Это видео очень интересно, поскольку он упоминает, как воняют плохие инопланетяне, а корабли используют электричество, найденное в космосе? которые вместо того, чтобы использовать их в качестве двигателей, создают перед собой некую пустоту и движутся очень быстро. Что заставило меня загрузить это видео, так это тот факт, что канал TWF уже создал тему в «Электрической Вселенной» и оттуда [EBO Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/). В этом видео упоминается «запах», который может исходить от того, что инопланетяне извлекают из своей кожи. Мне нечего сказать, мне это показалось интересным, и я думаю, что вам, ребята, тоже. Судите сами. Изменить: Еще одна вещь, на которую стоит обратить внимание, это [Arecibo Response](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Chilbolton_crop_circle.svg/125px-Chilbolton_crop_circle.svg.png), по расшифрованному изображению они сказали, что жили на 2 планетах и была третья вещь, указывающая на структуру или планету. Редактировать 2: TWF также сделал эпизод о Кенни Ваече и его пещере Мохаве, и этот парень также упоминает пустыню Мохаве, где находится пещера. Это может быть как-то связано? https://reddit.com/link/180fhtg/video/l12jm6ozyo1c1/player
This site talks about how uaps “fall” through space, similar to what he mentions. I think this is the best working theory to how the objects move.
Orion is interesting
Andrew Tate leading Disclosure
Smell thing was prior to the EBO thread.
The thing their describing for a drive is one of the models for a warp drive humans have. There is one that requires negative energy to exist and another that does not. Subsequent variants had lower energy thresholds as well.
I believe this guy, but I’m not sure I believe the neighbor.
The bad aliens? Brown and smelly? Good aliens grey..
Re: edit 2: Any info on where this cave is in the Mojave Desert? Am in the area.
that void in front of the craft is a gravity well imho
Johnny sins found his true calling
Einstein says that gravity isn’t a force but simply distortions in space (and time) and when things appear attracted to another object (like our planet) it’s because they are traveling along a straight path which is curved because the object is there. So a ship that can manipulate those distortions direction could move in any direction without having the forces act on it when you move against the lines of space time.
Tate talking about aliens now?
Andrew Tate on a press run i see
Lines up with law of one the ra material. Which states the negative aliens live at orion and they are called the orion group. They are crusaders that create suffering. They harm us mostly by introducing thoughts that control us
He kinda described the same propulsion that bob lazar talked about, creating a bubble around the craft that makes it fall foward.
It has to be true right?
You don’t just post selfie videos rambling on with your self on tiktok or any other form of social media unless it’s absolutely 100 million billion per cent true and if anyone dares question it, they eat babies and worship Satan.
Am I right
Am I right
High fives
Go team!
Is this hecklefish?
Wow, super weird too cause the missing man: Kenny Vaech mentioned how he heard weird sounds in a cave and was going for a second time to go check it out and prove it with a camera. He was never found to this very day. Sad case. I always had a gut feeling something weird happened to him. This would confirm.
He said the aliens lived on stars.
Stars are suns.
There is no aliens living on a sun.
The Electric Universe theory was just a theory, or maybe not even that but a hypothesis.
It was pretty much debunked in the TWF episode itself.
That theory kinda went back to the drawing board
I never noticed any smell but i dont think they where fully physical.
Planck energy.
I appreciate hearing first hand stories like this. Using gravity to propel the ship has been brought up before where its able to create a hole in front of the ship and a wave in the back where the ship is simultaneously falling towards the front while being pushed from the back. I havent heard the part about specifically grey and brown aliens in orions belt.
completely dark….. in Vegas? where were you? couldn’t be central. Were you in east Las Vegas off trop or lake mead? Summerlin? far reaches of Henderson? Pahrump? ITs hard to say «power outage and vegas at the same time unless you are FAASAARRRRRR from the strip.
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Which «aliens»?
In men in black there was a reference to orians belt, perhaps they are subtly referring to an extra terrestrial race that live their in real life. Strange