Как мы знаем, было официально признано, что эти неопознанные корабли существуют и демонстрируют необъяснимые возможности полета. Утверждалось, что они могут иметь возможность выводить из строя ядерное оружие или создавать помехи, и неоднократно демонстрировали это. Если это правда, может ли это быть основной *законной* причиной секретности в плане национальной безопасности? Ни одна великая держава не может позволить себе признать, что их ядерный потенциал скомпрометирован. Редактировать: этот пост был вдохновлен замечаниями Росса Култхарта в интервью с Куртом Джаймунгалом здесь (около 1 часа 40 минут): [https://youtu.be/JM3kxeU\_oDE](https://youtu.be/JM3kxeU_oDE)
>If true, could this be the primary *legitimate* national security reason for the secrecy? No great power can really afford to admit that their nuclear capability is compromised.
This is false, the nuclear agreements between the states and the USSR at the time had a clause for notifying each other of unexplainable phenomena interfering with their nuclear weapons, as a way of de-escalating conflict.
Keeping your adversaries from knowing that NHI may not permit you to launch a nuclear strike is an excellent reason to classify all related material. The dissemination of that information would eliminate nuclear deterrence and put the entire world at risk of conventional world war.
It would be an incredible thing if nuclear tech was compromised
There is no legitimate reason for hiding this. We are past any argument for that. Even if a country knew we couldn’t fire nukes at them (but apparently they could? Why wouldn’t the NHI stop Russia, too?) we have enough weaponry and influence to destroy any country we want through conventional means. Nukes at this point are just the OP cherry on the top of the milkshake of whoopass
Edit: when I say there is no legitimate reason I say that because it’s been almost 100 years of this shit and we deserve to know about something with the existential consequence this has
Imo if our nukes truly were disabled the world we live in would be completely different. It would have caused a panic and paranoia that would have infected every single military officer in both america and the Soviet union. That would have led to history taking a very different course.
If the aliens mess with our nukes, that would essentially be asking for us to begin considering nuking them. It’s an absolutely terrible strategy if your end goal is peace (and to not get nuked by scared humans).
I don’t think that’s the reason, because all countries around the world all came to the conclusion this needs to be kept secret. So I think either they’re a threat and it’s kept secret until we have reasonable defenses, or we are not “ready” somehow for the information (the ufos would have concluded this)