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Follow up whistleblower
byu/maclovin67 inaliens

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40 комментарий для “Следите за разоблачителем”
  1. Just for clarity, the stuff worth sending some folks to jail over hasn’t been revealed yet. He was talking about the stuff to come, stuff Grusch brought up during hours of interviews. We’ve only seen the tip.

    I’m leaning toward crimes committed to further a cover up, in the name of «domestic defense.» Taking people out who weren’t being quiet at worst, kidnapping and brainwashing at best. I’m reminded of how John Mack died.

  2. This music… why does the UFO community continue putting dramatic music behind UFO related content despite the overwhelming majority say it isn’t necessary?? In fact, it turns people off who are on the fence about UFOs

  3. I’m so excited and scared. Excited that it might actually be real and scared that I’m gonna get burned and feel stupid. I want it to be true so badly. Too badly sometimes I think.

  4. So, the non human intelligence travels unimaginable distances in their god tier “spacecrafts” to crash land on earth?

    Also, when asked about other life forms, the whistleblower said “the data points in that direction” (paraphrasing). Why would he say it that way if he alleges that they have their bodies?

    My take: enough with the chit chat and whistleblowers. I know other life forms exists as well as super advanced technology. Now show the evidence already. Otherwise STFU.

  5. Just for a taste of what the human herd cares about in this world, this topic was covered by THE GUARDIAN (a potential paradigm shift in history, correct?). Now in my Reddit feed that has about 19k likes, yet the Reddit posts immediately above and below have more than double those likes. One of those is a cat laying on a dinner table, and the other is a woman complaining about her husband.

  6. I’m so tired of people saying .I know stuff, I’ve seen things, I have info…and show/say nothing for whatever reason they give. Until the proof is ever shown all these people are full of shit.

  7. Still no evidence to back any of these claims up. I have a feeling there won’t be any forthcoming. But who needs proof when you have a random guy telling you what you want to hear.

  8. This is the same government that couldn’t assassinate Fidel Castro. The same government that couldn’t stop Daniel Elsberg from publishing the Pentagon papers. The same government that couldn’t keep Iran Contra under wraps. The same government that couldn’t keep Clinton’s blowjobs out of the news. But somehow they kept alien tech under wraps for decades. Come on.

  9. Music was a bad call from an editing perspective but the audio is clear enough to comprehend the message of the interview. Buy a pair of earbuds people. Thanks for the post.

  10. To people thinking that David Grusch is an “authorized speaker” for the government because the DoD read his proposal that outlines what he planned on saying and “authorized” it… 1. They are not agreeing with what he is saying or even making any statement that what he is saying is accurate at all. 2. They are just saying “sure, say whatever you want as long as no National Security information or classified information is released”. The DoD part of this really doesn’t mean anything. In fact, it might mean that they don’t even care about this at all.

    I could write to the DoD right now and tell them that I plan on saying my cat is a confirmed entity from the future and then ask if I can do interviews about it and they would basically just respond with the same thing they did to the “Whistleblower”.

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