These are photos from the Billy Meier case. This guy said he was being visited by blonde humanoids from the Pleiades star system and that he was allowed to take photographs of their craft.
The picture of the blonde has been confirmed to be a girl from a tv show in the 70’s.
The craft pictures have been debunked left and right but there’s a lot of people who still believe, honestly who am I to say? So this is just a collection of the photographs in good quality.
It’s Billy Meier. Look him up. I don’t know if they’ve been “debunked” as in someone with inside information or in the know officially has details that all these photos were faked. It’s just assumed they are fake. Cult leader. I think those were up for auction at Sotheby’s.
Sooo…..I had to snoop through seller feedback as I cannot believe this to be real……….it’s not 😒
2nd page of feedback (past year) buyers response states all fake basically, and that they just photos out the books?
Are you the seller?
These are photos from the Billy Meier case. This guy said he was being visited by blonde humanoids from the Pleiades star system and that he was allowed to take photographs of their craft.
The picture of the blonde has been confirmed to be a girl from a tv show in the 70’s.
The craft pictures have been debunked left and right but there’s a lot of people who still believe, honestly who am I to say? So this is just a collection of the photographs in good quality.
It’s Billy Meier. Look him up. I don’t know if they’ve been “debunked” as in someone with inside information or in the know officially has details that all these photos were faked. It’s just assumed they are fake. Cult leader. I think those were up for auction at Sotheby’s.
Says these are created from digital copies, they aren’t originals….
Not even originals, just printed out scans. That seller can get f*cked.