Контрабандные секретные документы Трампа могут быть связаны с НЛО?

От admin #Внеземные существа, #Внекосмические существа, #Внешний вид пришельцев, #Загадки инопланетного воздействия, #Загадки инопланетных цивилизаций, #ЗагадкиИнопланетныхЦивилизаций, #ЗагадочныеЯвления., #Заговоры, #ЗаговорыВИстории, #ЗаговорыВМедиа, #ЗаговорыГосударств, #ЗаговорыМировыхЛидеров, #Иллюминаты, #Инопланетная жизнь, #Инопланетные существа в кино, #Инопланетные технологии, #ИнопланетныеВоздействия, #ИнопланетныеИсследования, #ИнопланетныеТехнологии, #Инопланетяне, #ИнтеракцияСИнопланетянами, #Интракосмические существа, #Исследование инопланетной жизни, #ИсследованиеИнопланетнойЖизни, #Конспирология, #Контакт с инопланетянами, #Контактные СИнопланетянами, #Космические пришельцы, #МанипуляцияМассами, #Межзвездные путешествия, #Научная фантастика, #НаучнаяОбщаяФантастика, #Популярные о пришельцах, #Пришельцы в алфавите, #ПришельцыВМедиа. ТеорияЗаговора, #ПришельцыВНауке, #ПришельцыИлюди, #связанные с пришельцами, #СекретныеОрганизации, #СекретыГосударственнойВласти, #СекретыТехнологий, #СкрытыеСилы, #СовременныеТайны, #Способы достиженияСПришельцами, #Способы общения с пришельцами, #СпрятанныеПравды, #ТайныеЗаговоры, #Телешоу на инопланетянах, #Теории заговоров о пришельцах, #ТеорииГосударстваОпришельцах, #ТеорииЗаговораОБиологии, #ТеорииЗаговораОмедицин е, #ТеорииЗаговораОпришельцами, #Уроки инопланетной истории. 窗体顶端 窗体底端 ЭкспериментыПришельцев, #Фантастические инопланетяне, #Фильмы о пришельцах, #Фэндом пришельцев, #Экзобиология, #ЭкспериментальнаяНаука, #ЭкспериментыНадЛюдьми, #Явления

https://twitter.com/occupydemocrats/status/1670871419830300696?s=46&t=wGKwnYTk4AiiFiI5l7AK5w Джереми Корнелл заявил на днях Джорджу Кнаппу, что правда станет известна в ближайшие 24-48 часов. Я не уверен, кто скажет «правду» или что такое «правда», но я думаю, что могу что-то уловить. Я прошу вас об одном: отложите в сторону политическую предвзятость. Судя по всему, секретные документы, которые Трамп контрабандой пронес в Мар-А-Лаго, настолько глубоко засекречены, что никакое присяжное не может дать ему «справедливый суд». Это потому, что ни у одного жюри не будет разрешения на просмотр документов. Хотя документ может быть связан с ядерным потенциалом США, у меня есть сильное подозрение, что это может быть что-то большее. Одна вещь, которая приходит на ум, это то, что бывший директор министра обороны Израиля публично заявил, что Трамп знает, что инопланетяне существуют, и был на грани того, чтобы рассказать об этом общественности. Ребята, что вы думаете?

От admin

20 комментарий для “Контрабандные секретные документы Трампа могут быть связаны с НЛО?”
  1. > The New York Times continued, revealing that legal experts say that it is “routine” for federal prosecutors who are put in this predicament to offer a “very attractive plea deal”

    It says right there that this is routine.

    Due to over-classification, the documents could relate to anything from who is the Pentagon’s coffee supplier to an audit on how much money someone there stole.

  2. I don’t believe he ever was anywhere close to documents pertaining to the reverse engineering program. Those documents must be tucked away at a secret facility in a SCIF with inside another SCIF. The number of people who have all the tickets and access to all source intelligence at that high a clearance level is probably less then 20. Those documents don’t leave the SCIFS they’re in ever. I doubt he had anything but if he does it would be peripheral information at the edge of one of the lesser programs.

  3. I have wondered this myself. It seems odd that the government would go to these lengths to prosecute a former president for classified documents unless the documents in question were so damaging that the public trial and potential blow back was worth it to them.

    Nick Pope has talked about a potential struggle behind the scenes within the Pentagon and intelligence community. If this is true, it would not surprise me if someone on one side of this struggle has reached out to President Trump and provided him with classified documents related to UFOs.

  4. OP, I’m totally on board with this theory.

    I suspect the allegations against President Biden are similar in nature.

    Apparently, Grusch’s counsel also led the Clinton email server investigation.

    Strange things are afoot.

  5. No 👎🏼. Stop with the useless speculation. Concentrate on what’s actually happening in UAP land, with the real evidence and events, rather than imagining random stuff that is extremely unlikely and does not progress disclosure.

  6. I think what you have to consider is that he was well known for leaking shi and he had a really big mouth. No super secret deep organization is going to trust him in the first place. It’s unrealistic.

  7. People give trump too little credit, there was likely tons of secret military decisions being made daily that he didint blab about, he has even scolded people he believes is “saying too much” in interviews.

    Likewise there was a leaked phone call where he talks to someone internally where he admits he knew the threat of corona but wanted to reduce panic by acting like it was not a big deal.

    The guy isint just saying wild shit, it’s a carefully crafted persona because it gets attention and votes. It is very possible he could have information about this he hasn’t let slip


    But it would be something if the Democratic parties hatred of Trump and desire to stop him from running was what finally made them concede on admitting to aliens.

    Admit Trump has UFO docs and disclose the truth to the public for a possible indictment… or keep the lie going

  9. Have jury members sign NDA specifically stating to rescind any and all rights regarding speaking , transmitting, or in any way, shape, or form make allusions to what is being shown under the penalty of incarceration. Understandably, recent legislation passed that made these NDA’s moot, however, a new one could be fashioned that specifically states this legislation under a clause.

  10. Yo i called it first lmfao! Weird how i spammed my theory a few days ago n it ended how it did XD Everything about the documents are sus asf and the Five Eyes revelation could be damage control.

  11. Tbh i just think it’s sad how hard it it’s been for us to find out the truth about this. Forget the political and religion biases but just as a race i think we all have the right to know if there is or not another civilization

  12. If it is then Trump has no clue about it.

    I saw him do an interview on some conservative YouTube show (can’t find it now but it was two or three young guys in their 20s who have a show for conservative Republicans, they were all sitting on stools side by side with Trump on the far left side and these two or three guys on the right looking over at him if that helps anyone find i t).

    At the end of the interview they asked him if he saw anything with aliens or Area 51 and he seemed to scoff at the idea but saw they had an interest in it so humored them and then insinuated that Area 51 is the most visited tourist site in the country.

    It was clear from looking at his reaction and his face that he has no clue about any programs. He had a look on his face as if the topic was beneath him, something not even significant enough to talk about, that look a skeptic has when you’re trying to tell them about these things.

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