BREAKING- Председатель комитета по надзору Палаты представителей @RepJamesComer сообщает нам, что намерен провести слушания по НЛО и заинтересован в этом сообщении NewsNation о потенциально обнаруженном НЛО «нечеловеческого происхождения» в рамках проверки Конгресса – Джо Халил в Твиттере

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BREAKING- Председатель комитета по надзору Палаты представителей @RepJamesComer сообщает нам, что намерен провести слушания по НЛО и заинтересован в этом сообщении NewsNation о потенциально обнаруженном НЛО «нечеловеческого происхождения» в рамках проверки Конгресса – Джо Халил в Твиттере

От admin

25 комментарий для “BREAKING- Председатель комитета по надзору Палаты представителей @RepJamesComer сообщает нам, что намерен провести слушания по НЛО и заинтересован в этом сообщении NewsNation о потенциально обнаруженном НЛО «нечеловеческого происхождения» в рамках проверки Конгресса – Джо Халил в Твиттере”
  1. What I think a lot of people need to understand is that Congress often uses public reporting as a tool to inquire with public hearings and lean on witnesses. They can then force the DoD into a corner, the can’t discuss classified information in a public hearing, but if it’s publicly reported they can use that to put the DoD on record. And despite what people think most people are disinclined to lie under oath or to Congress because of the liabilities. This is very good news.

  2. Submission statement : House oversight committee intends to hold hearings on UFOs following the recents news about the recovery of nonhuman origins crafts by the US Government

  3. Oh cool I wonder who — *checks this guys Twitter* goddammit

    edit: we can debate about whether this guy’s a nutjob or not — but we shouldn’t act surprised when major news outlets laugh this story off because people like this dude are rushing to “support” it

    If stories like these are only corroborated by,
    let’s say some of our more *polarizing figures*, that’s only going to do more damage to the conversation around UAPs and intelligent life in the long run. This is how we end up with stigmas.

    I’m not saying there’s not a chance of something bipartisan happening (god I fuckin hope it does), just that I’m less than encouraged by this guy’s enthusiasm.

  4. Umm I have a question? Is this tomorrow? Is this also possibly why they were pressuring this info to come out ASAP before WaPo could finish their review? Who is speaking there?

  5. Now we’re talking. Folks disclosure could be quick and easy at this point. Bring in a few of the names provided by Grusch and threaten them with prison if they are found to be lying under oath. With all the UAP stuff in the news, none of them will assume they can lie their way out of this. That’d be it. Disclosure, at least to congress. Hopefully congress is still willing to tell us.

  6. Let’s go get them aliens…anyone who thinks like this is a redneck. These are species that are much more intelligent than humans. We’re not spiritually evolved enough as a species to take this seriously. Pop culture hasn’t helped any bit

  7. > “nonhuman origin”

    I’m curious what this really means.

    I don’t think they come from space. The extraterrestrial hypothesis is made of 1950s logic, *I cannot see where they come from, so they must come from up farther away than I can see*, that’s really all there is to it. More than science, popular science fiction is responsible for keeping the ETH in the spotlight.

    Maybe we’ve literally been looking in the wrong direction this whole time, asking the wrong questions. Maybe when they respond to our inquiries that there’s no evidence they’re extraterrestrial they’re telling the truth *and* using the absurdity of visiting spacemen as cover for a more disquieting reality.

    Wouldn’t it be neat if something intelligent evolved here long before us and is simply hiding in some way that we don’t or can’t understand? Or maybe they died out before we evolved and we’ve been witnessing ancient drones performing pointless tasks for long dead masters.

    If something intelligent existed long enough ago it’s entirely possible that there wouldn’t be any evidence to find. All the evidence could have been pulled underground in the process of subduction*. Also, scientists think that only something like one tenth of one percent** of all species that ever existed were lucky enough to become a fossil for us to find. There are countless species lived and died out or evolved into something else that we will simply never know existed, maybe we missed something important.

    All that to say, we should just keep in mind that there are terrestrial possibilities beyond secret U.S. technology that are just as goofy and exotic as ET.

    The book *Invisible Residents* by Ivan T Sanderson is worth a read.



  8. The community needs high level respected pols to get involved. These Southern Chuckleheads obsessing on Hunter Biden don’t bring any credibility to the process. Just a bunch of monkeys in a zoo throwing their shit at witnesses.

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