Интервью Боба Лазара (полный документальный фильм)
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Увидел это, когда смотрел на небо в саду за домом.
Well-researched and -cited post has everything you need to know about Lazar.
Despite Rogan’s continued endorsement, it’s time to move on from Lazar. David Greusch is the real deal.
[Stanton Friedman on Bob Lazar.](https://youtu.be/IBdUg1h9XLU)
Even if this all turns out to be true it doesn’t make bob lazar any more credible / valid / correct. He’s a liar if you really want me to explain why … i can tell you something staring in the face about his story you cannot look at in any other way as lies and total b/s.
Bob is a fantasist that got stuck in a loop regurgitating the same lie for years.
A full documentary video of Bob Lazar’s interview, here he talks about his responsibilities in handling these special crafts, element 115 and the such.
To be honest, I go back and forth on Lazar. But, this interview I hadn’t seen before. The thing that makes me think he is truthful, is that when most people are making something up or doing this kind of thing for selfish reasons, they will answer all questions usually in the positive, to seem more knowledgeable. For example,» Did you see aliens at any point?» » No, not at all.» Its things like this, the very natural way of speaking, without ego, that makes me really believe him. When you see other things of this sort, like people who claim to be mediums or such, they will always have an answer to everything, so as to not look foolish, even when its clear they are a fraud. You know what I mean? When someone is trying to convince you of something, they will NEVER say » I don’t know». Lazar will tell you when he doesn’t have an answer. Just adds to his credibility in my view.
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