Брайс Забель и Росс Култхарт обсуждают возможность того, что правительство может быть ограничено во времени

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Брайс Забель и Росс Култхарт обсуждают возможность того, что правительство может быть ограничено во времени

Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart discusses the possibility that the govt might be under the constraint of time
byu/wanderlust_12 inUFOs

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29 комментарий для “Брайс Забель и Росс Култхарт обсуждают возможность того, что правительство может быть ограничено во времени”
  1. Zabel thinks «there’s some bad news involved in this» and that Schumer must «have a fire behind his back.»

    Coulthart says «I’ve got a pretty clear idea of what the gov. knows… there is a constraint of time»

  2. Speculation. Ross comes across that he feels like it’s really important but I still haven’t gotten any overt doom and gloom as to why it’s important

    If it really was that bad, I don’t think they would be coming forward with this at all

  3. New announcement coming that the aliens take the top 1/3rd of the earth’s best genetic specimens every 3700 years, and take them back to their home planet for breeding stock, either as food or maybe as a servant class.

    Thankfully no redditors are in danger.

  4. I doubt it’s a near term apocalyptic event (could be wrong).

    Biological sample degradation?
    Technology degradation?
    Key person terminal illness?
    NHI agreement?
    Economic crash?
    Foreign Intel?

    … the goddamn election next year?

    Edit: in /UFOB there’s a thread about Schumer referencing communication between JFK and Dulles about MJ-12 and needing legislation for declassification …maybe records are degrading?

  5. If there was some doomsday scenario, why even tell the general population? Simple, you wouldn’t do that. That would cause mass panic and hysteria and result in a “who cares what crime I commit, we are all going to die” mentality. That is the exact opposite of what the government will want to deal with while trying to figure out a solution.

    Imagine trying to defend ourselves from a threat that is much more advanced than us, while trying to stop rioting and murder in the streets.

  6. I’m starting to develop this idea that aliens (whoever whatever they may be) meet us formally or have some sort of event every couple thousand Years with humanity & such Event is sooner rather than later. sounds pretty far fetched but it sounds cool

  7. This was also noted in a similar thread…

    I watched the podcast and I think he’s referring to the constraint of time put on by whistle-blowers and the building coverage even before the legislation. If the Congress wants to control the narrative and look they are doing something about this, they have to act now. Otherwise, the truth will be spilled and catch Congress flat footed. Ross referenced at some point in the podcast that «team disclosure» and whistle-blowers already know a lot and are just waiting to see if the powers that be handle it properly before Ross and friends just make the info they have public (classified or not). That was my take.

  8. I’m sure I’m not the first person to wonder if this might have something to do with Trump’s impending trial over his hoarding of classified docs. I remember some reporting stated that at least some of those documents related to Special Access Programs.

    I also find it interesting that Trump hasn’t voiced any opinion (yet), as far as I can tell, on this whole UAP situation — he’s been uncharacteristically quiet for someone who likes to give everyone his opinion on everything.

  9. If the aliens are coming to stop us from consuming the planet to death, the unfortunate thing is, we already know how to sustain life on this planet. What we don’t know how to do is get politicians to do the right thing.

  10. Usually, intelligence circles have a «watchlist» of individuals whose trust levels seem to shaking and *could*, possibly, end up going public with sensitive/classified intel. Quite possible, on the this subject, the list has gotten quite big and cannot be controlled anymore.

    I was once told, if there ever was disclosure, it would be more or less «*we have an artefact. No one knows where it came from, but it isn’t human*» and the decades of secrecy would be explained ‘**careful and sensitive research**’

  11. Has any American stopped to wonder what if there is nothing to disclose?

    Does the wording in the Bill allow the USA government to seize private property under this act?

    If so, maybe the US population should stop for a second and actually read what their government is proposing.

  12. I’m thinking of a bit of a wild scenario.

    Imagine the NHI have a policy of non-interference, in conflict with a policy for protecting intelligent species.

    Consider they stumble across our planet and you have a Utopian biosphere, boundless resources, and a flourishing ecology of diverse species. Many of which are intelligent (not just humans) and one of which has a global, technological civilization.

    The NHI observe and monitor and, to their dismay, see total dysfunction from a governance perspective. One species is risking global annihilation through nuclear proliferation, destroying the environment, leading to the extinction of species on a massive scale, with untold suffering to millions, billions of sentient beings.

    At what point does protection trump non-intervention? If human leadership is so dysfunctional and incompetent so as to cause these problems, at what point do they step in? ESPECIALLY when it’s not all humans causing the problems? There’s elites and corrupt leaders who are leading us down the path of destruction (again from the NHI perspective) and the 99.999% of humanity who are good and peaceful and wish better for our world are disenfranchised and disempowered from changing this status quo.

    Food for thought. I don’t necessarily believe this is the case but plausible ideas like this are very interesting

  13. Watch it’s something mind boggling and completely stupid like our government works with the greys all while other countries have been working with other species and it turns out they have been forced into a war and having to pick sides to assert domination over the entire planet. I’m looking at what I just wrote like wow that sounds stupid af……..so could be true because well you know politics and money run everything thing and give dumbass’s power they don’t want to lose.

  14. It’s wildly accepted that China is likely to go in at Taiwan around 2025, they might want to get it all out before the U.S enters a major conflict, particularly if they want to use some of the black ops tech or produce it at scale

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