.

    People not being in control is the status quo. There’s more to this than mere airspace security.

  4. Some of our country’s great leaders consider it a military problem.

    One working theory is that we are being scouted in advance of… Something. If that something is an invasion, we do not want to tip them off that we know because that would hasten… invasion?

    Sound military thinking that I may disagree with. Right or wrong it is time the curtain be pulled back a bit and the truth that we are not alone be revealed. Those in control of the Program should be granted amnesty for following orders. The burden they carry is a heavy one.

    Onward through the fog.

  5. I’m worried our concept of these beings is all wrong. We’ve been so focused on the typical greys and ufos bs for decades now.

    I’m worried, and call it a gut feeling if you want, but lately my thought process has shifted to being inclined to believe that these..things are very, *very* capable of being malevolent beyond our wildest dreams. The Malaysia plane flight to me at the moment has me thinking of how incredibly powerful they must seem…if they feel inclined to do so.

    I personally believe it started out for the reasons we all suspect. We thought it was Russia. We classified it so we could reverse engineer it to figure out who the enemy was, and we didn’t want other nations to know what we potentially knew.

    In time, through various black ops and shit so secret apparently some presidents and congress weren’t “in the need to know”, we discovered some scary shit. Like real dark evil shit. Biblical shit.

    And ever since, it shifted away from being a national security concern with wars and technology and what not, to “what the fuck are we going to tell the public and how do we stop them from having a total collapse of society in a stage of panic? “

    I never bought into the whole “religious people won’t be able to handle it” mantra. The more I ponder on it late at night, I think it’s possible it’s the reverse.

    People raised in the age of “Trust the Science” have largely disregarded God and/or religion to some degree, some more than others.

    But currently our textbooks don’t talk much about things that seemed *very* real to ancient history and cultures. Demons. Entities. Dimensions. Shit that we currently can’t comprehend because it doesn’t fit our view of the world and our pathetic understanding of physics, the universe, *and whatever our reality really is*

    Idk man, not going to change how I live my day to day life in fear, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t had a monumental shift in my thinking about all this.

  6. If we don’t give full amnesty we won’t get full disclosure. Forgiveness is key. Regardless of whether the aliens are friendly or hostile we’ll need to all get along to deal with it.

  7. A truth so urgent and profound that we cant tell millions of people but we can tell Tom Delonge from Blink 182.

    Because although we train people to systematically infiltrate and take societies down from the inside. We have no way of understanding how to get messages out to people in a way that they will understand.

    Let’s go to the stars

  8. OP, I honestly think Tom is freaked out , too. Right after that tweet, he posted:Tom DeLongeu/tomdelongeI agree, but, **like any other emergency**, leadership needs to figure out what the hell is going on before they run out and say something that is wrong, or that they don’t have a plan to deal with it. That’s my take… but I do agree. And others agree now is that time.

    So we’re in a state of emergency???

  9. I hate this shit, if they are coming here at will and we can do nothing to stop them and have no control I am fine with that . We have seen tons of humans and those currently in government take advantage of or kill people .

    These possible aliens have been coming for years and caused little problem when they seemingly have the ability to take us out if they wanted

  10. We need a united earth defence force or something. I don’t like that recent news about aliens in Peru and you can’t count on governments to be honest about aliens, especially where it makes them look powerless or causes panic.

    Any comments on this? Do we have some kind of plan in place? I mean enough people believe in aliens that you could crowdfund some non-profit for this purpose. Business opportunities perhaps if you appoint yourself director and collect some pay.

    EDIT: Just going over some answer I might have to make to comments. Like how do you train to fight something that is unknown? My answer would be there are limited development paths for a sentient species. However at the stage where they have advanced space travel they will most likely use either robots or genetically altered lifeforms to wage war. So you can guess at what you will face with more accuracy than absolutely going in blind.

  11. What if we’re just rats in a science box that our alien «betters» can just reach into and use for things like experiments or even food? With no hope at all of overcoming it. Do you know how many missing people there are a year?

    Do you really want «disclosure» if that was reality or would you prefer the status quo from 1947 until recently?

  12. I think the reality of what has been going on is starting to hit some people.

    Its one thing to be excited cause you think you know something you can’t. They are our friends. They are here to help us. Why come all this way if your not just lovely and curious.

    What if the truth is. They have been coming here for centuries perhaps millennia. That we have ZERO idea WTF they want. That they do abduct people some of which never return. That they have done things like shut off our defensive weaponry and perhaps they have done things far more threatening. They may have even killed military personal.

    What if we have gotten bits of tech from a wreck or two or some ancient archeological site. What if when we have moved that tech, its creators showed up and took it back. How many personal have potentially be killed ? What if the only communications we have gotten where warnings not to do X or Y or go to Z. Perhaps we went to the moon and where told to not go back or else.

    It is very possible that coming out and describing what they did know would freak people out and potentially result in loss of life and worse. Imagine this line… Look something non human has been coming here. Taking humans at will… proving we can’t do anything to stop them… we have no idea what they want but they are not helping. We have captured some tech by luck and have been attacked when they have discovered what we are up to. OH and btw we tried once to sneak some recovered material and some scientists working on it out of Melissia where we found some cool stuff that had been buried for a 1000 years, and they abducted an entire airliner as a result. Anyway sure you have nothing to worry about carry on with your life, I’m sure they won’t have any reason to snatch you up anytime soon. And what are the chances a airliner your on will get zapped… its still safer then driving.

  13. I feel like this can’t be stressed enough.. This is Tom Delonge.. He’s a guitar player. With Blink-182 for Christ’s sake.. Blink-182 people.. I can’t help but be apprehensive about any secrets that someone in any rank of government would tell the guitar player of Blink-182.

  14. Grusch being muzzled (but «can’t be for too long»), DeLonge talking «time is now». I dunno, smells like the Plan B (disclosure without Congress/Executive cooperation) is getting ready.

  15. I was asked, what would the world do if they found out there was aliens from another planet. Well. I sat and thought for a while. And panic. We see it enough in movies and TV shows. Just watch the actions, don’t listen to anything, don’t get in to the plot, as it’s intended. But just watch. What does every movie do, people panic amd get jumpy in many forms. Look at us now and how we treat each other.

    So. Panic is how it’s going to go out. These are just teasers, seeing how people panic. That lady that went missing. Idk how I feel about it. I would do something like this » she went missing» because I know how society is like. Rude, inconsiderate jerks. Look I get it. We are all that way in one form or another. Some take it further, others not so much. (Think Karen’s and not karens)

    But we wouldn’t be doing too well.

    What if that lady on the plane, was subjected to some psychological test from the c I a. It’s not the first time. (Lsd).

    So what if they had some realistic mask, even they are doing wonders on the fake eyes. Have you seen them out there. Wild!

    What if they had a realistic prop. Or just anything, that was fake, but she thought was real.

    So. If we all knew aliens are out there. We would panic and do more drastic measures and start something? I don’t know the full answer. But I listen, and I find that pattern of the human nature.

    Will we ever be accepting of others? I hope so. Beings, near and far, physical and spiritual. They are interesting people and can teach a lot; about human nature.

    Sorry for it being so long.

  16. So he agrees but doesn’t tell us what is going on? Hypocritical prick like the rest of them. He knows, but we aren’t worthy to know. He can take it but he will not tell us that’s governments job. He could just inform us but then he wouldn’t milk us for money and attention.

  17. Morally sound patriots? Absolutely not.

    These agencies have, at the very least, threatened and intimidated people, and ruined lives to keep their secrets. The special access groups are not the good guys.

  18. Yes, now that the co-founder of Blink 182 has spoken out, I am convinced.

    He is obviously the foremost expert on this subject, and his opinion has tons of merit and basis through the evidence laid out here. Excellent work, Johnson.

    Bake em away, toys.

  19. When DeLonge was asking for payments for his ufo reveal site he started to sound like a shill. I think he’s right about some things but he’s greedy and that’s reductionary to his character.

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