UAP «Сфера» засняла преследование самолета А-10 над Аризоной в 2021 году.
Sphere UAP filmed tailing an A-10 aircraft over AZ in 2021.
byu/user678990655 inUFOs
UAP «Сфера» засняла преследование самолета А-10 над Аризоной в 2021 году.
Sphere UAP filmed tailing an A-10 aircraft over AZ in 2021.
byu/user678990655 inUFOs
It would be so fun if the alien invaders were the size of thimbles and flew around in ships the size of baseballs and had little laser guns that were the equivalent of laser pen pointers
feel like i’ve seen a lot of new-ish videos lately
The size of the uap in comparison to the aircraft is crazy. Could it be unmanned technology like an alien version of a drone?
Onboard the alien ship following the A10: „There it is, the famous human warthog!“
source: [](
4-21…Douglas Arizona.This footage was filmed by a Mobile Scope Truck chasing an A-10.This incident was reported to the AFB.AF personnel copied the video you are about to watch our source states they work for DHS — Department of Homeland Security. This craft is an unknown craft of unknown origins.
No wonder the Airforce doesn’t want to talk about it.
Are they like monitoring our flight technology? I wonder why they tail airliners sometime
I suspect that the spheres are monitoring air traffic and have since at least WWII foo fighters.
I have seen one of these flying spheres following a light plane traveling north over the town of McHenry, IL, around 2011. It was flying so erratically and closely to the small plane that I initially misidentified it as a large mylar balloon tied to the rear of the airplane by 20 feet of rope. It was moving around wildly as if caught in the turbulent airstream behind the plane. As the small aircraft flew closer, its path, taking it almost over me, the sphere suddenly made an impossibe 90-degree turn traveling directly west. To my amazement, it continued traveling at high speed while moving around, taking a strange undulating flight path that reminded me of the way sparrows fly when chasing each other while playing in my backyard. The way it moved seemed to be expressing pure joy or happiness, enjoying the thrill of free flight, and it really impressed that thought upon me strongly.
Whatever was controlling that thing was taking a joy ride.
The sphere was maybe three to four feet across, too small for an occupant. It had to be remotely operated.
I was in a parking lot waiting for my wife south of town, a low population area, and it departed before going over the town. (Intersection of Crystal Lake Rd, and Bull Valley Rd)
When my wife came out, I told her what I had seen. From then on she watched the skies, looking closely behind aircraft and two months later, while parking at Ohare airport, she saw a sphere following a landing commercial airliner Apparently, these things are there if you look for them. When these spheres are following a large jet, they are too small to notice unless you are specifically looking for them.
I am aware of the hobby of aircraft spotting at airports. These enthusiasts video record almost all arrivals and departures, so I wonder why they don’t they see and record them ever? It’s strange. Maybe they are on the recordings. You just have to look closely, or they are very rare around airports. I’m not sure what’s going on there.
There is a theory of mine that the wild movements and extremely close proximity to aircraft may be used to confuse or prevent radar from pinging them. I know that modern radar systems are very heavily processed by computer programs to filter out flocks of birds and any small debris that would confuse airport traffic controllers. Weird motions and small size might escape detection by most airport radar systems.
Interesting, I was working on these guys in 2021 at where I’m pretty sure this was taken. OP if you have any more info I’d be incredibly interested because I never heard anything about this.
Don’t assume those two things are near each other. One could be much closer to the camera than the other, and the apparent similarity of their flight path can be a coincidence.
It came from across the galaxy to hear the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.
They’re like, you see that gun, we need one of those on our ship
They’re checking out our equipment.
It’s fucking filming it..
Well, assuming it’s real it sure isn’t a balloon, and a spherical drone (which I’ve never heard of but that doesn’t mean much) moving like that at what is probably over 150 knots would be a technical challenge to put it mildly. Fun stuff.
It could be «small» but small is relative to the A-10, which is way larger than I’m assuming most people think.
But it could also be at a distance.
But if it’s nearer the jet, it’s still probably more like refrigerator size than little commercial drone size.
Sweet haven’t seen this one nice find
Check out other video, seems like a bipedal humanoid creature. Skinwalker?
Stupid question I am sure, but what are the “pointed things“ off the back of the warthog? At first, I thought the filming technique must be showing the afterburners or something but I actually don’t think the A-10 has afterburners does it?
Whoah, an actual Foo Fighter
Because indeed, we can always think of a bird or a large insect filmed in the same axis as the plane, and which by coincidence, follows a somewhat similar trajectory, giving the impression of following it… Or a somewhat high-tech drone, or a target attached to the plane, and so on. Except that if I remember correctly, this case was part of the 144 cases of the UAPTF. Which supposes that the soldiers who filmed this object found themselves faced with a clearly singular object. And so we can begin to eliminate the above assumptions (otherwise this case would surely not have been brought up to them, I guess^^).
Chris Lehto we need you on this one
Everyone knows that the A10 drags a targeting balloon behind it, guys come on. /s
I’d love to see what’s in these spheres and how their propulsion systems are engineered.
That video looks legitimate and leaked
Is it just me or we got a lot of insane footages just in the past month/weeks ?
Starting to wonder if contact hasn’t been clearly made because WE ARE F@CKING GIANTS
CIA: 100% BIRD
Nope. Just a balloon people. Nothing to see here.
OMG what the hell is wrong with this reddit group, the mods and auto mods are so damn anal it’s not even funny, I have been trying to post something here and every time it get rejected? WTF.
Are we just a galactic tv show? Those are the cameras?
I wonder if it was interested in the DU ammunition which is an option for the A-10 to carry…
I got an interesting video from the middle of the Sonoran desert the other day one bright orange light that appeared and disappeared
Can anybody explain to me why this is not a bird? You can literally see flapping wings.
Aliens just wanna see that brrrrrrrrt like the rest of us. I don’t blame them.
Sure looks like a towed decoy to me
I remember seeing it when it leaked. And it is certainly a very interesting case, difficult to explain in a prosaic way. So if with cases like this, the AARO explains to us that there are only balloons and birds, we will be able to begin to doubt their work…
What, it already is ?
Looks like a bird a couple hundred feet away and a Warthog a few thousand feet away in the same frame.
I know I’ll get flamed and I am a full on supporter of this movement but this thing moves like a bug imo. Maybe that’s just how alien probes do, but it’s got a real bug attitude this uap.