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One of the best reads I’ve had recently.
Great read. I especially enjoyed learning about the case with the aliens giving the guy pancakes. The guy eating one and the air force taking one is some hilarious absurdity. Hynek being involved and taking one is the cherry on top.
Very well written article that opens things up in useful ways. While there are some parts that assume a lot that’s not in evidence (esp the government not being able to keep secrets) overall it’s very worth reading and the ideas are on point. YMMV.
Jacques Valles probably has it right. And he came up with the Control System Hypothesis in 1975. It best fits the data and the fact that God/The Universe has a sense of humor.
This is probably one of the best articles I’ve ever read about UFOs, and I think the author hit more nails on the head than a carpenter with a hit-more-nails-on-the-head hammer.
Man, I’m bad at analogies.
In science fiction aliens are always our size, more or less. Are there reasonings behind this? Could it be that there are also aliens visiting Earth 2 mm tall with 2 cm spaceships?
Good article, if only because it is philosophically rigorous.
Awesome article — I would posit that our base assumptions of how physics works also need to undergo scrutiny. The models we’ve developed best describe the world as we observe it, but the fact that we can’t even unify our two most fundamental theories (general relativity and quantum physics) into a single unified theory could mean that some of our most basic scientific assumptions are flat out wrong.
A solid article. It’s exactly where my mind has been with this for a long time. At a minimum we must discard any certainty when discussing the possibility of NHI or anything else outside the human experience. Very basic answers to seemingly complex questions may lie forever out of reach on the other side of our comprehension. In my opinion this sentiment should be the cornerstone of all ufology.
I won’t discount the other theories, but part of me is feeling more uncanny about how a variety of these work.
I think however the biggest point from this perspective is to take that there might be multiple different phenomena at play at the same time. While the ETH is the most common, and assumed, I still feel like that is not enough to discount it. After all we have indication of some phenomena travelling from and to space, at least according to radar activity, and there are astronauts claiming to have seen both UFO’s and beings in space/on the moon. Even if the proof is tenuous.
For all we know the air battles might have been ET, ID and UT’s fighting each other for control over who gets to check out Earth? 😛
I guess for me I will accept if its just part of some form of conciousness thing, still this rings me as a bit weak an explanation considering the fact that we have radar, and other sensor proof of these objects. Not to mention the rumours that we do have craft recovered.
I do like that the article question the general obsession people seem to have with the notion that the government knows everything, historical and human behaviour shows how unlikely this is. It doesn’t discount the existence of internal powers handling this matter but I do not think NASA, the various departments, congress or even the people researching this in itself are on the same page and hyper competent. We know there are government black projects relating to the military in the past that basically are isolated and ran without proper supervision from the war on terror. I think Ross proposal here of a layered, and segmented programme is the most likely in studying the phenomena. Different groups exist with only parts of the truth to try and keep it as secret as possible.
Still good read and always good to question ones preconceived notions.
«What I’m proposing we all do regarding our ideas about UFOs is not so much taking a new perspective or “thinking outside the box”, but thinking about the box itself, by turning our eyes away from the problem at hand, to take a look at the constraints, expectations, and assumptions we bring to the problem in the first place, to see how they might be limiting or obstructing our attempts to solve the problem we’ve set within them, and to ask how we might construct a better box. As with most good ideas, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said it best, capturing my suggestion in his dictum that “Whatever wobbles, you should push.”
And this is exactly what I think the UFO community should do right now, in light of the growth of attention and collaboration regarding the topic. Shaking up the community’s ideology, and pushing at the wobbly bits will help identify areas ripe for creative thought, and will make collaboration more smooth and transparent. We may even surprise ourselves once we all lay our ideological cards on the table.»
I think the real problem is not that we need new approaches, necessarilly, but we lack the ability to test those approaches in any meaningful or constructive way.
Really like this article.
It retreads territory many more serious researchers are familiar with, but its well-said, and makes a good case that misaligned frames of reference alone might explain «incongruous» aspects of the phenomenon – something I definitely agree with.
My favorite is number 2. People here and elsewhere are always saying stuff like «why would UFOs crash if they’re so advanced», «why would they need lights» or «why do they all look so different» and so on. If there’s one faction here, there’s legions of them, they’re not just one thing.
A few comments
>This may sound far-fetched, but we already know of other natural phenomena that seem to behave in inexplicably intelligent ways: unintelligent slime molds can solve mazes and can even reproduce maps of Tokyo’s railway system.
If we’re thinking about the box, we should think about the box that the word intelligent is in. Intelligence is being able to solve problem. Doesn’t matter if you’re a plant, a mold or a mechanical device. If you can solve problems on your own, you’re intelligent.
That being said, no natural phenomena can display intelligence of the kind we are seeing UFOs manifest.
>Another possibility is that UFOs are a special kind of mental phenomenon that can manifest in visible, external ways. Some Renaissance scientists studying the eye pointed out that it had the same structure as a projector, and reckoned that the eye might sometimes work in reverse, projecting light to create external images, rather than receiving light and turning it into mental images.
That sounds ridiculous to me. You would melt your eyes before you can project enough light to do anything remotely similar.
UFOs challenge our preconceptions, most of all those, we aren’t even aware of.
Faulty assumptions about ourselves and the world we live in not only blind us to possibilities that may or may not be «interesting» to «some people».
They encage us in a petrifying tomb that only births new lies to support the old ones, poisoning any impetus to better the world beyond its narrow confines.
Excellent article that should become an essential read in the UFO subject.
«The UFO community faces a challenging paradox: On the one hand, it must maintain a kind of social unity in the face of skeptics who dismiss the subject out of hand, without considering the evidence. On the other, it must avoid the sort of intellectual unity that demands acceptance of a single viewpoint, and instead seek out new ideas and viewpoints to prevent stagnation and cultivate the diversity of ideas that make for a thriving intellectual ecosystem. » — This.
This was excellent and something to be shared with the skeptics in your life
Good ideas but somewhat double edged.
True believers have obviously struggled to produce any evidence that leads to a definite «We are being visited» conclusion.
Grainy videos, first hand accounts, trust me bro…type stuff is what we (the public) have.
This is leading to a new type of thinking. Like you suggest, «Thinking outside the box».
IMO this type of thinking will surly lead to things like «Would if they are invisible? Cloaking? Worm Holes? Black holes? operating in a different dimension….ext..
Although anything is possible, the problem is…these outside of the box theories will be nearly impossible to prove.
In a community where the majority already hold beliefs that are not based on actual solid data, I don’t see how this outside the box thinking will help. It sounds like a «fools paradise» to me.
This guy has no conception of geologic time. These figures are complete nonsense:
«And while it seems unlikely that any intelligent, technological society arose before Homo Sapiens arrived on the scene, if such a civilization had arisen, we might not even be able to tell, because, while the Earth has been habitable for 40-600 million years, the geologic record itself only goes back 1.8 to 2.6 million.»