Доказательство отключения СМИ

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[Edit: Take a look at https://youtu.be/ksb3KD6DfSI (thanks to u/thereisnorhino)]

Вот несколько историй, опубликованных CNN о UAP за последние 2 года: * [https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/06/10/las-vegas-alien-ufo-backyard-report-police-orig.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/06/10/las-vegas-alien-ufo-backyard-report-police-orig.cnn) [Thanks u/E05DCA]
* [https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/06/05/ufo-uap-nasa-corbell-contd-gr-orig.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/06/05/ufo-uap-nasa-corbell-contd-gr-orig.cnn) * [https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/12/opinions/china-military-ufo-shoot-down-spy-balloon-bergen/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/12/opinions/china-military-ufo-shoot-down-spy-balloon-bergen/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/12/politics/us-government-ufo-reports/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/12/politics/us-government-ufo-reports/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/24/world/ufos-nasa-team-study-scn/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/24/world/ufos-nasa-team-study-scn/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/09/world/nasa-team-study-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-scn/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/09/world/nasa-team-study-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-scn/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/17/politics/ufo-sightings-congress-hearing-what-matters/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/17/politics/ufo-sightings-congress-hearing-what-matters/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/17/politics/ufos-congress-history/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/17/politics/ufos-congress-history/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/17/politics/house-ufo-hearing-congress/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/17/politics/house-ufo-hearing-congress/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/23/politics/ufo-reports-pentagon/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/23/politics/ufo-reports-pentagon/index.html) * [https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/03/us/ufo-report-what-our-questions-reveal/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/03/us/ufo-report-what-our-questions-reveal/index.html) А вот истории, опубликованные CNN о Груше или других осведомителях. подтвержденные Рубио, или двухпартийные поправки UAP, которые Гиллибранд и Галлахер написали для NDAA и IAA 2024 года в ответ на разоблачителей: задний двор: *Си-Эн-Эн на связи.*** **Груш, многочисленные осведомители, двухпартийные поправки к UAP: …*сверчки*…** Темы UAP (CNN, NBC, MSNBC, AP, Washington Post, Time). 0 результатов для «Grush» по всем направлениям. (РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: единственным крупным исключением в СМИ является Fox News, спасибо u/zaxo3000) (у ABC и NYT было по одному случаю освещения [NYT had a podcast that wasn’t even listed on their podcast page]но в обоих случаях основные факты не упоминались [e.g. the Inspector General’s determination] и репортажи были откровенно предвзятыми.) Чем это объясняется, если не какой-то формой отключения СМИ? Я полагаю, что *просто по определению* это отключение СМИ или почти полное отключение. *Правка: в этой ветке есть несколько молодых аккаунтов, пытающихся не только объяснить, но и защитить (безуспешно) почти полное отсутствие освещения в основных СМИ. Кроме того, по состоянию на полдень по тихоокеанскому времени я еще не видел ни одного комментария, предлагающего правдоподобное оправдательное объяснение отсутствия освещения. Я думаю, что наиболее вероятным объяснением является то, что лица, принимающие решения в основных средствах массовой информации, умиротворяют свое разведывательное сообщество, «кормящее руки», игнорируя все это — «мягкое отключение СМИ», как вы могли бы это назвать.*

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35 комментарий для “Доказательство отключения СМИ”
  1. You are exactly right. It’s easy to say that mainstream media don’t cover Grusch because they don’t cover UFOs. In reality they cover UFOs pretty often but they deliberately chose to ignore Grusch story.

  2. Wow, you’re right, there are some spooky people here defending mass media for not covering the huge shift in what’s going on inside our government with Congress. Even taking Grusch out of it, Congress wrote legislation demanding any non-human made materials and evidences, We are about to have a monumental open hearing with a UFO whistleblower, we have several Congresspeople and other highly credited people backing up claims of craft retrieval programs and reverse engineering programs.

    I’ve been telling everyone that we have a serious problem here and all our other social media groups. There is a massive disinformation campaign by the intelligence community and military industrial complex to cover up any really serious revelations in the UFO field. Let me provide some solid proof:





    And there’s plenty more where that came from.

  3. It still doesnt make sense.

    Among Gruschs experience his last job was on the uaptf, why TF is his story not news? Its the 2nd part to NYT article.

    There was a secret ufo program exposed (2020), this guy was part of the investigative body within that program, his work was funded thru US tax dollars to figure out the ufo question and reported his findings internally, you know did his job and all.

    Now he is sharing part of that message with the world, what in the ever living fuck is the doubt here?

    The work was done, now people are butthurt because they dont understand the process and feel like the process isnt transparent enough… thats exactly what Grusch is saying, lack of transparency, its the whole fucking story, mountains of evidence about the governments inability for transparency and its not just on this issue.

    So his claims of ufo/ET aside, thats old fucking news, he already did the math on that shit and reported it as he was tasked to do, then he was blocked from whistleblowing, THIS is the story, he has them red fucking handed cookie in the jar caught in a lie attacking whistleblowers violating their own rules.

  4. It’s here in Reddit too. Try searching for Grusch on news or worldnews. You won’t find a single post, despite there being several attempts to post about it (I saw some of them before they were quickly removed).

  5. The MSM is a big joke! They had 24/7 coverage on the Chinese ballon’s and nothing on Grusch! They are despicable. I am done with them. We should all stop watching them these useless people. Move to online platform and news nations which is the only channel who took on the subject.

  6. Hmm just doing some reading NBC is owned by comcast. CNN is owned by Warner Brothers.

    Just interesting that these media companies are owned by certain parent companies.

    I wonder who influenced them to not allow the reporting on this issue.

  7. Thanks for the post. I was a little on the fence on how intentional the blackout was but after seeing it spelled out like this shit is suss, very suss. I don’t know the motive or who’s motive it is but something is freaking wrong and it needs to be fixed. Every day it seems more and more like the crazy conspiracy side of UFO lore just might be the facts!

  8. I’m seeing quite a bit of ufo news since grush on dailymail.com which is the UK’s (maybe worlds) top visited news website. Most of its click bait but still they are pushing it.. Today a story about the Italian crash in ww2.
    However BBC which is sort of state sponsored media is silent.

  9. u/wow-signal I admire you for fighting hard on this. It is really disheartening to see how many people are quick to make excuses for this. Especially when we now know that both congress AND the IG have been looking into it for 2 YEARS. That fear, denial, downvoting is all because of ontological shock.

    My take is, they aren’t covering it so they can buy the government time to do something before the eyes of the entire globe is on this and every family in the country is harassing their reps about it nonstop. What exactly the government is doing is a whole other question.

  10. Like you didn’t know from the Iraq war which media is part of the core US propaganda apparatus + theyre all owned by a handful of owners so it doesn’t even have to be a conspiracy — the owners could have just decided that it’s not worth the embarrassment to the brands in the event this turns out wrong 😕

  11. Yes MSM absolutely 100% controlled. Most other outlets partially controlled.

    It isn’t exactly clear why there is a blackout on Grusch. In my view this is controlled disclosure so it only appears in minor outlets.

    The other theory is that a pro disclosure group is pitted against an anti disclosure group and the anti disclosure group have a tight hold on MSM.

  12. I used to be a reporter. We were clearly told what we could report on, and if we didn’t stick with it, the agency with the story would just never talk to you again. For instance, the state troopers don’t tell anything. They let you find out when the press release comes out. Which is bs in my opinion. I was told never to report on suicides at Christmas time, because people get it in their head it’s ok to do it if someone else did it, so police agencies asked us to not report on them. I get that. But there were so many truly shady dealings behind closed doors, it would blow the public’s mind. I learned two things: the only normal people you know are the people you don’t know very well, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

  13. I think a blackout is a possibility but I think there’s equal possibility that several factors are at play here outside of or besides a coordinated effort by the intelligence community.

    I’ve worked in media and one thing a lot of (not all, but A LOT of) journalists have in common is that they go into that profession because they enjoy being smarter than the average person, knowing more than the average person and being the one explaining the world for the average person. With the usual UAP stories, there’s still this air of «well, we all know this is just weather balloons or drones anyway, right», where they take minimal time of reporting on it because they don’t deem it that important, they use it more to cater to the people who are interested in «out there» topics, while not actually taking much time looking into it. I can almost guarantee that most of the reports you linked they do have on UAPs are just copy pasted from press agencies and they simply slapped their logo on it. That’s how most news outlets work these days. I haven’t checked if the press agencies have reports on the Grusch situation, but if they don’t, that might be the place where an intentional blackout is happening.

    With the Grusch thing, I think journalists don’t know what to do with it. They can’t simply shrug it off. They see how seriously it’s being taken and it makes them feel like this is something they can’t really feel smarter about than the average person when explaining the situation. It requires more looking into to make any kind of sense of it. But time to actually look into things is a rare and hot commodity at news outlets these days. So they spend it on topics they feel comfortable with and confident in, stuff where they can feel like they have a grasp on what’s going on. It’s a common thing with a lot of topics sadly. If it has never been on their radar, it’s less likely that it will get on their radar in the future.

    There’s also the stigma that comes with the topic. As I said, with the other stories most probably felt they could still only report the bare minimum and feel like there’s still a non-alarming, perfectly fine explanation, no reason for a big fuss. But with this one, I can imagine reporters who do actually find it newsworthy and who do want to report on it seriously being afraid of going to their editors and proposing doing a story on this because it can hurt their reputation and prospects with that editor in the future.

  14. Some naïve comments here. The MSM is controlled by the elites, the 1%, the illuminati (pick your term or use another) who have made a concerted effort through the ages to suppress actual UFO/alien information. When/if their handlers tell them what to say and the angle to take, they will cover it, and not before.

  15. i unfortunately have to say that the old tricks do still work for the majority of people. i brought up the UFO situation at work the other day, naively thinking that some of my coworkers had seen at least one earth shattering headline. but the first thing they mentioned? “oh yeah i saw that stuff about las vegas?!” 🤦‍♂️

  16. I think the same of this as I do the Epstein/Maxwell case. A reporter flat out said she had the goods years ago and was told not to cover it until it couldn’t be ignored. Syndicated media was the death of real journalists in the mainstream.

  17. I read in another post that Google penalizes the media outlet’s rankings of their other news stories if they post too much UAP stuff. The algorithm classifies them as fringe news or whatever

  18. CNN never covers anything that actually happens in Government lmao. Sorry I’m a political nerd and I’ve never even seen an actual bill even talked about in CNN. They will talk about the social affect of one possibly.

  19. It took a new network to be set up to tell us what is happening and we are going “under the curtain” going why aren’t they reporting it? If they were the only media we wouldn’t know anything at all about any of it.

  20. What is the most believable part of the Las Vegas crash?? This was investigated by George Knapp and they concluded the kid was lying for attention. Where is the evidence?? Why is this still being talked about?

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