Я нашел это видео на Facebook, в подписи говорилось, что оно было снято «где-то в пустыне Нью-Мексико в 1996 году», это якобы падающий НЛО. У меня больше нет зацепок. Ребята, что вы думаете?
I found this video on Facebook, the caption said it was filmed «somewhere on the new mexico desert in 1996» it’s supposedly a crashing ufo. I have no further leads. What do you guys think?
byu/AngrySuperArdvark inUFOs
Supposedly a rocket test filmed at white sands test range.
The explosion is interesting, and not what I would expect a rocket to look like when it breaks up. I’d expect a fire ball, not a ton of pieces that still illuminate while flying through the air.
I believe this was confirmed to be footage from a missile/rocket test.
This is one of the strangest videos I’ve ever seen, and I don’t buy the “rocket/missile” explanation.
Can someone tell me who debunked this?
If I recall correctly this is from a documentary about Roswell to show how the UFO crashed (image seems flipped? and lost a lot of pixels). They talk with a guy who found some interesting non-earth metals which they sent to some lab to see what’s in it.
It’s Rocket Bro, c’mon…
It’s a failed rocket test.
Man I wish I was a conman..90% of the people here are so gullible.
Already debunked. It’s a rocket test.
This one pops up here pretty regularly. I’d say at least weekly. (don’t feel bad, they’re easy to miss)
It’s also been debunked as a failed missile test.
Are you being facetious? This is one of the most common video clips out there. Like others have said, it’s accessed to be a failed missile test, but it’s a really cool video!
We don’t care
Weapons test. Nothing else.
If it’s a rocket, it’s one motherfucking durable rocket to skip like that and not explode. The casing would have almost surely have ruptured. Rockets are fairly delicate machines in some ways. Not too good with lateral stresses. Bouncing off the ground like that ought to have blown it apart.
Yeah yeah I know—it’s debunked, you can’t believe I haven’t seen it, it’s been posted before and been debunked, and you can’t believe I’m so gullible.
But-fact: still no source of the debunking provided. I know, you’re all too busy. But if you have a source, please share.
If not, then the best we can do is speculate. It’s kinda what people do in the search for answers. Dissing someone as gullible for just being speculative is a dick move.
Ayy in parts lamo
If you play video games, try a game called “Exo One”. You play as a glowing UFO that moves exactly like this. Awesome game.
Looks like a controlled crash of a rocket or aircraft. That being said, I am by no means an expert and always open to another interpretation.
Narco rocket testing for sure
I posted this last year as it blew my mind too. It shatters like ceramic
Isn’t it strange how people say it is debunked but every single one of them fails to provide any sort of source for their claim and basically disappears from the thread the moment they are asked about it?
I thought this was the Roswell ufo footage. I remember seeing this around the time Limewire was popular
Holy moly that’s wild. Im surprised this isn’t a more well known clip
I would assume its a crashing UFO since its an unidentified flying object thats seems to be crashing.
Military test. This ones old and been debunked for years.
Looks like a rocket to me