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Выпуск новостей Open Minds UFO Radio – 22 января 2021 г. – Специальный гость: Дуглас Смайт
НЛО возрастом в миллиард лет пойман на коралловом рифе 🐠🪸🛸 у берегов Венесуэлы, в то время, когда на Земле существовали только одноклеточные организмы 🌍 Новости о наблюдениях UAP. 📰
> Bryce calls in from Las Vegas where he’s road-tripping back from a speaking gig at the Roswell Festival, and he brings Ross the news that their show, Need to Know, has been named «Best Web Series» by the Film Festival.
> This is a welcome positive to Ross who’s being buried by thousands of emails he can’t answer individually in the AG, After Grusch world he’s living in after bringing the exclusive interview to NewsNation on June 11, 2023.
> Both reporters jump into the recent comments by Senator Marco Rubio on NewsNation who says there are many others like Grusch who have testified under oath, including multiple testimonies from individual whistleblowers claiming first hand contact with craft and/or bodies of non-human intelligence.
> Ross and Bryce reflect on the incredible developments of the past months, starting with Ross’s interview of former government UAP investigator David Grusch. They agree that more is happening on the UAP front than ever before — especially in the US government. They note that three Congressional committees are considering language that explicitly refers to life and material of non-Earth origin. And both agree: this is a great time to be alive.
> While not predicting full-blown Disclosure, the two journalists seem to agree that we are living in a time of informal Confirmation of UFO/UAP reality.
> If you want to know everything (well, the unclassified version) about Need to Know, we have the fix: http://www.NeedToKnow.today.
> This is a video version of the Need to Know podcast which can be found on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, etc. Just search for the whole name, «Need to Know with Coulthart and Zabel.»
Has anyone seen this?
See section 1104.d.2.b
«a comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic unidentified anomalous phenomena material.»
It’s way at the bottom of the doc
The legislation is one of the craziest parts of this to me. Rubio not only said there are corroborating witness there is legit legislation saying you must show this SAP or classified info to us, including exotic or nonearth origin
They better not phrase it like that. Then the DOD will just smirk and say they don’t have any non-earth technology knowing that it actually very much comes from the Earth perhaps deep in some caves or in the ocean
I gotta say, I’m super fascinated by these videos but why are they all so damn long? Every day there seems to be another 1-2 hour interview. As fascinated as I am, that’s a lot of damn time to spend listening for the hopes of a new tiny nugget of info.
I honestly feel that any video over 5-10 minutes long should come with at least a quick and dirty summary of the key points.
Love need to Know, but lately there is a lot of rehearsel of things that has been said by them dozens of times to make a point. Starting to get a little repetitive