Думал, что это воздушный змей, плывущий вверх, а затем гелиевый шар, плывущий вниз. Затем, после дальнейшего изучения… почему воздушный шар с гелием вдруг упал в задней части моего дома? 🤔🤷♂️ Не знаю. Это еженедельное явление. Теперь я выбираю снимать и делиться тем, как эти странные, странные и интригующие объекты решают показать себя мне. Как я увижу, так и Ты. Благословенного дня 🙏
5/18/2023 Santa Ana, CA 7:20pm. Black weird aura.
byu/ConsistentlyBetter inUFOs
I would have said kite too initially, but the wind doesn’t appear to be very strong and it appear like the object is spinning and rather unstable toward the end.
My guess would be deflated balloon. The look of an aura around it is due to the high contrast and video sharpening settings in the camera.
The “aura” is contrast-enhancing sharpening in the camera. Edit: the credulity squad is here.
Black weird aura. Give me a break. It’s a balloon.
Never heard of a balloon being called an “aura”
I sure I have seen others post similar videos last few days.
Looks like a bird?
This is good video. 👍 💯 edit: the debunker squad is here
Kinda looks like it has tendrils. One of the three UAP that NORAD shot down in February was described as having ropes hanging off it.
https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xvvub2/im_100_convinced_i_was_visited_by_tic_tac_ufos/ photos, tictac, Santa Ana California, similar sighting in comments, downvoted to zero
https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zgrgm9/i_seek_help_the_white_orb_ufo_i_caught_has/ sighting description and video, downvoted to zero, big debunker energy, Santa Ana California
https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/13gq05f/51023_santa_ana_ca_another_coincidence_that_day_i/ video, daytime sky, single dark object moving erratically, santa Ana California
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