«Мумия пришельцев Наска», была уничтожена.Видео

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Привет, друзья! На прошлой неделе мне посчастливилось разместить ссылку на веб-сайт с интересными исследованиями, проведенными пятью учеными на КОНГРЕССЕ ПЕРУ. Эти исследования касались «гуманоидной рептилии», возраст которой составляет около 1500 лет. К сожалению, сайт, на котором была размещена информация, был удален и больше не доступен по ссылке: https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/mummies-of-nasca-results/.

Я хочу призвать сообщество скачать доступную копию этой информации, так как это уникальное открытие вызывает большой интерес. Это моя первая попытка загрузить видео с YouTube, и я делюсь этим, так как у меня есть копия. Способ скачивания видео с YouTube можно легко освоить с помощью поиска в Google.

Интересно отметить, что вторая ссылка на информацию больше не активна, что вызывает вопросы о том, была ли она удалена кем-то из-за нашего интереса к этому феноменальному открытию. Если вы еще не видели эти презентации, особенно касающиеся мумии с именем «Мария», они действительно поразительны. Я должен предупредить, что первые несколько минут видео могут быть немного шокирующими, так как они начали с плохо представленного исследования, которое было изуродовано и неубедительно. Однако начиная с 6-й минуты, они представляют «Марию», идеально мумифицированного гуманоида, примерно 1500 летнего. Если у вас ограничено время, вы можете начать с этой отметки в видео.


Важно отметить, что было обнаружено всего пять образцов, один из которых был поврежден и неполный. Но «Мария», идеальный образец, привела этих пятерых ученых к выводу, что она не может быть объяснена эволюцией из известных видов на Земле. Они удивительно нашли хирургические имплантаты в ее позвоночнике, а также трое яйцеклеток, включая детское. Это звучит невероятно, но ученые подтверждают, что «Мария» имеет черты, характерные как для человека, так и для рептилии.

Нельзя не упомянуть, что это открытие вызвало много споров и критики, особенно когда оно впервые было обнаружено в 2017 году. Некоторые СМИ даже назвали его «расистским» или мистификацией. Но важно отметить, что никто из критиков фактически не изучал сами образцы, и их мнения были основаны на предвзятых взглядах. Все эти споры и атаки произошли в 2017 году. Но на момент проведения моих исследований в конце 2018 года, я не нашел ни одного подтвержденного источника, который бы осуждал эти открытия.

Эти ученые провели обширные исследования, включая секвенирование ДНК, МРТ и рентген. Врач-судебный эксперт также представил свои выводы в видео. Мой любимый момент — это сегмент с выводами биолога, начиная с 21-й минуты видео. Он заключает, что эта «гуманоид-рептилия» имеет эволюцию, которая сильно отличается от общего предка, известного на Земле. Это означает, что ее эволюция не совпадает с известными видами на нашей планете.

И еще один интересный момент: кто еще представит данные об инопланетянах в Конгрессе?



От admin

42 комментарий для “«Мумия пришельцев Наска», была уничтожена.Видео”
  1. What’s going to be absolutely wild about this whole situation is that there’s an actual possiblity that what we’re looking at is an overlap of multiple hypotheses as in with this post here we’re looking at Ultra-Terrestrials that resided here before us with other «leaks» hinting at the possibility of there being extra-dimensionals that are also extra-universal that used to just be extra-terrestrial that created shells for them to project into (Nordics) and biological drones (Grays) to tend to this world. All of the random strange things we’ve noticed over the years could be the Extra-Dimensionals having some sort of influence on our growth as a species. Maybe they’re the cryptids as well and sometimes play tricks on us from their higher plane of existence just for laughs? So many things need answers and we probably aren’t going to get all of them considering there’s going to be a committee reviewing all of the files to be shown to the public and the materials they will gather.

  2. I remember your post and was astounded.

    The fact that that website was years old and never taken down, then taken down after your post means “they” are watching this subreddit.

    I know Brien Forester has always talked about the elongated skulls in Peru but I never saw scientists do the ground work to prove its authenticity.

    They Peruvian government had their top scientists present in a congressional hearing the findings of these mummies….. let that sink in.

    To anyone who is going to comment it’s fake before watching the presentations and claim to know more then a specialist doctor…. Please… don’t…. Watch first.

  3. Going further, this would also provide more credibility to the authenticity of the Atacama humanoid. The Atacama humanoid was a tiny figure, claimed to be a deformed fetus; yet it’s bone density confirmed it was a child at the time of death. The Atacama humanoid blood testing confirmed it had human DNA. These alien humanoid mummies also have human DNA, but also DNA from another species. They have a combination of reptile and mammal characteristics, Maria and her baby being the most human-like with the elongated skull characteristic. A possible conclusion is that alien DNA will have human DNA, because we are related to them. Finding human DNA in these humanoids therefore does not disprove they aren’t alien or partial alien origin.

  4. Wow. I watched when you first posted. The site was up just a bit ago and it look like a hoax kinda.

    But wtf. I just watched it. That was a very serious medical/government press conference.

    Do we have any one from peru who could tell us what the country kinda thought?

  5. The fact it’s been knocked offline after being shared here very much points to its authenticity. Like the EBO scientist where real or not, TPTB were panicking it may be real and doing everything they could to stop him in his tracks via backdoors.

  6. I read that the planet was seeded with different alien types from the different species of aliens. Today I just watched the new doc on Netflix about the 250,000 year old bones discovered in Africa which are not human. Makes you wonder

  7. So, I will say this. Peru has a bad track record for treasure hunters trying to make money off archeological finds. Mummies are also terribly degraded from the start, and sometimes even modified to make them look like aliens. I believe the people who presented this to the Peruvian government aren’t necessarily liars, but they fell for someone else’s modified mummies.

    Ancient peoples in the region would bind their heads as they grew to elongate them — think foot binding to make them smaller or neck-rings to make them longer. A lot of things like the small ribcage can be attributed to tightly wrapping up a corpse to prepare for burial. Some of the small skeletons are underdeveloped or oddly proportioned because they weren’t finished growing when they died. «Implant» in the chest is probably jewelry laid on the chest before being wrapped.

    The three fingers is a problem too. Guys — we are looking for three fingers AND A THUMB. Yes, lots of hearsay says aliens have three fingers, but they also have a thumb. With convergent evolution, even aliens on a distant planet would have something like thumbs, or at least hands that can do things intricately, which requires an opposable digit or else you’d just have to wrap your entire hand around everything to pick it up. Imagine trying to go from caveman to space-faring race with only three fingers.

    Finally, the Gaia website is nonsense, promoting things like remote viewing — lots of woowoo. Red flag. Even the word gaia itself is and always has been crazy-person lingo and a red flag. If someone has gaia in their vocabulary, I guarantee you they could also go on a tangent about the magical powers of amethyst.

  8. I just watched the first 45 mins of the YouTube video and it is so interesting, very compelling. I’ll have to watch the rest later. Thanks for sharing and trying to keep this topic alive!

  9. These small reptilian aliens found in Nazca look like the ‘dobby’ being on that security cam a few years back doing the chicken dance….if i knew how to link i would but check it out. when the being turns its head its profile looks elongated and judging by the height next to car looks pretty convincing….

  10. Sorry to say it, but these arent aliens. The results of the dna testing came back as definitely human, with some showing genetic origins in Caucasus area. This is not excluding the possibility that these are some remnant of an ancient unknown subspecies of human (Think neanderthal/denisovan though neither of these two), and given the recent testimonies of some government representatives it is possible that the «aliens» are actually endogenous to our planet (some people who survived the cataclysm through escaping earth etc). Unfortunately there is certainly nothing reptilian about them.

    heres a link to a guy who goes through the test results, a decent channel many of you will find interesting:)

  11. I always knew these mummies could possibly be legitimate. Mostly because some guys used the military developed use of ESP called remote viewing and they got astonishing results. They found Maria and her baby were executed for interspecies breeding. This I believe is an example of where the elongated skulls actually come from; they appear to be reptilian grey hybrids. The elongated skulls are found all over the world and are usually the royalty rulers and builders of the ancient megalithic structures.

    I can’t find the remote viewing videos or interviews, specifically the Karla Cassidy interview on the project Camelot YouTube but I found an article on it:


  12. Please can someone send me a link of an online yt downloader that can manage two hours and twenty minutes? It would be greatly appreciated. I also support the opinion that anyone should make a copy of this. Thanks to all of you

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