Семья из Лос-Анджелеса в ужасе от этого странного объекта, который они видят в небе. «ЧТО ЭТО!?
Family in Los Angeles is freaked out by this strange object they see in the sky.
What do you think this is? #ufoX #ovniX #uapX #uaptwitter #UFO #UAP #ufotwitter pic.twitter.com/RX7DnTFozY
— Steph Kent (@covertress) October 20, 2023
I hate waiting for the sunset to load.
This could potentially be a rocket stuck in a spin (broken gimbal mechanism, damaged engine bell, etc etc.), but I’m not exactly convinced of that either (no clue how long this thing went on for, after all).
Though I may also be oversensitive to rocket mis-identifications, given just how many mundane launches get mistaken for spooky stuff because they can look super weird under the right circumstances.
Who needs to post more than 11 seconds, seems like enough.
Thinking like a PC or maybe it’s loading.
The simulation is downloading an update.
They forgot to remove the loading icon from the hologram lol
That looks like a failed rocket. Probably someone’s science experiment shit the bed. Some of them are reallllyyy pretty, though.
awhile ago, someone posted a video that looked like this. from what i remember, it was a semipro golfer who found the video on their phone, and he didnt remember that it had happened or that he took the video. in the video they were driving down a road, and it was dark, and they pulled up to a thing like this just spinning above the ground just off the road. i cant find or havent seen the video since, but they are very similar. anyone else remember this particular video?
Dr. Strange. I’m gonna go with Dr. Strange. I wonder if Sam came through if the video was longer