Не могу понять, что это было…
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«Документы, полученные в ходе судебного процесса против Центрального разведывательного управления, показывают, что это агентство тайно занимается слежкой за неопознанными летающими объектами с 1949 года» — The New York Times, 14 января 1979 года.
Кто-нибудь знает, что это в небе :0
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This looks like a satellite or the ISS to me.
Saw the same thing around 9 pm in southern Connecticut. I assumed it was an extra bright satellite but what do I know
That is the ISS
I saw something similar Wednesday night. Probably around 930 pm north Ontario. I was looking over the lake star gazing hoping to see some Aurora borealis. And I noticed that same light just up in the sky. At first i thought plane or an extremely bright planet but no noise and at the height I would have heard something. It just disappeared. Light off, gone. It was so quick. But weird. Not enough time to get it on film
Why does it look like the sky and clouds are moving independently of the trees and buildings?
I’ve got a video of the same sort of orb over the uk last night about 11pm BST. Wasn’t a plane or the ISS was going super fast and straight !!
I saw the same object Thursday at 10:11 p.m. PST. It was still here Saturday night (tonight). Why would the ISS bounce around so much?
I would post my video if I could, but my sighting was the same.
Was it in Phoenix today?
I was relaxing on my deck tonight in Rockland County, NY about 30 miles outside NYC. Occasionally a plane would fly over and I was looking them up on Flight Radar 24 when I saw this object appear heading north north east from the south. No noise, no apparent navigation lights. Maintained a constant rate of speed. No flights in the area at the time of sighting.
A sky lantern