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42 комментарий для “Не заставляй меня нажимать на него”
  1. How about let’s start with extraordinary claims require evidence, period. Because the whole «I saw this on the internet» or «my grandfather worked for the DoD» followed by «has this been debunked yet?» isn’t evidence

  2. But that requires basic critical thinking skills, can’t I just blindly accept everything that validates my viewpoint and baselessly dismiss everything that doesn’t? That’s way more fun

  3. Ordinary evidence: video of unidentified flying saucers; video of alien creature

    Extraordinary evidence: Possession of an alien body showing non-human dna; possession of an aircraft not designed or manufactured on earth

    Both are subject to verification.

  4. The same standards apply to all topics. If they don’t, then they’re not standards.

    This is commonly trotted out by bad faith actors who love to move goalposts to stonewall further query, and discount evidence that would often be accepted readily for other topics. Its become so pervasively brain rotting that thousands of hours of recordings, millions of photographs, and thousands of expert testimonials from military and private sector witnesses are deemed ‘not extraordinary enough.’

    Frankly, I’m tired of hearing it. We’ve reached the point now where people will more readily believe that everyone just went crazy all at once for 200 years straight rather than entertain the possibility that some old dudes are lying about something. People will trot this tired platitude out endlessly and demand you let them fuck a three titted alien hooker before they’ll even concede the possibility because ‘aliens are an extraordinary claim,’ when, in reality, they’re not.

  5. This is simply untrue. The writerightrite brothers had an extraordinary claim that they could get a car with fake arm-bits to fly. Just one example of regular old evidence was enough for the whole world to jump in pressurised aluminium cans and go to Majorca or wherever. In the same sense, one regular old alien body with regular old scientific rigor applied will be enough. What is extraordinary evidence anyway? The lead researcher has to be able to cast wingardium leviosaa…

  6. Why are all the smug «I hate this sub it’s full of morons with no evidence who believe anything, all ufologists are grifters, I hate greer, corbell, Lazar, lear etc etc etc it’s swamp gas, misidentification, hallucinations and rednecks getting anal probed in the backwoods by a bunch of lights.. » brigade here in the first place?

    Worse, why do they stick around and say the same boring, predictable self satisfied,» I’m so intelligent, all the believers are gullible dummies who don’t understand science» schtick day in day out, patting each other on the back for being so smart and understanding science, while doing so, if it’s all nonsense?

    They do it because they like to feel superior, if only for a few minutes every day in their otherwise dull lives of dissatisfaction and disappointment.

    Why don’t they just f off?

  7. Good meme op. This sub really needs to chill sometimes. I love the enthusiasm around here but damn… some of y’all get really emotionally attached to really flimsy evidence

    Skepticism is a two way street ya know

  8. How can a mummified body from thousands of years ago not be considered extraordinary evidence. I guess the evidence needs to come from a world power….even when they’re the ones hiding it!

  9. David Grusch has individuals’ names, project names and locations that he is ready to divulge once he can sit in a SCIF. There IS evidence.

    Remember this as you scroll through all of the alien mummy, 4chan and Peruvian face peeler submissions. There is so much fucking nonsense out there, and it’s louder than ever.

  10. Well the pentagon straight up said there are things flying around that they can’t explain. A multitude of respectable military and commercial pilots, as well as current and former world leaders have done the same. We are talking defying our understanding of physics types of speed and maneuvers.

  11. And we’re not allowed to believe that the actual evidence has been withheld? I get it. You want to see the ships and the bodies. So does everyone. So we are left with the plethora of Witnesses and Whistleblowers who swear the evidence is locked away at Area 51 or Lockheed Martin and we have to either believe them or not.

  12. Actually, no, they don’t. They merely require extraordinary experience.

    Go have a direct experience of ET. You can do it if you really want to. Direct experience trumps anything anyone can say about it every time.

    No, I don’t care if you don’t believe me.

  13. The idea of an advanced civilisation traversing a universe that is billions and billions of years old, with, I don’t even know how to express how many planets, and one that can find Earth and decided to watch it?

    For anyone who steps outside the human frame of reference and ego for moment, there’s absolutely nothing extraordinary about that. Nothing.

    It is by far the most logical of reasoning.

    So, don’t worry, no need to tap the sign.

    If we stop absolute morons, in a few hundred years that’s what we’ll be doing.

  14. When using the Intellectual Mind this is true as that mind will build the reality you experience off of a matrix of evidence/judgment. However many in our society are transcending that in favor of the Intuitive Mind which builds the reality experienced off of a matrix of wisdom/discernment. For this mind it would read “extraordinary claims require extraordinary resonance”. The resonance is personal and unique to each user of their intuitive mind. I realize intellectual minds find the intuitive matrix used by others to be frustrating , but it is what it is. We can all coexist in mutual respect. Much love seekers!

  15. False. Extraordinary claims require the same amount of evidence as everything else.

    This is a logical fallacy that the evidence required to prove something varies by the severity or magnitude of the claim.

    If that were true, the most terrible crimes would never be proven and science would never progress.

    It’s very convenient for someone trying to get away with something to claim that their crime requires a higher standard of proof to convict than other crimes…

    Proof is proof.

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