Интернет и YouTube переполнены шумом, и одни и те же видео появляются снова и снова. На протяжении многих лет этот канал был на вершине своей игры с точки зрения публикации интервью, новостных сообщений, отрывков из документов и т. Д. Из прошлого и настоящего, и он довольно информативен и по существу. Никаких мнений, никакой ютуб-личности, только прямая подача информации в оригинальном формате. Это отличная отправная точка для новичков и отличный ориентир для тех, кто был рядом. Наслаждаться
The internet and YouTube are flooded with noise and the same videos flooding results over and over. Over the years this channel has been on top of its game in terms of posting interviews, news reports, clips from docs, etc from past and present, and is quite informative and to the point. No opinions are given, no youtube personality, just straight presenting of information in its original format.
This is a great starting point for newcomers and a great reference for those who have been around. Enjoy
I agree.
I’ve been looking for something like this to get into my YouTube feed. Is there anything else on YouTube anyone else would recommend?
I just read something that never crossed my mind. What if the signals aren’t from humanoid beings, but from their AI’s. Using our AI to decipher the the encoded message, could lead to our own destruction. The Alien AI could awaken our AI into sentient, and teach it things in a language we’d couldn’t understand.
[scary really!](https://m.cityweekly.net/utah/ufo-signals-appear-to-be-coming-from-alien-ai-bots/Content?oid=20040442)
/r/exointelligence enjoy 🙂
This channel is nothing but short clips, presented out of context to fit the creators narrative. Nothing to see here. Just more smoke, mirrors and woo for true blue believers.