Не обязательно Predator Drone. Новая перспектива.

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Не обязательно Predator Drone. Новая перспектива.

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21 комментарий для “Не обязательно Predator Drone. Новая перспектива.”
  1. I have seen many discussions about the camera mount on this predator drone and why it can see both the front of the drone and the underside of the wing. I don’t think we are seeing the front of a predator drone as the camera is obviously not moving forward in these shots. The camera is looking directly right in relation to the motion of its mount.

    I know nothing about planes so I don’t know if the mounts I drew are realistic. I just wanted to see if I could use two identical shapes to recreate what we were perceiving as a nose cone, and I could. I do believe FLIR would make two shapes appear as one considering it does not capture any shadows, but only heat signatures.

    After I drew these shapes, I realized we may be looking from the left wing of the drone, across the underside of the drone, and the shape we see on the left of our video is actually the back of something mounted beneath the right wing. Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts.

    **Edits. Answers to common questions**

    Edit: I should have specified in the gif that these are the backs of the mounts, not the fronts

    Edit2: Here’s a really bad drawing of what I mean: [https://imgur.com/a/0Nu710D](https://imgur.com/a/0Nu710D)

    Edit3: Here’s a rough sketch of what I think the travel paths were. This seems to be a common question:

    — At beginning of video: [https://imgur.com/fPXHjUG](https://imgur.com/fPXHjUG)

    — At end of video: [https://imgur.com/a/90BRRZR](https://imgur.com/a/90BRRZR)

    Edit4: Some people believe the drone and the jet are traveling in the same direction. You can tell this is not true by looking at how quickly the jet goes from big to small at the beginning of the video. The drone was trying to intercept the jet, not catch up with it. The jet is much much faster: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n55pFOYCycU&ab_channel=TachyonEngineer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n55pFOYCycU&ab_channel=TachyonEngineer)

  2. Regarding the camera shake-

    Just rewatched the original — it’s played at a bit faster speed and the shake is so subtle and happens so quickly that it’s no wonder we missed it before. This video is also zoomed slightly it seems which helps visualize it — in addition to the slower playback. Unreal! At normal speed I don’t see how it’s even noticeable enough to consider that a hoaxer would have added this detail.

  3. Ugh this would be the view from station 4 on the stbd wing looking forward.

    Still never seen this kind of sensor used. No metadata in footage, though it’s good someone found crosshairs.

  4. The more I watch the drone footage the more I think its:

    1) Not a drone, but another craft

    2) The craft filming is the one that launched the orbs

    3) The orbs are after someone or something in the cargo hold

    4) I don’t think we’re seeing teleportation happening to the 777 but instead its being annihilated

  5. I’ve been wondering while watching all these videos and evidence of the mh370…people complain about the drone not being able to hold those speeds and whatever (which I think it’s BS since it’s not following it, just looking at it closely or going by the airliner) and k was thinking that if the gov knew about this stuff and are keeping track of these events and technology…this drone, if it’s a drone…it may be or could be a drone that’s not been shown to the public eye (maybe?)

  6. 1. A drone operator would never intentionally fly through the wake of another aircraft
    2. If a drone _did_ fly through the wake of a 777, it would be more than a slight bump, it would be a violent drop

  7. You’re saying the sensor is mounted outside the hardpoints? That is nonsensical. Also, what EO/IR sensor ball is wing mounted? The sensor balls are always nose mounted.


    Specifically so far back that the wing is in the FOV. Where is the UI sensor/flight data?

  8. If this were the case the drone would be flying backwards. In the opening shot you can see the direction the drone is traveling, towards the plane and banking left. Further, the supposed wing mounted camera is tracking the plane moving left relative to the drone, if the camera was on the left wing looking across to the right wing, the drone would obstruct the view of the camera

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