UAP в Чикаго сегодня вечером (18.06)
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You can literally see the smoke coming off the flare 8 seconds in.
The first ones a flare right? You can see the parachute
It’s clearly a flare. You can even see the smoke.
Maybe a flare?
No erratic movements, just lights moving slowly…probably flares, the second one particularly looks like it.
this shit is why people don’t take any of this seriously. get some common sense
It’s the soccer! Flares baby
Literally a flare…
Those are flares. You can see them burning. They’re slowly falling and drifting along with the wind.
Dode thinks a flare is a UFO… They’re the reason why they never will visit us, you still have idiots on this planet.
man something always happening in chicago at this point its just normal
Looks kind of like the Serbian film
I saw the same thing about an hour ago, but I’m in California. Is today some sort of Asian holiday? Because, I’m starting to think these are just lanterns since they weren’t moving fast and I saw one rise from the horizon.
«By the pricking of my thumbs…»
I saw something exactly like the first video last year. My brother and I were just kicking back in his room, when out of nowhere I see something extremely bright and red through his window. I started making all sorts of weird shrieks and sounds because I didn’t know what else to say. He was like “what dude, what?! Finally I just yelled “holy fucking shit what is that?!” He opens his blinds, and there it is, huge red light, it dimmed down and we could tell is was various lights spinning, and then it started speeding away South. We then ran outside to see if it was still there, but by then it was long gone. I’ve seen many things in the sky that I couldn’t really explain, but this was by far the closest and biggest one. The thing casted red light everywhere. I could see it reflecting off of cars, and the rooftops of other houses in the neighborhood were bathed in this red glow too. I live in Phoenix Arizona, and sightings are quite common.
Looks like a flair the first one
I wonder if things are building up to a cresendo. Ive been fkin looking up in hopes ill see some shit. No luck so far.
This was taken by an account I follow on IG called Chicago Critter. I did not see this myself. Also, I’ve only seen one other video of a UAP that is bright red/orange. What do you guys think this is?
They are both Chinese lanterns. And someone will post another video of Chinese lanterns tomorrow and then the next day more Chinese lanterns and the day after that too and every time someone will comment that it’s Chinese lanterns and then half the UFO Redditors will go on the offensive and then the day after that someone will post a new video of more Chinese lanterns and the cycle continues forever.
Cool Chinese lanterns though.
ETA: This post did exactly what I said it would, look at these comments lol. Also, downvote me all you want. It doesn’t change the fact that they are still Chinese lanterns.
First one could be a flare, second one not so much. Be good if we knew what the wind was doing at the time.
EDIT: Just watched again and based on how it’s moving, I’m not convinced the first one is a flare. Is it possible it’s an aircraft tail light?
Ailens heard about Englewood, they ain’t coming, ever. Must be fake
Nautical flare from Walmart
Only 2 people in Chicago have smartphones.