Анализ данных военного радара — MH370 — Высота и скорость указывают на НЛО — Является ли это неопровержимым доказательством?

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Данные взяты из официального отчета по безопасности полетов, стр. 8 https://reports.aviation-safety.net/2014/20140308-0_B772_9M-MRO.pdf 24 500 футов Самолет падает с высоты 14 616 футов за 24 секунды. Скорость снижения 609 футов/сек или 36 540 футов/мин. Для справки, аварийная скорость снижения Boeing 777 200 ET составляет 6000-8000 футов/мин. Сообщается, что максимальная скорость составляет от 490 до 520 узлов в зависимости от варианта. Всегда следите за скоростью. 17:45.00 — 571 узел 47 500 футов Самолет поднялся на высоту 23 000 футов за 7 минут. Скорость набора высоты — 54,8 фута в секунду или 3288 футов в минуту — это среднее значение 1752,31 — 525 узлов — 44 700 футов Легко загруженный B777 (115 000 фунтов тяги на двигатель) часто может иметь начальную скорость набора высоты 5000 футов в минуту. Средняя скорость набора высоты больше похожа на 2000-3000 футов в минуту. https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/88612/what-is-the-rate-of-climb-of-an-airliner-to-reach-cruise-altitude 1754,52 — 501 узел — 36700 футов Самолет спускается на 8000 футов за 150 сек или 2 м 30 сек — Скорость снижения 53,3 фута/сек или 3198 футов/мин 1800,59 — 58 200 футов — 589 узлов ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО, чтобы практический потолок или максимальная высота полета Boeing 777 200 ER составляла 43 100 футов. Самолет находится на высоте 15 100 футов над максимальной высотой! Самолет также развивает скорость на 70 узлов выше максимальной, но более разреженный воздух наверху может позволить это из-за меньшего сопротивления. Самолет набирает 21 500 футов за 6 минут или 360 секунд. Скорость подъема составляет 60 футов/сек или 3600 футов/мин. Теперь закрывается, вот-вот ударит по вентилятору, и физика и математика перестанут иметь смысл. 1801,59 — 492 узла — 4800 футов Самолет падает на 53 400 футов за 60 секунд. Да, это скорость снижения 53 400 футов/мин или 890 футов/сек! Это абсолютно безумие. Чтобы достичь такого снижения, самолет должен был бы полностью погрузиться носом на скорости 976 км/ч, а затем стабилизировать высоту, не сломав крылья и не повредив фюзеляж. Все это произошло за 60 секунд, что означает, что пилоты очень сильно дернули бы за ручку. Когда вы весите в среднем 142 400 кг и едете со скоростью 976 км/ч, перегрузка, которую вы испытаете, будет такой же, как у истребителя, но намного больше из-за дополнительного веса 777. Для справки, F16 может тянуть 9 G. и весит всего 9 207 кг. Это на 133 193 кг легче, чем Boeing 777. Разница в 15,5 раз. Будут ли перегрузки в 15 раз выше? Приблизительно, что НЕВОЗМОЖНО для людей выдержать даже то, с чем может справиться планер Боинга. Так что, черт возьми, здесь произошло? Физика не имеет смысла! 1803,09 — 500 узлов — 4800 футов Самолет летит ровно на такой малой высоте в течение примерно 70 секунд 1815,25 — 516 узлов — 29 500 футов Самолет поднялся на 24 700 футов за 13 минут или 1900 футов/мин, что является средним Радиолокационный контакт потерян

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38 комментарий для “Анализ данных военного радара — MH370 — Высота и скорость указывают на НЛО — Является ли это неопровержимым доказательством?”
  1. Let me help explain this chart real simple. The move from 36,000 ft to 58,000 is impossible for this plane… with passengers and cargo, hell even without. The drop from 58k to 5k is impossible the plane is torn apart. Can’t explain the rest of the flight path? Makes no sense… except contrails are made at 25,000 ft, like in the videos.

  2. Considering the implications of this making this the scariest thing I have ever seen, I am beginning to become very concerned about the fact that this hasn’t been debunked, and in fact, there is stuff that keeps coming to reinforce that some bizarre shit happened.

  3. The Conclusion of the Report itself is in these words

    //Based on the Malaysian Military data, a reconstruction of the profile was conducted on a Boeing 777 simulator. Figure 1.1B (below) in chart form shows the Profile Chart of Data from Malaysian Military Radar. Some of the speed and height variations were not achievable even after repeated simulator sessions.// page 6

    They basically admit what that Radar shows is impossible to achieve! The report is very detailed and it’s a very interesting read. I am still going through it is quite lengthy

  4. Is it not possible that the radar either a.) had a couple of inaccurate altitude pings, or b.) momentarily locked onto another contact, believing it was the same contact based on similar trajectory & plot merge, & then returned to lock on the plane?

    It’s not a sophisticated device. And Malaysia could be rocking radar from the 60s for all we know. Id just be curious to see some investigation into that likelihood.

  5. I’m not a pilot but damn that sounds messed up. I mean maybe it was stolen by the orbs. The debris landing could have come off when it was going through the black hole. I watched the Netflix documentary and apparently if there’s a crash they would have clearly seen evidence too.

  6. So this is directly after radar was lost? Do they have the 5 minutes before this, I’d like to see if they show anything happening when signal is lost, right now between what I’m reading, it seems like it had a drone tailing it (they thought is lag/ghost) then they end up tracking the drone or ufo when the planes signals are lost at 17:21:13

  7. I did not know this. That sudden elevation change at a ridiculous 890ft/sec is not even a plane falling out of the sky; it’s as if someone held the plane and tossed it downwards like a toy. The plane would have been ripped to pieces. With the UFO scenario in mind, imagine the orbs surrounding the plane and causing it to climb and then suddenly «*zooppp»* dropping (or maybe even instantly teleporting it) to 4800 ft, and then again it happens later on, this time the plane vanishing for good. The interference, the comms being disabled, sounds a little fishy to be due to a fire onboard, though it’s definitely possible. I keep thinking about the hours the plane flew towards the Indian Ocean. What exactly is happening there? Is it possible the UFO already had «control» of the plane and the tracking of the plane wasn’t typical airplane tracking at that point?

  8. Cool info. Any experts here. Of the parts found is it possible that these parts fell off because the plain is moving at speeds that would cause these parts to fall off ? Rather than the result of a crash

  9. So, you are proposing that it’s more likely that aliens teleported the plane 15,000ft lower, than the data being wrong?

    Is that the reasoning behind it being a ‘smoking gun’?

    On the data that shows 15,000ft descent in 24 seconds, presumably it tracked it the entire way? Or is that just the next ‘ping’ 24 seconds later. Because if it tracked it the whole way, that seems to prove that the data can’t be right, teleportation or not.

  10. No, it certainly is not the «smoking gun evidence.»

    It’s extreme and rare in nature but not impossible and jets have done similar descents when done intentionally, even as recently as last year (see China Eastern Airlines Flight 5735 below).

    If the pilot were suicidal and, being a pilot with a flight simulator at home, was interested in seeing how extreme he could go with a jet one last time to push it to its limits before later ending things, then it’s not impossible with our current knowledge of physics the way most UAP manuevers are.

    This is the type of post that thousands of people upvote simply because they don’t understand it, it’s a lot of data to take in, and they just assume it’s confirming their beliefs for those reasons, so I’ll simplify here, which you should have done in a separate area to dumb it down for them:

    **Ops argument:**
    MH370 points to UAP behaviors because it demonstrated a sudden descent rate of ***36,540 feet per minute (609 feet per second).***

    **My argument in response:**
    In 2022, China Eastern Airlines Flight 5735 was intentionally pushed nose-down by the pilot in a suicide-murder and demonstrated a sudden descent rate of ***31,000 feet per minute (516 feet per second).***
    Footage of that descent:

    For those who will get picky and try to argue about the very slight difference in speed here, Flight MH370 was a Boeing 777 that is larger and faster than a Boeing 737 (Flight 5735).
    777 (Flight MH370) = Mach 0.84 to Mach 0.89
    737 (Flight 5735) = Mach 0.78 to Mach 0.82

  11. Why are you ignoring that the report actually says that **”it was highlighted to the team that the altitude and speed extracted by the data are subject to inherent error”**?

    I mean…the report acknowledges that this is likely an error. I don’t know much about the validity of that as this is not my field of expertise, but I routinely (like literally on a daily basis) run into this sort of thing while practicing medicine. I get a test result, it seems unusual, and then I have to think: *what is the likelihood that this result is real? What is the sensitivity and specificity of this test? What is the likelihood of a false positive or negative? What is the likelihood that I can interpret this test reliably?*

    No test is free of error. It is a logical fallacy to work against that assumption. So here we have a result that makes no sense with the physical capabilities of an aircraft, and an official report commenting that the data is known to be unreliable anyways…it’s rather illogical to then assume that the only explanation is that it is real and that a UFO explains the discrepancy. If we function on that sort of logic, then we will never find true evidence of ANYTHING because all data will be “evidence” of *something*. If something doesn’t fit, the solution is not to shoehorn it into your hypothesis, or to modify your hypothesis to fit the (likely erroneous) data. That’s not how you do science. That’s not how any of this works.

    *However*, if there were *other* lines of evidence that supported this data actually being accurate, then that would be a different story. Like, say, the government coming out and saying the orb video is legit, and that the plane was teleported to a completely different location sequentially. But until then, you have data that doesn’t fit the most plausible reality, and it’s a problem to take that at face value.

  12. Where is the 37 seconds smoking gun on this timeline?

    Edit Oh it’s at 1720.36, 37 seconds before this graph starts. So it gets seen by a low poly uav with a camera mount in its left wing, some guy uses citrix remote desktop with an uncalibrated trackball to view satellite data from the nrol 22 mission, drops in some AE turbulence noise, some inkblot vfx happen, then this radar tracking starts happening.

    Did I get that right? Which part is the damning bit?

  13. >When you weigh 142,400kg on average and travel at a speed of 976 kph — the G forces you will experience will be like that of a fighter jet but alot more due to the added weight of the 777. For reference an F16 can pull 9 G and it weighs only 9,207kg only. That’s 133,193 kg lighter than the Boeing 777. That is a difference of 15.5x. Would the G forces be 15x higher? Approximately, which is IMPOSSIBLE for humans to sustain letalone a Boeing airframe could handle. So what the Hell happened here? Physics doesn’t make sense!

    This is all I need to dismiss your claims about physics out of hand. When you’re in a car that weighs 2000 pounds and brake from 60 to 0 in a few seconds, you feel that. If the car is a fully laden truck that weighs 6000+ you don’t get shitfucked because the car weighs more, you’re feeling the exact same thing because it is your body that decelerating.

  14. Can you explain what you mean when equating weight and speed with acceleration (aka g-load)?

    At steady speed (including descent or ascent rate, but excluding change of direction), acceleration is zero by definition (first derivative of velocity… dV/dt).

    For any given rate of change in speed and direction, objects will have the same acceleration regardless of mass. Again, dv/dt does not include a mass term, nor does v^2 /r (centripetal acceleration).

    Point being, you could plummet towards earth at 10000mph, and as long as you’re at a steady 10000mph you will experience zero acceleration, aka zero-g. And an occupant of a 777 or an F-16 will experience the same acceleration if they are turning at the same rate at the same speed.

    Anyway, to me that radar data looks highly suspicious. It would be fascinating if it’s real, but most likely it’s just junk data.

  15. I’m starting to wonder who «leaked» those videos. Are we supposed to be spooked? Was that a leak or intentional because they know we would dissect this video for days to get us to «feel» something?

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